Does Exercise Weaken? Weight Loss Exercises

There is a simple equation for losing weight. Spending more calories than you take ... Those who want to lose weight are recommended to exercise along with diet and they are said to lose weight more easily by burning extra calories.

However, some think that exercise is not effective in losing weight. Because they claim that exercise makes you hungry more and they eat more food after exercise.

Exercise is a healthy activity

Exercise is an essential activity for a healthy life. It reduces the risk of many diseases, including obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some types of cancer.

Regular exercise is thought to reduce the incidence of diseases by 50%. It is also a beneficial activity for relaxation, stress relief and mental health.

Given the effects of exercise on body and brain health, exercise is important, even if it is not effective for weight loss, for its other benefits.

exercises to lose weight

Aim for fat loss, not weight loss

Exercise is often recommended for those who want to lose weight. But the goal with this should be fat loss, not weight loss.

If you want to lose weight by only restricting calorie intake without exercise, you will lose muscle as well as fat.

When we lose weight, it is estimated that a quarter of the weight we lose is lost from the muscles. When calories are reduced, the body has to meet its fuel from other places.

Unfortunately, that means the proteins in the muscles are burned. Applying an exercise plan with diet reduces the amount of muscle lost. Muscles are more active than fats. So while losing weight, muscle loss is inevitable.

Exercise not only loses weight, it also has important effects on general and metabolic health. If you exercise during the weight loss process, you may be losing fat and building muscle. For this reason, you cannot see any weight loss on the scale.

For this reason, it will be useful to measure your waist and body fat percentage from time to time. Scales don't always show truth.

exercises to lose weight

Cardio helps burn calories and reduce body fat

One of the most popular exercise types for weight loss is cardio exercises. For example; walking, running, cycling and swimming…

Aerobic exerciseIt is not very effective on muscle mass compared to exercises such as weight lifting. It is more effective on burning calories.

A study was conducted on 141 obese and overweight people on how cardio exercise for 10 months affected. The calorie intake of these people, who were divided into three groups, was not reduced. According to this; He did 5 calories of cardio exercise for 400 days.

Group 2: He did 5 calories of cardio exercise for 600 days.

Group 3: He did not do any exercise.

Participants in group 1 lost 4.3% of their body weight, and those in group 2 lost 5.7%. Those in the third group gained 3% weight.

Other studies have found that cardio exercises are effective at burning dangerous fat deposits in the abdomen, thus reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

For this reason, weight can be controlled with cardio exercises, as well as improving metabolic health. You can also burn the excess calories you eat by exercising.

Weight lifting helps burn calories

All physical activities help burn calories. Resistance training like weight lifting has a benefit beyond that. In addition to being healthy and strong, it also helps build muscle.

Inactive adults lose 3-8% of their muscles over time and over a long period of time. Having a high amount of muscle, metabolic rateIt helps to burn calories even during rest. Increasing metabolic rate also helps with weight loss.

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A weight lifting program was applied to 48 overweight women on a very low calorie diet. As a result of this program, while women preserved their muscle mass, their metabolic rate increased and they lost weight.

Women who followed the same diet program and did not lift weights experienced a decrease in metabolic rate and lost muscle.

For this reason, doing resistance training such as weight lifting is very effective in losing weight and maintaining muscle mass in the long term.

In fact, maintaining weight is much more difficult than losing weight. Activities such as weight lifting can help you with this.

Is it possible to lose weight with exercise

Some eat more when exercising

One of the main complaints about exercise is that it triggers hunger and causes you to eat more. Rewarding calories burned by exercise with food, stop losing weight, causes weight gain.

Although not true for everyone, studies have found that some people eat more after exercising.

Exercise can activate hormones that regulate appetite. One of the hormones affected by physical activity is “ghrelin”Ie it is the hunger hormone. Studies show a loss of appetite after intense exercise.

This is called "exercise anorexia" and this occurs due to the decrease in the ghrelin hormone. However, ghrelin levels return to normal after about half an hour.

While there is a link between appetite and ghrelin, this does not affect the amount you eat after exercise.

The effects of exercise on appetite are individual, that is, they occur as different effects in each person. For example; After an intense workout, women tend to eat more than men.

Likewise, less overweight people eat less after exercise than obese people. So it is up to you to control your appetite after exercise.

Is it possible to lose weight with exercise?

The effect of exercise as weight loss or weight gain varies from person to person. Most people lose weight over the long term through exercise, some remain stable, others gain weight. However, most of those who gain weight gain muscle, not fat.

However, when compared to diet and exercise, we can say that diet is more effective than exercise in the process of losing weight. However, the best strategy is to use diet and exercise together.

People who lose weight tend to exercise

Maintaining weight is more difficult than losing weight. Studies show that 85% of those who lose weight on a diet have difficulty maintaining their weight.

These studies have been conducted on people who have lost large amounts of weight over the years, and these people have tended to exercise to maintain their weight.

It is important to choose an exercise that you can enjoy according to your lifestyle and your psychological state in order to continue it.

A healthy diet is important along with exercise

Exercise helps in improving health and losing weight. However, it is necessary to apply a healthy nutrition program.

Do not exceed the limit while dieting because I will lose more weight and stick to your nutrition program ...

Which Exercises Can Be Used For Weight Loss?

In addition to helping weight loss, exercise has other benefits, such as improving mood, strengthening bones, and reducing the risk of many chronic diseases. Exercises to lose weight What?

exercises to do to lose weight


Walkis one of the best exercises to lose weight. It can be done at any time and place without any special equipment. Also, it's a low-impact exercise that doesn't strain your joints. 

To start walking, aim for 3 minutes walking 4-30 times a week. Over time, you can gradually increase the duration or frequency of your walks.


Runningis a great exercise to help lose weight. 

Studies run usually belly fat found that it can help burn harmful visceral fats known as This type of oil surrounds the internal organs; It causes various chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. 

Running is an easy exercise that can be done anywhere. Aim to run for 3-4 minutes 20–30 times a week to start with.

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Cycling is a popular exercise that improves fitness and can aid weight loss.

Although cycling is traditionally done outdoors, many gyms and fitness centers have stationary bikes that allow you to cycle indoors.

Cycling is great for people of all fitness levels, from beginners to athletes. It's also a low-impact exercise, so it won't put too much pressure on your joints.

Weight training

Weight training is a popular choice for those who want to lose weight. Weight exercise can help stimulate muscle growth by increasing the resting metabolic rate (RMR) or the body's potential to burn calories at rest.

Numerous studies, aerobic exercisecompared with that, the body continues to burn calories even after a few hours of weight training.

Intermittent training

Interval training, more commonly known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is a broad term that refers to slowing down after short periods of intense exercise.

Usually, a HIIT workout takes 10-30 minutes and burns a lot of calories. So HIIT helps you burn more calories with less time. 

Also, many studies have shown that HIIT is particularly effective at burning belly fat, which is linked to chronic diseases.

HIIT is easy to apply. All you have to do is choose the type of exercise and rest times, such as running, jumping or cycling.

For example, after 30 seconds of cycling as hard as possible, you can pedal at a slow pace for 1-2 minutes. Repeat this pattern for 10-30 minutes. 

easy exercise to lose weight


PilatesIt is a great beginner exercise that can aid weight loss. While it doesn't burn as many calories as aerobic exercise like jogging, most people find it enjoyable, which makes it easy to maintain.

Apart from losing weight, pilates has been shown to reduce back pain and increase strength, balance, flexibility, endurance and overall fitness level.

You can do pilates at home or in one of the gyms that offer pilates lessons. To lose more weight with this exercise, combine it with a healthy diet or other forms of exercise such as cardio.


Swimming is a fun way to lose weight. How you swim determines how many calories you burn. Every 30 minutes a person weighing 70 kilograms burns 298 calories in the supine position, 372 calories in a breaststroke, 409 calories in a butterfly style.

Another advantage of swimming is that it is a low-impact exercise, so it doesn't strain your joints too much. As such, it is a great option for people with injuries or joint pain.


Yogais a popular way to relieve stress with exercise. Usually a weight loss exercise Though not thought of as being, it burns a reasonable amount of calories and offers many health benefits that can increase weight loss. 

In addition to calories burned, studies have shown that yoga can teach mindfulness that helps resist unhealthy foods, control appetite, and better understand the body's hunger signals.

Most gyms offer yoga classes, but you can practice yoga anywhere. Even in the comfort of your own home. 

Exercise Movements to Lose Weight

Exercise moves that will help you lose weight effectively include:

Lying on the ground

It is one of the most basic moves you can follow to keep yourself fit. It has many benefits.

How is it done?

Lie down on your hands and toes.

Make sure your body is in a straight line and your hands are under your shoulders.

- Hold your abdominal muscles tight and pull your belly button inward.

Skipping rope

Skipping rope is a cardio exercise that allows you to burn 45-300 calories in 400 minutes, depending on your weight.

How is it done?

- Keep your back straight and abdominal tight.

- Keep feet together.

- Now jump a few inches off the ground and bring it back, letting the rope pass under the feet.

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- If you don't have a rope, jump up and down without a rope, but keep moving your hands as if you were holding a rope.

Butt Shot

Butt kick is one of the cardiovascular exercises. The difference between butt hits and running is that you try to touch your butt alternately with each leg in butt hits. To increase the density, increase your speed as well.

How is it done?

- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and tighten your abdominal muscles.

- Now start running in your place with your thighs rebounding and your feet almost touching your butt.


Push-ups are incredibly effective for tightening the arms and strengthening the entire body.

How is it done?

- Lie face down.

- Now, bend your elbows as you lower yourself to the ground.

- Raise your arms straight up again.


Bridge stance is one of the exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.

How is it done?

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.

- Raise your hips as high as possible until you are in a straight line from shoulders to knees.

- Tighten your hip muscles.

Lower your hips towards the floor and then lift them up again.

Squat Jump

Squat jump is a plyometric exercise that burns excess calories and is very effective for strengthening the hip muscles. If you have any joint problems, you should avoid the squat jump exercise.

How is it done?

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.

- Squat, pushing your butt back and bending your knees.

- Jump now and crouch again when you reach the ground.

- Do at least 20 repetitions.


It is one of the best abdominal exercises because it targets the upper and lower abdominal muscles at the same time.

How is it done?

- Lie on your back and stretch your arms over your head.

- Now raise your straight arms and legs up in one motion and try to touch your toes.

- Bend your back and do 20 repetitions.

- Do not put your legs on the ground to concentrate.


One of the simplest and most effective exercises, lunges work the butt, thighs, abdominals and calves.

How is it done?

- Keep your back straight and abdominal tight.

- Now put your right leg forward and bend your knee until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your left thigh is perpendicular.

- Make sure your front knee is above your heel.

- Push back and bring your feet together.

- Do it with the other leg.

Frog Jump

It is a very effective action in losing weight. To increase the effect, it's important to cover as much distance as possible and do as many repetitions in a row as you can.

How is it done?

- Stand with your feet open and your knees slightly bent.

- Jump forward to cover as much distance as possible and go back to the starting position.

- Do 20 repetitions.

As a result;

Many types of exercise help with weight loss. Exercise options for burning calories include walking, running, cycling, swimming, weight training, interval training, yoga, and pilates.

Apart from these, there are exercises that can help you lose weight. It is important to choose an exercise you love to do. This helps you maintain it over the long term.

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