What Is Chromium Picolinate, What Does It Do? Benefits and Harm

Chromium picolinate It is a form of the mineral chromium found in supplements. Many of these products are claimed to improve nutrient metabolism and aid weight loss. 

In the article chromium picolinate It describes the things to know about.

What is Chromium Picolinate?

Chromium is a mineral that exists in various forms. While one form can cause industrial pollution, it is also naturally found in a safe form in many foods.

This safe form, trivalent chromium, is typically considered essential, meaning it must be obtained from food.

Although some researchers question whether this mineral is really necessary, this mineral has several important functions in the body.

For example, it is part of a molecule called chromodulin, which helps the hormone insulin perform its effects in the body.

Insulin is a molecule released by the pancreas, it plays an important role in the processing of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in the body.

Interestingly, chromium absorption in the intestines is very low, less than 2.5% of chromium entering the body is absorbed. However, chromium picolinate It is an alternative form of chromium that is better absorbed.

For this reason, this type is often found in dietary supplements. Chromium picolinateis a mineral chromium bound to three molecules of picolinic acid.

What Are the Benefits of Chromium Picolinate?

It can improve blood sugar

In healthy people, the hormone insulin plays an important role in signaling the body's blood cells to bring blood sugar. People with diabetes have problems with the body's normal response to insulin.

Several studies have shown that taking chromium supplements can improve blood sugar for people with diabetes. 

One study found that taking 16 μg of chromium daily for 200 weeks lowered blood sugar and insulin while improving the body's response to insulin.

Other research has shown that those with higher blood sugar and lower insulin sensitivity may respond better to chromium supplements.

Additionally, in a large study of over 62.000 adults, those who took dietary supplements containing chromium were 27% less likely to have diabetes.

However, other studies of chromium supplementation taken for three or more months have shown that blood sugar does not increase in adults with type 2 diabetes.

What's more, studies in obese adults without diabetes show that 1000 μg / day chromium picolinatefound that the body's response to insulin does not improve. 

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A large review study of 425 healthy people found that chromium supplements did not alter sugar or insulin levels.

Overall, some of the benefits of taking these supplements have been seen in those with diabetes, but it cannot be said to be effective in all situations.

It can reduce hunger and appetite

Most people trying to lose and maintain weight struggle with feelings of hunger and strong appetite. For this reason, many people turn to foods, supplements, or medications that can combat these urges.

Some studies, in these cases chromium picolinatewhether it is useful or not. In an 8-week study, 1000 μg / day chromium (chromium picolinate form) reduced food intake, hunger and appetite in healthy overweight women.

Researchers state that the effects of chromium on the brain may have revealed its effect on suppressing hunger and appetite. 

Other research, binge eating disorder or a depressionThey studied people with u because they were the groups most affected by hunger and appetite changes.

8 people with an 113-week work depression, chromium picolinate or 600 μg / day chromium in placebo form. 

Compared to placebo, researchers found that hunger and appetite chromium picolinate supplement They found that it decreased with.

Additionally, one small study observed possible benefits in people with binge eating disorders. Specifically, doses of 600 to 1000 μg / day were found to cause a reduction in the frequency of binge eating episodes and symptoms of depression.

Does Chromium Picolinate Help You Lose Weight?

Because of chromium's role in food metabolism and its possible effects on eating behavior, several studies have examined whether it is an effective weight loss supplement.

A large analysis looked at 622 different studies involving 9 overweight or obese people to get a complete picture of whether this mineral is beneficial for weight loss.

1,000 μg / day in these studies chromium picolinate doses used. Overall, this research found that overweight or obese adults after 12 to 16 weeks chromium picolinatefound that it produced very little weight loss (1,1 kg).

However, the researchers concluded that the effect of this weight loss is questionable, and the effectiveness of the supplement is still uncertain.

Another in-depth analysis of the current research on chromium and weight loss came to a similar conclusion.

After analyzing 11 different studies, the researchers found that with 8 to 26 weeks of chromium supplementation, only 0,5kg of weight loss. 

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Many other studies in healthy adults have shown that this composition has no effect on body composition (body fat and lean mass), even when combined with exercise.

What Is Chromium Picolinate?

Although chromium picolinate Although it is mostly found in dietary supplements, many foods contain the mineral chromium. However, it should be noted that agriculture and production processes affect the amount of chromium in food.

Therefore, the actual chromium content of a particular food may vary and there is no reliable database of the chromium content of foods. Also, while many different foods contain this mineral, most contain it in very small amounts (1-2 μg per serving).

The recommended dietary reference intake (DRI) for chromium is 35 μg / day for adult men and 25 μg / day for adult women. 

After age 50, the recommended intake is slightly less, such as 30 μg / day for men and 20 μg / day for women.

However, it should be noted that these recommendations have been developed using estimates of average intakes in particular populations.

Hence, there is quite a bit of indecision. Despite the uncertainty of the true chromium content of most foods and temporary intake recommendations, chromium deficiency is extremely rare.

Overall, meat, whole grain products, and some fruits and vegetables are good sources of chromium. Some studies have reported that broccoli is rich in chromium, containing about 1 μg per 2/11 cup, while oranges and apples contain about 6 μg per serving.

In general, eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of processed foods will help meet your chromium needs.

Is it necessary to take chromium supplements?

Due to the important roles of chromium in the body, many people wonder whether to consume additional chromium as a dietary supplement.

There is no specific upper limit for chromium

Many studies have examined the effects of chromium on blood sugar control and weight loss. However, in addition to examining the potential benefits of a particular nutrient, it is also necessary to consider whether there is any danger in consuming too much.

The National Academy of Medicine usually sets a tolerable upper intake level (UL) for certain nutrients. Exceeding this level can lead to toxicity or other health problems.

However, due to limited information, no value has been set for chromium.

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Is Chromium Picolinate Harm?

Although there is no official value, some researchers say that the mineral form found in supplements chromium picolinateHe questioned whether it is really safe.

Based on how this form of chromium is processed in the body, harmful molecules called hydroxyl radicals can be produced. 

These molecules can damage genetic material (DNA) and cause other problems.

Interestingly, although picolinate is a very popular form of chromium supplementation, these negative effects on the body can only occur when this form is ingested.

In addition to these concerns, a case study used 1,200 to 2,400 μg / day for weight loss purposes. chromium picolinate reported serious kidney problems in a woman taking it.

In addition to possible security concerns, chromium supplements May interact with some medications, including beta-blockers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). 

However, adverse effects clearly attributable to excess chromium are rare.

This may be partly due to the fact that many studies on chromium supplements do not report whether any undesirable events have occurred.

In general, due to questionable benefits and possible health problems, chromium picolinateIt is not recommended to be taken as a dietary supplement.

If you want to use this dietary supplement, it is best to consult your healthcare provider due to unwanted effects or drug interactions.

As a result;

Chromium picolinateis the form of chromium commonly found in dietary supplements. 

It can be effective in improving the body's response to insulin or lowering blood sugar in those with diabetes. What's more, it can help reduce hunger, appetite, and overeating.

However, in producing significant weight loss chromium picolinate it is not very effective.

Chromium deficiency is rare and chromium picolinate There are also concerns that the form may cause harmful effects on the body.

Generally, chromium picolinate probably not worth buying for most people. 

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