Foods High in Cholesterol that Should Be Consumed with Care

There are some important points to consider for a healthy life. Keeping cholesterol levels under control is also part of healthy living. Although recent studies have found that the effect of foods on cholesterol is small, foods high in cholesterol should be consumed with caution.

Do Foods Raise Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in our body and in animal products such as meat, eggs and milk. your hormones, Vitamin DIt plays an important role in the production of bile necessary for the digestion of food and fats. Cholesterol is essential for every cell in our body. It gives strength and flexibility to cell membranes. The liver produces all the cholesterol our body needs to function, but cholesterol also occurs through the consumption of animal products.

foods high in cholesterol
Foods high in cholesterol

When you consume cholesterol through food, the body naturally compensates by reducing the amount of cholesterol it makes. In contrast, when dietary cholesterol is low, the body increases cholesterol production and always maintains adequate levels of this vital substance. Only 25% of the cholesterol in the system comes from food sources. The rest is produced by the liver. Studies have shown that dietary cholesterol does not significantly affect cholesterol levels in the body.

However, there is an important point to know here. There are two types of cholesterol in our body: good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). While high good cholesterol is beneficial, high bad cholesterol is harmful. Bad cholesterol is accumulated fats that lead to heart diseases and cause blockages. Therefore, LDL cholesterol level needs to be kept under control. 

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Although the effect of foods on cholesterol is small, there are some foods that, because they are harmful, can indirectly cause an increase in the level of bad cholesterol.

For example, red meat, processed foods, and full-fat dairy products containing saturated fats can increase LDL cholesterol. Fast food and excessive salt consumption can also increase cholesterol levels. Now let's take a look at the foods that increase bad cholesterol.

Foods High in Cholesterol

1.Red Meat

Red meat, which is high in fat, can increase cholesterol levels. It is important to limit its consumption.

2.Egg Yolk

Egg yolkDue to the high cholesterol in it, its consumption should be limited or alternatives should be used.


OffalFoods rich in cholesterol. Therefore, it should be consumed in limited amounts.


Butter is a product that contains saturated fat and is associated with high cholesterol levels. Be careful to use other healthy oil alternatives.

5. Shellfish

ShrimpShellfish such as oysters, oysters and mussels contain cholesterol. It is important to keep your consumption limited.


Liver is one of the meats containing high cholesterol. Keep your consumption under control by keeping cholesterol levels in mind.


Due to its high fat content, mayonnaise is rich in cholesterol. It is necessary to consume small amounts.

8.Turkey skin or chicken skin

Turkey and chicken skin are high in saturated fat. It is important to choose skinless turkey or chicken to balance your cholesterol levels.

9.Animal Fats

Animal fats such as beef fat and sheep fat should be consumed with caution as they have high cholesterol content.

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Nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are high in saturated fat and may contain cholesterol.

11.Full Cream Dairy Products

Full-fat milk, yoghurt and cheeses are rich in saturated fat and cholesterol content. Choose low-fat or fat-free alternatives.

12. Junk Food

Junk food such as chips, crackers, and candy can cause cholesterol levels to rise because they are high in trans fat and saturated fat.


Fried foods may contain trans fat, which can raise cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is necessary to consume fried foods as limited as possible.


Sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages can have negative effects on cholesterol, even if they do not contain saturated fat or sugar. Therefore, keep your consumption under control.

15.Fast food

Hamburgers served in fast food restaurants, nuggetFoods like French fries contain mostly saturated fat and are associated with high cholesterol.

Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol

Natural ways you can use to lower cholesterol are:

1. Healthy diet: Create a balanced and healthy diet by consuming low-cholesterol foods. Instead of red meat, choose low-fat meats such as chicken, fish and turkey. Eat unrefined grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats (such as olive oil, avocado, hazelnuts, walnuts).

2. Consume fibrous foods: OatAdd fiber-rich foods such as rice, brown rice and whole wheat to your diet. Fiber protects heart health by lowering bad cholesterol levels.

3. Take omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for heart health and help lower cholesterol levels. It is found in foods such as fish (oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines), walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds.

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4. Limit fatty and processed foods: Reduce or completely eliminate fried foods, junk foods, processed meats and foods containing trans fats from your diet.

5. Exercise regularly: By doing at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week, you can increase your HDL (good) cholesterol level and lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol level.

6. Don't smoke: Smoking raises cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart disease. If you smoke, get support to quit.

7. Avoid or limit alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause high triglyceride levels and high cholesterol levels. Ideally, men should consume no more than 2 units of alcoholic beverages per day and women should consume no more than 1 unit of alcoholic beverages per day.
As a result;

Know that there are many factors that affect cholesterol levels. By reviewing your eating habits, we can avoid foods with high cholesterol and adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

References: 1, 2, 3, 4

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