Cod Fish Benefits, Harms and Nutritional Value

Cod fishis a fish with white flesh and mild flavor. It's packed with protein, B vitamins, and minerals.

In the article “cod fish nutritional value " and vecod fish benefits " as "cod fish " You will be told what you need to know about.

What is Cod?

Cod fish It is a type of fish that is widely consumed due to its delicious meat. "Atlantus", "Pacific" and "Greenland" cod varieties it is about to included too "Gadus " many fish species in the genus cod It is considered.

Cod fishis generally considered a healthy fish due to its nutrient profile, and its oil is a particularly sought after type of oil. Cod liver oil provides a highly concentrated dose of omega 3 fatty acids and is often sold in supplement form.

Cod It typically grows to an average of 5.5-9 cm and is a hardy fish. The fish's light texture and ease of cooking have also made it one of the most popular types of fish in the sea.

Cod Fish Nutritional Value

This type of fish contains some important nutrients that the body needs. Nutritional information listed below Atlantic and Pacific codbelongs to. Nutritional values ​​may vary between different species. 

High in lean protein

Cod fish protein It's high in calories but low in calories, fat, and carbohydrates.

85 grams of cooked Atlantic cod serving contains ninety calories and about one gram of fat and is packed with nineteen grams of protein.

It is a good source of some B vitamins

B vitamins have many essential functions in the body, such as metabolizing nutrients and getting energy from food.

Both Atlantic and Pacific cod fish They are good sources of various B vitamins.

85 grams of cooked cod portion, adults Vitamin B12 30% of the Daily Intake (RDI) for In addition to other vital functions, vitamin B12 helps build red blood cells and DNA.

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Moreover, these fish are a good Vitamin B6 ve niacin source - both are necessary for hundreds of important chemical reactions in the body.

Rich in phosphorus and selenium

In addition to its vitamin content, this fish species provides many important minerals, including phosphorus and selenium.

Phosphorusis a critical component of bones and teeth. It also plays a role in the proper functioning of some B vitamins. Selenium helps protect DNA.

What Are the Benefits of Cod Fish?

Effective in heart health and weight management

Fish consumption provides several benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease and brain function support.

Cod fish, salmon Although it has less omega 3 fatty acids than other oily fish such as oily fish, it is a nutrient-dense fish type and low in calories.

Because, cod Lean fish, such as fish, are beneficial for heart health and even aid in weight loss. It is also a high-quality protein source that provides appetite control. 

Low mercury content

One of the potential health problems associated with fish consumption is exposure to mercury. Water sources can be contaminated with mercury, a toxic heavy metal that accumulates in fish. Mercury causes health problems when people eat these fish.

In humans, when this metal accumulates in the body, it causes mercury poisoning, which can harm the developing child or even result in brain damage in the child, especially in lactating and pregnant women.

Fish with the highest mercury content Among them are shark, swordfish, king mackerel. Commonly consumed fish such as tuna and halibut also contain mercury.

Cod fishThe mercury content of the fish is lower than other fish.

Prevents atherosclerosis

Cod fish consumption can help prevent coronary atherosclerosis, which is caused by narrowing of the arteries as a result of plaque buildup on the artery walls. The fatty acids found in fish act as powerful antioxidants and prevent blood clots.

Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease

Selenium and some antioxidants such as vitamin E, as well as omega 3s, reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's.

Beneficial for skin and hair health

Selenium and vitamin E can do wonders for the skin and help prevent premature aging.

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Cod fishContains B vitamins, which are essential for keeping skin and hair healthy. Selenium in fish helps to increase hair growth and prevent hair loss by killing free radicals.

Reduces inflammation

The various nutrients in this fish can improve bone health and help treat arthritis, gout, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) It can help reduce inflammation, including symptoms.

Improves mood

Studies have shown that these fatty acids can balance hormonal levels and improve mood, as well as improve the health of the nervous system.

Effective in muscle health

Cod fishIt is known for its ability to increase and improve muscle mass, and often bodybuilders include it in their diet.

Fish is an excellent source of protein that promotes muscle growth and recovery. It also contains amino acids, zinc and selenium, all of which help build muscle.

Strengthens immunity

Cod The omega 3 fatty acids found in cold-water fish, such as fish, help improve immunity levels and increase blood circulation.

Raises iodine levels

Leukemia is cancer that occurs in blood cells and its treatment includes chemotherapy and radiation. The side effects of these treatments are the loss of iodine in the body that causes fatigue. Cod Foods like iodine can rebuild the body's iodine levels.

Provides protection against macular degeneration

A diet high in omega 3 fatty acids, especially from fish, protects against both early and late age-related macular degeneration.

Lowers risk of pulmonary embolism

A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot in the deep vein dislodges from its original location and travels through the venous system into the lung.

One study at least once a week cod He found that people who ate fish, such as

Lowers the risk of asthma

Cod fishSelenium, which is found in cedar, has the feature of preventing asthma attacks by producing antioxidants. These powerful antioxidants help reduce free radical scavenging activity and, accordingly, severe asthma attacks.

Studies also show that children who eat fish two or three times a week have a much lower risk of developing asthma than children who don't eat fish.

cod liver oil damages

Cod liver oil

This type of fish, cod capsule, cod pill It is used in nutritional supplements such as. The most popular of these is cod liver oil.

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Cod liver oil It is an excellent source of vitamin D and provides higher concentrations of omega 3 fatty acids than the fish itself.

How to Store Cod Fish?

fresh coda can remain in its original packaging until ready to use as this will extend its shelf life.

In most cases, fresh cod It can be kept in the refrigerator for a day or two, but it's always best to cook it when it's relatively fresh.

CodIf you want to store it, you can store it in the deep freezer for six or eight months. 

cod peptide

What Are the Harms of Cod Fish?

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, this fish species also has some downsides. 

Lower omega-3 content than oily fish

This type of fish has levels as high as fatty fish omega-3 fatty acids does not provide. These essential fatty acids are responsible for the health benefits of fish.

Because, cod It is best to regularly consume fatty fish in addition to lean fish such as lean fish.


As with many other fish, this fish contains parasites if consumed raw. Parasites in food cause foodborne illness, diarrhea, stomach pain and causes uncomfortable symptoms such as muscle pain.

But there is not the same concern for baked fish or frozen ones.


Atlantik cod fish It is experiencing a dramatic decline in its population due to overfishing.  

The Atlantic species is now considered a vulnerable species, meaning that it is likely to be endangered if conditions that threaten its survival do not improve.

As a result;

Cod fishIt is a nutritious and delicious fish loaded with lean protein, vitamins and minerals.

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