How to Treat Nausea at Home? 10 Methods That Offer Definitive Solutions

Nausea often occurs as a symptom of discomfort and negatively affects a person's daily life. Various symptoms may also occur along with sudden nausea, making it difficult to do daily activities. Unless there are medical reasons, nausea is usually relieved with a few simple methods you can apply at home. So how to relieve nausea at home? In this article, you will find natural solutions to relieve nausea. 

What Causes Nausea?

Nausea, a discomfort that many people experience from time to time, is usually a symptom that indicates that the stomach is upset and there is a problem in the stomach. So, what causes nausea? Here are the most common causes of nausea…

  1. Digestive Problems: Problems with the digestive system can cause nausea. These problems are usually caused by conditions such as stomach acid backing up into the esophagus, stomach ulcer, gastritis or reflux disease. Digestive system problems are one of the most common causes of nausea.
  2. Viruses or Infections: Viral infections are other factors that cause nausea. These infections, especially accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, usually occur during the winter months. Infections such as rotavirus and norovirus are common causes of nausea.
  3. Pregnancy: Pregnancy is the period when nausea is most common. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy, nausea is frequently experienced due to hormonal changes. This condition is also known as “morning sickness” and usually decreases as pregnancy progresses.
  4. Stress and Tension: Mental and emotional stress can sometimes lead to nausea. The secretion of stress hormones causes increased stomach acid, which causes nausea. Anxiety, depression or other psychological problems may be the cause of nausea.
  5. Eating Habits: Eating fast, consuming too much fatty or spicy food, and excessive use of alcohol or caffeine can cause nausea. Overstimulation of the stomach or not being ready for digestion can lead to nausea.
  6. Food Poisoning: Consuming spoiled or contaminated food can cause nausea.   
  7. Side Effects of Medications: Many medications can cause side effects such as nausea. Be sure to consult your doctor before using any medication.   
  8. Migraine: Migraine During an attack, many people experience nausea.   
  9. Travel Sickness: When traveling by vehicle or sailing, motion-induced nausea is common.      

Nausea can vary from person to person and can sometimes be a symptom of a serious health problem. If your nausea continues for a long time or you have other symptoms such as excessive vomiting, fever, severe abdominal pain or bleeding, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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how to relieve nausea at home
How to relieve nausea at home?

How to Treat Nausea at Home?

We can alleviate and relieve nausea with natural and home-based methods. Here are some tips that can help relieve nausea naturally:

1. Drink ginger tea

Gingeris a commonly used ingredient to relieve nausea. Add a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger to boiling water and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Then drink this tea slowly. You will feel that the nausea has eased.

2. Drink mint tea

NaneIt is an effective herb to prevent nausea and calm the digestive system. You can prepare your tea by adding fresh mint leaves to boiling water. Drinking a cup of mint tea will relieve you when you experience nausea. You can also chew a few fresh mint leaves.

3. Drink lemon water

Lemon relieves nausea with its acidic properties. Squeeze a few drops of lemon into a glass of water and drink slowly. The refreshing scent and acidic structure of lemon will help relieve nausea.

4.For apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegarhelps balance stomach acid and reduces nausea. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink it slowly.

5. Drink soothing herbal teas

Herbal teas such as chamomile, lemon balm and fennel relax the digestive system and relieve nausea. Brew your preferred herbal tea. Drink hot or cold.

6. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration increases nausea, so it is important to drink plenty of water. You can hydrate your body and reduce nausea by drinking small sips of water.

7. Eat pretzels or bread

You can consume some saltine crackers or bread to relieve nausea. These foods calm your stomach and reduce nausea.

8. Create a relaxing environment

Nausea can be caused by emotional factors such as stress and tension. Creating a comfortable and calm environment calms the nervous system and relieves nausea. Closing your eyes and breathing deeply also helps you relax.

9. Eat slowly and in small portions

Overeating or eating too quickly puts a strain on the digestive system and can cause nausea. Eat your meals slowly and be careful to eat small portions. In this way, the digestive system will work more easily and nausea will decrease.

10) Take vitamin B6 supplements

Vitamin B6 It is recommended for pregnant women as an alternative vitamin instead of using nausea medications.

Nausea is often relieved with natural methods we can use at home. However, in case of persistent and severe nausea, it is important to consult a doctor.

Foods That Are Good for Nausea

Nutrition is of great importance in combating nausea. While some foods trigger nausea, there are also foods that are good for nausea. Here are the foods that are good for nausea:

  1. Ginger: Ginger, which has been used in the treatment of stomach disorders for centuries, is effective in relieving nausea. You can make ginger tea, add it to meals, or eat fresh ginger.
  2. Dwarfs: Mint is an herb that is effective in reducing nausea. You can try mint tea or add fresh mint leaves to foods.
  3. Yoghurt: Yogurt, which has probiotic properties, helps relieve nausea. However, you should choose yoghurts that are sugar-free or fat-free.
  4. Dry foods: When you experience nausea, you should avoid consuming heavy foods and spicy foods. Instead, you can opt for light foods such as dry crackers, biscuits or bread.
  5. Apple: AppleIt is a fruit that is good for nausea with its fibrous structure and unique aroma. Eating an apple after meals helps calm the stomach.
  6. Porridge of rice: Easily digestible rice porridge is effective in relieving nausea. You can flavor a simple rice porridge with cinnamon or ginger, which have stomach-soothing properties.
  7. Blueberries: Rich in antioxidants blueberriesIt is a fruit that has positive effects on the digestive system. Consuming fresh blueberries reduces nausea.
  8. Purslane: Delicious and nutritious purslaneIt is effective in reducing nausea. You can use purslane in salad or smoothie.
  9. Basil: Its scent has a nausea-relieving effect basilIt is a nutritious plant. You can relieve nausea by drinking a cup of basil tea.
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Because each individual's digestive system is different, you can experiment with foods that suit your personal needs to achieve the best results. 

Teas That Are Good for Nausea

Some beverages, such as herbal teas, relieve nausea and soothe the digestive system. Let's take a look at the teas that are good for nausea.

  1. Mint tea

Peppermint tea is one of the most commonly used teas to relieve nausea. The plant has antispasmodic properties that have a relaxing effect on the digestive system. It helps reduce nausea by relaxing the stomach muscles. You can relieve nausea by drinking a cup of hot mint tea.

  1. Ginger tea

Ginger is a powerful natural remedy used to relieve nausea. Ginger tea, which has anti-inflammatory and antiemetic properties, calms the digestive system and reduces nausea. You can easily make ginger tea by adding a slice of fresh ginger to hot water or using ready-made tea bags.

  1. Lemon Tea

lemon tea, is a natural solution to relieve nausea. The antimicrobial properties of lemon prevent infections in the stomach and reduce nausea. You can prepare lemon tea by adding fresh lemon juice to a glass of hot water or decorating it with lemon slices.

  1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile teais a popular natural remedy for nausea. Because chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that soothe the stomach and relax the digestive system. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea relieves nausea and helps with relaxation.

  1. Fennel tea
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Fennel seeds contain flavonoids, essential oils and fibers that have a soothing effect on the digestive system. Because, Fennel tea It is an effective option to relieve nausea. You can reduce your nausea by drinking a cup of hot fennel tea.

Foods That Trigger Nausea

Proper nutrition and consuming appropriate foods is important for people experiencing nausea. So, which foods should we stay away from in case of nausea? Here are the foods that should not be eaten in case of nausea:

  1. Fatty and heavy foods: Fatty foods increase nausea and make digestion difficult. You should stay away from fried foods, fast food products and foods containing excessive fat.
  2. Spicy foods: Spicy foods can cause increased stomach acid, which triggers nausea. You should avoid consuming foods such as hot sauces, spicy sauces, and spicy snacks.
  3. Coffee and alcoholic beverages: Caffeine Beverages containing it are irritating and may increase nausea. Likewise, alcoholic beverages can irritate the stomach and aggravate nausea. For this reason, you should stay away from coffee and alcoholic beverages as much as possible.
  4. Sugary and acidic drinks: Sugary and acidic drinks can cause nausea. Carbonated drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks, etc. It is important to avoid acidic and high sugar drinks.
  5. Chocolate: For some people, chocolate can cause nausea and heartburn. Therefore, people who experience nausea should stay away from chocolate or limit its amount.
  6. Some fruits: For some people who experience nausea, high-acid fruits such as bananas and tomatoes are a problem. Depending on your personal preference, you can avoid consuming these fruits.
  7. Refined sugar: Foods rich in refined sugar are not easily digested. They can cause heartburn and eventually nausea.

As a result;

There are many methods to relieve nausea at home. These methods include natural solutions such as drinking lemon water, eating salted crackers or biscuits, drinking mint tea, and consuming fresh ginger. It will also be beneficial for the person with nausea to keep their meals light and eat slowly in small portions. However, if nausea persists or occurs with other problems, it is important to consult a specialist doctor. Remember, since every body is different, you should try and find the best method for you. 

Source; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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