What Is Good For Heartburn During Pregnancy? Causes and Treatment

Women may face different problems during pregnancy. Heartburn is one of them. Alright "What is good for heartburn during pregnancy?"

Heartburn is very common in the first and third trimesters. It is not recommended to use drugs for heartburn during pregnancy. Because it can have negative lasting effects on the unborn baby. This problem can be easily overcome with natural methods.

What causes heartburn during pregnancy?

Factors such as hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause heartburn.

  • For example, an increase in the hormone progesterone relaxes smooth muscles in the body. The body digests food more slowly. Food escapes upwards, causing heartburn.
  • The pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach and other parts of the digestive tract causes stomach acid to flow in the opposite direction, thus causing heartburn.
  • Women who experience heartburn before conception are more likely to experience it during pregnancy.
causes heartburn during pregnancy
What is good for heartburn during pregnancy?

What are the symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy?

  • Burning sensation in the chest, throat, or back of the mouth
  • Discomfort after eating acidic, greasy or fried foods
  • an acidic taste in the mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Throat ache
  • Pain that gets worse when lying down
  • Sleep problem
  • Nausea and vomiting

"What is good for heartburn during pregnancy? Here are the points you should pay attention to:

What is good for heartburn during pregnancy?

Eat less

  • While pregnant, extra attention should be paid to nutrition for the health of the baby. But that doesn't mean eating for two.
  • Overeating worsens heartburn.
  • Eat less and often. Instead of three meals a day, try five or six small meals.
  • Take time to eat. Chew the bites thoroughly. Avoid eating a heavy meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. 
  • If you go to bed shortly after finishing dinner, heartburn symptoms will worsen.
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Lie on the left

  • Health experts recommend sleeping on the left side.
  • Lying on the left side reduces acid reflux. Because in this position, it is more difficult for the acid to escape into the esophagus.
  • In pregnant women, lying on the left will prevent the liver from pressing on the uterus.

Chew gum

  • Chewing gum after a meal helps prevent heartburn during pregnancy.
  • It stimulates the salivary glands. Saliva helps neutralize the acid that backs up into the esophagus. 
  • Several studies have shown that chewing gum reduces acidity in the esophagus.

Sleep with a high pillow

  • You can sleep with a double pillow to prevent heartburn while sleeping. You can sleep by raising the pillow. 
  • Elevation will prevent acid from flowing back into the esophagus and swelling in the legs.

For water

  • Drinking water throughout the day keeps pregnancy heartburn under control.
  • However, do not drink too much water. If you drink a lot of water at once, your stomach will go up, which triggers heartburn.

For apple cider vinegar

  • Raw and unfiltered elma sirkesiControls heartburn during pregnancy.
  • Although apple cider vinegar is acidic, it helps balance acid production in the stomach. 
  • It is also beneficial for the development of the baby inside the womb.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Drink 30 minutes before eating.

Drink ginger tea

  • Gingergood for heartburn during pregnancy.
  • Drink hot ginger tea after your meal. 
  • To make the tea, add 1 teaspoon of grated ginger to a cup of hot water. Infuse for 10 minutes and drink hot. You can drink at least 2 cups of ginger tea a day.
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Avoid citrus fruits

  • C vitamin Citrus fruits, which are rich in nutrients, are one of the fruits recommended to be consumed for pregnant women. 
  • But if you suffer from frequent heartburn, avoid citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit.
  • CitrusThe acid content is high. May irritate the digestive system. This can cause heartburn, especially when eaten on an empty stomach. worsens symptoms.

Do not eat raw onions

  • In some pregnant women, raw oniontriggers heartburn. Raw onions increase the acid content of the stomach, as well as slow the emptying of the stomach.
  • If your symptoms get worse when you eat raw onions, do not eat onions. 
  • Like onions, garlic worsens reflux symptoms in some people.

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References: 1

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