What Is Krill Oil, What Does It Do? Benefits and Harm

Krill oilis a supplement that is rapidly gaining popularity as an alternative to fish oil.

It is made from krill, a type of sea shell consumed by whales, penguins, and other sea creatures.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is a source of omega 3 fats, such as fish oil, found only in marine sources.

It has important functions in the body and is linked to a variety of health benefits.

Therefore, if you're not consuming the recommended amount of seafood per week, it's a good idea to take a supplement that contains EPA and DHA.

Krill oilIt is sometimes marketed as being said to have superior properties than fish oil, but more research is needed on this.

Whatever happens, krill oilhas some important health benefits.

Here "What is krill oil", "What does krill oil do", "What are the benefits and harms of krill oil" Answers to your questions ...

What is Krill Oil?

Krill are very small shellfish that live in the icy waters of the world's oceans.

It resembles shrimp and is an essential part of the marine food chain. Krill feeds on phytoplankton and small amounts of zooplankton.

It is then eaten by larger organisms, allowing larger fish to take advantage of the nutrients found in these sources.

Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a species with one of the largest total biomass and krill oil used to make.

Krills are plentiful and reproduce at healthy levels. This makes them a sustainable food source.

Once the krill is harvested from the ocean, it is transformed into a variety of products for human consumption. This includes powders, protein concentrates, and oil.

Essential for human health omega 3 fatty acidsis recognized as a sustainable resource of the company.

Krill oilis low in saturated fat but high in protein.

Krill oil It contains smaller amounts of stearic acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid and behenic acid. It also contains vitamins A, E, B9 and B12. Perfect one kolin and antioxidant source.

What Are the Benefits of Krill Oil?

It is the perfect source of healthy fats

Krill oil ve Fish oil Contains the omega 3 oils EPA and DHA.

However, there is some evidence that most omega 3 fats in fish oil are stored in the form of triglycerides. krill oil shows that the oils contained in it may be better for the body than using fish oil.

On the other hand, krill oil Most of the omega 3 fats in it are in the form of molecules called phospholipids, which are easier to absorb in the bloodstream.

Few studies krill oilfound that fish oil was more effective at raising omega 3 levels.

Another study, krill oil and carefully matched the amounts of EPA and DHA in fish oil and found that the oils were equally effective at raising omega 3 levels in the blood.

May help fight inflammation

Krill oilIt is known that omega 3 fatty acids, similar to those found in, have important anti-inflammatory functions in the body.

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Krill oil It may be more effective at fighting inflammation than other marine omega 3 sources because these fatty acids are easier for the body to use.

Krill oilContains a pink-orange pigment called astaxanthin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Krill oilSeveral studies have been initiated to explore the specific effects of the drug on inflammation.

A study of 25 people with slightly elevated blood fat levels, 1,000 mg per day krill oil supplementfound that 2.000mg of daily purified omega 3 supplements developed a more effective inflammatory marker.

Additionally, one study in 90 people with chronic inflammation found 300mg per day krill oil found that those who received it reduced a marker of inflammation by 30% after one month.

May reduce arthritis and joint pain

Krill oilas it helps reduce inflammation, arthritis It also relieves symptoms and joint pain, and these are caused by inflammation.

A small study of 50 adults with mild knee pain, krill oilIt found that taking the 30 for XNUMX days significantly reduced participants' pain while sleeping and standing. It also increased the range of motion.

Additionally, the researchers reported that in mice with arthritis krill oilexamined the effects of.

Mice krill oil When he took it, he had increased arthritis, less swelling, and fewer inflammatory cells in the joints.

May improve blood lipids and heart health

Omega 3 oils, and especially DHA and EPA, are heart healthy.

Studies have shown that fish oil can improve blood lipid levels and krill oilshowed that it is also effective in this regard.

A study krill oil and compared the effects of purified omega 3 on cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Just krill oil Raised "good" high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

Although the dosage was much lower, it was more effective at reducing a marker of inflammation. On the other hand, pure omega 3s were more effective at lowering triglycerides.

A recent review of seven studies, krill oilHe concluded that "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglyceride are lowered and can also increase "good" HDL cholesterol.

In another study krill oil It was compared to olive oil and found that with krill oil, the insulin resistance scores as well as the function of the blood vessel lining were significantly improved.

May help manage PMS symptoms

Overall, consumption of omega 3 oils can reduce pain and inflammation.

Some studies suggest that omega 3 or fish oil supplements have been shown to be enough to reduce the use of pain relievers, in some cases, periodic pain and premenstrual syndrome(PMS) can help reduce symptoms.

Containing the same types of omega 3 oils krill oil it can be equally effective.

One study found in women diagnosed with PMS. krill oil and compared the effects of fish oil.

The study found that both supplements provided statistically significant improvements in symptoms, krill oil He found that women who used fish oil took less pain medication than women who used fish oil.

This work krill oilsuggests that it may be at least as effective as other sources of omega 3 fats in improving PMS symptoms.

It reduces the risk of developing diabetes

Krill oilIt can help reduce people's risk of developing diabetes by lowering glucose levels and increasing insulin sensitivity.

In animal studies, krill oil Taking it has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and also reduce insulin resistance.

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It has also been shown to help reduce the risk of heart attack in diabetics.

May reduce symptoms of depression

Krill oilBy increasing the concentration of DHA in the brain, it can reduce symptoms similar to depression.

May improve stomach health

New evidence suggests that using omega 3 fatty acids to reduce stomach inflammation may be beneficial in treating H. Pylori and stomach ulcers.

Krill oilIt can help eliminate other stomach symptoms such as constipation, hemorrhoids, indigestion, and stomach upset.

It can reduce the risk of cancer

Krill oilcan help treat colorectal or other types of cancer.

In cell studies, krill oilFatty acids found in cancer stopped the growth of cells.

Other studies have indicated that eating more omega 3s reduces the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer.

Having a high concentration of these fats in the blood is also associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

Benefits of krill oil to the skin

Inflammation, acne, psoriasis ve eczema It is the cause of many common skin problems.

Krill oilBecause the high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids reduces inflammation, taking this supplement regularly can help repair skin damage and prevent skin disorders caused by inflammation.

Krill oilSupplements of omega 3 fatty acids such as those found in can significantly reduce inflamed acne.

In animal experiments, EPA and DHA inhibited the production of inflammatory markers responsible for atopic dermatitis.

Krill oil Since it is rich in antioxidants, it also provides other benefits to the skin.

It has been shown to reduce age spots and reduce the appearance of wrinkles while improving moisture and skin texture.

Does krill oil weaken?

The endocannabinoid system controls appetite.

Krill oil By blocking this pathway, it can increase weight loss efforts and promote the maintenance of a healthy weight for those who use it.

In animal experiments, subjects with normal levels of omega 3 have been shown to have lower endocannabinoid levels, including specific enzymes linked to overeating.

Fish Oil and Krill Oil

Krill oilIt is promoted as an alternative to standard fish oil and as a healthy source of fat in the diet.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the similarities and differences in these supplements.

Fish oilis obtained from many different fish that live in cold waters.

These are fatty fish that store in their livers the oils from which they were extracted to make fish oil.

The most common types used to make fish oil include cod, albacore tuna, mackerel, salmon, herring, and flounder.

Fish oil can come from farm-raised or wild-caught species.

Fish oil also comes from species such as whales and seals and stores these fatty acids in whale oils.

These two types of supplements affect gene expression differently.

In animal experiments, krill oil While it alters the expression of about 5.000 genes, fish oil only changes around 200.

It, krill oilIt can affect more pathways in the body through both lipid and glucose metabolism and increase its ability to positively affect your health.

One of the biggest concerns with fish oil is the possibility of contamination from heavy metals, especially mercury.

Larger fish are higher in the food chain and are more likely to be exposed to healthy fats as well as the heavy metals they store in their livers.

Since krill is at the bottom of this food system, it is generally not contaminated with mercury and is a much safer option when it comes to heavy metal exposure.

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Fish oil, krill oil is not environmentally sustainable as well. Krill reserves are much higher than other fish species.

Omega 3 and Krill Oil

Krill oilThe most important advantage for human health is the omega 3 fatty acids that come from eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) short-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which your body can easily use.

Our body uses PUFAs for many different essential functions, including memory and cognitive functions such as visual acuity, digestion, blood clotting, and muscle movements.

PUFAs play a key role in cell division and regulated genetic functions by binding to cellular receptors.

Since the body cannot produce omega 3 fatty acids on its own, it is necessary to get these essential lipids from food.

You can get these oils from plant sources such as flax seeds, chia, and hemp.

However, plant sources are made up of alpha-linolenic acids (ALAs), which then need to be broken down into short-chain acids that the body can use later in the body.

Among the most important benefits that EPA and DHA offer to the body are that they are natural anti-inflammatory.

Every cell in our body needs DHA, so it's crucial for both brain health and effective neurotransmitter function.

Omega 3s also play an important role in the endocannabinoid system. This system helps stimulate immunity.

It also regulates mood and motivation while affecting memory.

When the endocannabinoid system is out of balance, problems with blood sugar, weight regulation, mood, and cognition can occur.

Getting enough omega 3s from food will help this important body system function properly.

How to Use Krill Oil?

Krill oilTaking it increases your EPA and DHA uptake. It can usually be purchased online or at most pharmacies.

Health organizations typically recommend a combined intake of 250-500 mg of DHA and EPA per day.

However, an ideal krill oil More studies are needed to recommend the dosage. Follow the instructions on the box you bought or consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to exceed a total of 5.000 mg of EPA and DHA per day from foods or supplements.

People using blood thinners, preparing for surgery, pregnant or breastfeeding women krill oil It should be careful in its use and consult a doctor before using it.

This is because although current evidence does not suggest that it can be harmful, omega 3 oils can exert anti-coagulation effects at high doses.

Krill oil Its safety during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been studied.

Also if you have a seafood allergy krill oil you should avoid using it.

Have you used krill oil before? What did you use it for? Did you see the benefit? Let us know your experiences. 

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