What is Fructose Intolerance? Symptoms and Treatment

Food allergies and intolerances are concepts that we have heard more recently. Peanut allergy, gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance as… 

We have recently encountered a sensitivity that has started to enter our lives. Occurring in people who are unable to digest sweets, fruit, ice cream and some beverages fructose intolerance...

Fructose intoleranceIt occurs when cells on the intestinal surface are unable to break down fructose efficiently.

Fructose is a simple sugar, a monosaccharide, mostly made up of fruits and some vegetables. Also honey, agave nectar and many processed foods with added sugar.

High fructose corn syrup consumption of fructose sourced increased by 1970 percent between 1990-1000 alone. This is the increase in consumption fructose intoleranceIt is possible to cause an increase in

If you have digestive problems after consuming fructose. fructose intoleranceYou may have been affected by.

Fructans are fermentable carbohydrates made up of a short chain fructose with a single attached glucose unit. Fructan intolerance fructose intolerance or may be the underlying cause of the symptoms.

What is Fructose?

fructose, It is a crystalline sugar that is sweeter and more soluble than glucose. It is found on its own in many food sources or paired with other simple sugars in some ingredients. For example, glucose plus fructose equals sucrose, also known as table sugar.

Like glucose, fructose sugar is a type of simple sugar or monosaccharide, which means it can act as a reducing sugar.

And similar to other simple sugars, the fructose structure consists of a linear carbon chain containing hydroxyl and carbonyl groups.

Despite the similarities between fructose and glucose, the two are metabolized very differently in the body.

When consumed in high amounts, some studies indicate that it may contribute to insulin resistance, liver disease, and high cholesterol.

Regular consumption can also negatively affect some other aspects of health. For example, by increasing uric acid production, it can increase blood pressure and trigger gout symptoms.

It can also cause leptin resistance, which can contribute to overeating and weight gain.

Fructose intolerance is another problem that arises when the body is unable to break down sugar efficiently. 

What is Fructose Intolerance?

Fructose is a sugar found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and honey. It is synthesized enzymatically from maize as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

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HFCS is used in processed foods, beverages, soft drinks, fruit juices, flavored milk, yogurt, etc. It is a widely used sweetener.

Fructose intoleranceoccurs when the body is unable to absorb fructose efficiently, which in turn fructose malabsorptionIt leads to.

Unabsorbed fructose causes water flow into the digestive lumen. This water pushes the intestinal contents into the column where it is fermented and produces gas.

This also leads to symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and excess gas.

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

If it is a more serious situation is hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI). This is a rare genetic disease that affects 20.000 in 30.000 to 1 people and occurs because the body does not make it necessary for the enzyme to break down fructose.

Heredity also plays a vital role in making a person intolerant to fructose. Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) It is a rare metabolic disease.

It is caused by the absence of an enzyme called aldolase B. This absence is actually the result of a mutation in the ALDOB gene that makes this protein (enzyme).

Aldolase B is critical for the conversion of fructose and sucrose to glucose, which gives ATP. People lacking aldolase B face serious side effects from fructose or sucrose intake.

Patients may have severe hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels) with accumulation of toxic intermediates in the liver.

Hereditary fructose intolerance passes from one generation to the next. Still, not all individuals in a generation will show severe symptoms. 

Failure to follow a strict fructose-free diet can lead to serious health problems such as liver failure. The condition is often detected when the baby starts giving infant formula.

Causes Fructose Intolerance?

Fructose intolerance It is very common and affects 3 in 1 people. Fructose transporters (cells in the intestines) found in enterocytes are responsible for directing fructose where it needs to go.

If you lack a carrier, fructose can build up in the large intestine and cause intestinal problems.

Fructose intolerance It can be due to many reasons including:

An imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut

High intake of refined and processed foods

Existing bowel problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)



What are the Symptoms of Fructose Intolerance?

Fructose intolerance symptoms It is as follows:

- Nausea


- Gas

Abdominal pain

- Diarrhea

- Vomiting

- Chronic fatigue

Inadequate absorption of some nutrients such as iron

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In addition, fructose intoleranceThere is evidence that it is associated with mood disorders and depression.

A study, fructose intoleranceat lower levels, which play a major role in the development of depressive disorders. tryptophan showed that it is associated with.

What are the Risk Factors?

Irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, colitis or celiac disease some bowel disorders, such as fructose intolerance increases the risk.

But whether one causes the other is unclear.  

In a study of 209 patients with irritable bowel syndrome, about one third fructose intolerance had. Those who restricted fructose saw improvement in symptoms.

In addition, if you are on a gluten-free diet but still experience symptoms, you may be having problems with fructose.

How is Fructose Intolerance Diagnosed?

The hydrogen breath test is a common test used to diagnose problems with fructose digestion. 

You should limit carbohydrates the night before and not eat anything on the morning of the test.

You are given a high fructose solution to drink and your breath will be analyzed every 20 to 30 minutes for several hours. The whole test takes about three hours.

When fructose is not absorbed, it produces higher amounts of hydrogen in the gut. This test measures how much hydrogen is in your breath.

A to be made by eliminating fructose elimination diet, fructose intoleranceIt is another way to tell if I have it.

Elimination diet is a professional diet that should be applied with the help of a dietician or nutritionist.

Different people have different tolerances for fructose. Some may be more severe than others. Keeping a food diary will help track the foods you eat and their symptoms.

Fructose Intolerance Diet

Fructose intolerance patientsmust take sugar out of his life. Here is a table of foods that contain high levels of fructose.

Tomato pasteDried currantWheat bread
Canned tomatoesBlueberriesMacaroni
Tomato ketchupYellow bananacouscous
shallotOrange juice (concentrated)HFCS-added grains
OnionsTamarind nectarCereals with dried fruit
BroccoliKirazChocolate milk (commercial)
Sugar cornApple (without peel)Fresh egg whites
MantarLemon juice (raw)
Red pepper

Fructose intolerancereading food labels to keep food in check There is a lot of content to consider. Pay attention to the following:

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- High fructose corn syrup

- Agave nectar

- Crystalline fructose

- fructose

- Honey

- Sorbitol

- Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

- Corn syrup solids

- Sugar alcohols

A FODMAP diet can also help when trying to manage fructose digestive issues. FODMAP refers to fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols.

FODMAPs include fructose, fructans, galactans, lactose, and polyols. In some cases, those with fructose malabsorption cannot tolerate fructans found in wheat, artichokes, asparagus and onions.

The low-FODMAP diet includes foods that are easier to digest for most people, and this can alleviate common symptoms.

low-calorie fruits

Here fructose intolerance low-fructose foods for the living;


- Avocado

- Cranberry

- lime

- pineapple

- Melon

- Strawberry

- Banana

- Tangerine


- Celery

- Chives

- beets

Kale cabbage

- Radish

- rhubarb


- winter squash

- Green pepper

- Turnip


Gluten-free bread

- Quinoa


- Rice

Buckwheat flour

- Rolled oats

- HFCS-free pasta

Corn chips and bread

- Cornflour

Dairy products

- milk


Almond milk

- Yogurt (without HFCS)

Soy milk

Rice milk

Fructose Intolerance Treatment

Fructose intolerance The bowel problems associated with it vary from person to person, and the treatment will also vary.

Whether it's a mild or severe condition, a fructose elimination diet or a low-FODMAP diet can be beneficial.

Following one of these diets for four to six weeks and then slowly restarting different fructose foods and assessing tolerance is a good way to start.

Work with a dietitian who can help develop a plan.

Having problems with fructose intolerance? You can share your experiences about this with us…

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