100 Ways to Burn 40 Calories

There is a simple formula to lose weight. Spending more than the calories taken. You can burn excess calories by dieting or exercise. Being more active during the day will also be effective in burning calories.

Below are the ways to burn 100 calories in a short time and with simple activities. By doing one or more of these activities in addition to diet, you can spend extra calories without difficulty.

  1. Performing 10 abdominal exercises in 150 minutes.
  2. Playing badminton for 20 minutes.
  3. Walking at a light pace (like walking the pet) for 25 minutes.
  4. Running for 10 minutes.
  5. Cooking for 40 minutes.
  6. Dancing to fast music for 30 minutes.
  7. Kissing for 40 minutes.
  8. Going up and down the stairs 9 floors.
  9. Stretching for 10 minutes.
  10. Playing mini golf for 30 minutes.
  11. Circling for 10 minutes.
  12. Playing on the game console for 40 minutes.
  13. Wipe the window for 30 minutes.
  14. Reading books for 1 hour.
  15. 20 minutes walking.
  16. Massage for 20 minutes.
  17. Lifting weights for 10 minutes.
  18. Swimming for 15 minutes.
  19. Working at the computer for 50 minutes.
  20. Talking on the phone for 60 minutes. (Walk while talking)
  21. Pushing the stroller for 30 minutes.
  22. Taking 2000 steps.
  23. Climb a hill by walking for 15 minutes.
  24. Ironing for 45 minutes.
  25. Vacuuming for 30 minutes.
  26. Skipping rope for 10 minutes.
  27. Singing for 60 minutes.
  28. Driving for 50 minutes.
  29. Chopping wood for 5 minutes.
  30. Making love for 60 minutes.
  31. Playing the piano for 35 minutes.
  32. Washing the car for 30 minutes.
  33. Send sms for 1 hour.
  34. Laughing for 30 minutes.
  35. Spending 10 minutes in the sauna.
  36. Shopping for 40 minutes.
  37. Playing tennis for 15 minutes.
  38. Cycling for 15 minutes.
  39. Doing yoga for 25 minutes.
  40. Flying a kite for 20 minutes.

burning 100 calories per day

Which Movement Burns How Many Calories?

To exercise, quick ways to burn caloriesIt is one of them. Below is a table showing how many calories some exercise types burn based on a person's weight;

Activity (1 hour period)Person weight and calories burned
72 kg90 kg108 kg
High impact cardio                       533           664           796           
Low impact cardio365455            545
Water aerobics402501600
playing basketball584728872
Cycling at a slow pace <16 km292364436
Dance, ballroom219273327
Ice skating511637763
Skipping rope86110741286
Resistance (weight) training365455545
Rowing, fixed438546654
Running 8 km606755905
Running, 12 km86110741286
Skiing, cross country496619741
Skiing downhill314391469
Water skiing438546654
Walking on an incline treadmill657819981
Walking, 3 km204255305
Walking, 5 km314391469
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Other Ways to Burn Calories Per Day

How to burn 100 calories

Take vitamin D

In the British Journal of Nutrition in a study Vitamin D deficiency women with weight slower they gave. According to researches, although the daily need for vitamin D varies from person to person, Consuming 1000-4000 IU (25-100 mcg) of vitamin D will fill the deficiency.

For coffee

Studies show that a stimulant substance found in coffee kafeinfound that it increased the rate of burning calories.

Get more sleep

Sleeping less than four hours for a long time slows down the metabolism. Experts recommend sleeping between seven and nine. also insomnia People with the problem can gain weight over time. A bad night's sleep causes people to choose less nutritious foods. One study also showed that people who suffer from insomnia move less.

Do not leave household chores to machines

Hand wash your dishes and cook your own dinner. Apart from these, you can burn more calories by doing daily household chores such as ironing, folding laundry, and taking powder. Try to be more active while doing housework.

Act fast

Walking fast allows more calories to be burned than walking with normal steps.


If you laugh for 10 to 15 minutes a day, you will burn an extra 50 calories.

Have breakfast

You send your body a signal to the brain that you are not hungry, so it starts burning fat. Starting the day with a high protein breakfast will provide an advantage in this sense. It has been determined that those who skip breakfast consume more calories at other meals and prefer unhealthy foods.

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Take time for yourself

Spend the last five minutes of each hour (set the phone's timer) moving up and down.

Choose the right foods

Low-carb, high-fiber foods take more time to digest than other foods and make you feel full for longer. This also reduces the possibility of snacking.

Be fidgety

According to a study conducted at the Mayo Clinic, those who cannot stand still can burn 350 more calories a day than someone who is inactive. While sitting, shake your feet slightly or move from left to right on your seat.

Don't eat late at night

Eating late at night can cause interrupted sleep and skip breakfast, which causes metabolism to slow down.

Correct your posture

A healthy posture not only makes you look taller and slimmer, it also strengthens your abdominal muscles.

Drink more water

People with dehydrated bodies have a low metabolic rate. Drinking water throughout the day caused metabolic rates to increase by about 30 percent in a German study. It is necessary to drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Watch out for sugar

Sugar triggers the body to secrete insulin, which allows sugar to be transported to cells that will then be used as energy and stored as fat.

Chew gum

Chewing gum prevents the urge to taste or snack, especially while cooking. 

Talk on the phone by walking

While making a phone call, do not sit still, both walk and talk.

Listen to moving music

Keeping rhythm while listening to moving music increases your calorie burning rate, especially when walking or climbing stairs.

Cook your own food

Cooking your own food is both healthier and allows you to stand longer.

Carry healthy snacks with you

Keep nuts, low-calorie bars or a piece of fruit with you at all times. Healthy snacks prevent you from turning to unhealthy snacks when your stomach is hungry at snacks.

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Stress It triggers the body to release cortisol hormone, which causes more calories to be stored as fat, especially in the abdomen.

Watch less television

In one study, adults who cut their television viewing time in half (using an electronic locking system) ate only 119 calories less per day, without any change in their diet.

Lift up 

Get high on your toes and then come down again. You can easily do this simple pilates move anywhere.

Drink green tea daily

According to research done green teaIn addition to caffeine, it contains catechin polyphenols, which are plant chemicals that can boost metabolism.

Use spices in your meals

Some studies show that spicy foods can temporarily speed up the metabolism. Red pepper is a good example.

Eat salmon

In a study salmon Eaters lost significantly more weight than those who ate beef, although the calories consumed were equal.

Eat the fruit with the peel

Fruit and vegetable peels More energy is required by the body to break down fiber-rich foods such as.

Use coconut

Those who replace oils and fats, such as animal fats and sunflower oil, with those containing medium-chain fatty acids such as coconut oil lose more body fat.

For oolong tea

Some studies oolong tea It shows that drinking can increase metabolic activity by up to 10 percent.

Swing your arms

According to experts, the more parts of your body you use at the same time, the more calories you will burn.

Don't forget dairy

Researchers think low-fat dairy products inhibit the storage of fat.

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