How to Store Eggs? Egg Storage Conditions

Eggs are a nutrient-rich food. A great protein, along with essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B2, folate, phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin D ve selenium is the source. If the egg is not stored under appropriate conditions, it will cause some situations that may have dangerous consequences. So how are eggs stored? Eggs are usually stored in the refrigerator. Storing eggs in the refrigerator has some positive and negative aspects.

How to Store Eggs?

egg It carries the risk of “Salmonella” infection. This infection causes symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Storing eggs in the refrigerator helps keep bacteria under control. It helps to keep it fresh longer than when stored at room temperature.

how to store eggs
How are eggs stored?

Fresh eggs waiting at room temperature will start to lose quality after a few days and will need to be used within 1-3 weeks. However, the quality and freshness of eggs kept in the refrigerator will last at least twice as long.

  • Egg absorbs odors from the refrigerator

Eggs, freshly cut onion It absorbs the smell of other food in the refrigerator, such as Putting eggs in cartons and storing food in airtight containers prevents this occurrence.

  • Eggs should not be stored in the refrigerator door.

Many people put eggs in the refrigerator door. But this increases the risk of bacterial growth every time you open the refrigerator. It destroys the protective membrane of the egg. It exposes it to temperature fluctuations every time you open the lid. Therefore, it is best to keep the egg on a shelf near the back of your refrigerator.

  • Do not cook eggs cold

The optimum temperature for cooking eggs is room temperature. Therefore, it is recommended that the cold egg come to room temperature before use. Eggs should be cooked after waiting for about two hours at room temperature.

  • How to store a broken egg?

Store the cracked and cracked egg in a sealed container in the refrigerator. It will keep its freshness for a certain period of time since it will not be airborne.

  • How to store egg whites and yolks?

increased dew egg white and yolk should be placed in airtight containers and stored in the refrigerator.

  • How to store boiled eggs? 
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Boiled egg After peeling the shells should be consumed within two hours. Eggs left outside and in a warm environment for more than 2 hours begin to produce bacteria. Boiled and unpeeled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Put the egg in cold water immediately after boiling it. After it cools, dry it with a paper towel and put it in the refrigerator. This will prevent bacteria and other contamination from growing on the egg.

  • How do you store your own chicken eggs?

Do not wash the egg before putting it in the refrigerator. They have a natural coating that makes them resistant to bacteria. Therefore, if you store them without washing, they will stay fresh longer. Place it in an egg carton and store it in the main compartment of your refrigerator. If you want to wash it, wash it just before use.

  • Eggs rarely spoil when properly stored

Washing the egg not only removes bacteria but also damages its natural protective layer. This makes it easier for bacteria to move through the shell and contaminate the egg. The presence of bacteria inside the egg eventually causes it to deteriorate or rot.

But keeping the egg in the refrigerator below 4°C slows bacterial growth and prevents it from penetrating the shell.

In fact, refrigerating the egg is so effective at controlling the growth of bacteria that, along with the egg's protective shell and enzymes, the refrigerated egg seldom spoils as long as it is properly stored.

Egg quality declines over time. This means that the air space inside the egg gets larger, and the yolk and white become thinner and less flexible. Despite all these changes, eggs are safe to eat for a long time. It won't stay fresh forever though, and will come to the point of throwing up after a certain amount of time.

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What should be considered when buying eggs?

  • Get eggs with clean, uncracked shells.
  • Do not buy expired eggs.
  • Choose the most convenient and economical size for you.
How do you know if an egg is fresh?

You can test the freshness of eggs by throwing them in a bowl of water. The fresh egg stays at the bottom of the bowl, while the stale egg floats due to the large air cell formed in the bottom.

Other tests may be done to see if the egg is fresh. For this "How to Identify Corrupted and Stale EggsRead ”.

References: 1

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