Which Foods Contain the Most Starch?

Starch-containing foods are a type of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are classified into three categories: sugar, fiber, and starch. Starch is the most consumed type of carbohydrate.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate because it consists of many sugar molecules joined together. Complex carbohydrates are healthier than simple carbohydrates. Here's why they're healthier: Simple carbohydrates are digested very quickly, causing blood sugar to rise quickly and then fall quickly.

In contrast, complex carbohydrates release sugar into the blood slowly. Does it matter if it releases fast or slow into the blood? Certainly. If blood sugar rises and falls quickly, you feel like a hungry wolf and attack food. Not to mention that you feel tired and exhausted. This is not the case with foods containing starch. But here a problem arises.

Most of the starches we eat today are refined. In other words, the fiber and nutrients in its content are depleted. They are no different from simple carbohydrates. In fact, it has been determined by studies that the consumption of refined starch carries risks such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and weight gain. I say beware of refined starches and move on to foods that contain starch in the form of complex carbohydrates.

Foods Containing Starch

starch-containing foods
Foods containing starch
  • cornflour

Starch content: (74%)

Corn flour is very high in carbohydrates and starches. One cup (159 grams) contains 117 grams of carbohydrates, of which 126 grams are starch. If you are consuming cornmeal, choose the whole grain one. That's because when it's processed, it loses some fiber and nutrients.

  • millet flour
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Starch content: (70%)

One cup of millet flour contains 83 grams or 70% by weight of starch. Millet flour is naturally gluten-free and contains magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium rich in terms.

  • Sorghum flour

Starch content: (68%)

Sorghum flour is made from sorghum, a nutritious grain. Sorghum flour, which is a high starch-containing food, is much healthier than many types of flour. That's because it's gluten-free and an excellent source of protein and fiber.

  • White flour

Starch content: (68%)

White flour is obtained by removing the bran and germ part of wheat, which contains nutrients and fiber. Only the endosperm part remains in white flour. This portion is low in nutrients and contains empty calories. In addition, the endosperm gives white flour a high starch content. One cup of white flour contains 81.6 grams of starch.

  • Oat

Starch content: (57.9%) 

OatIt is a healthy food as it contains protein, fiber and fat, various vitamins and minerals. Oats are also high in starch content. One cup of oats contains 46.9 grams of starch, or 57.9% by weight.

  • Whole wheat flour

Starch content: (57.8%) 

Compared to white flour, whole wheat flour is more nutritious. While both types of flour contain similar amounts of total carbohydrates, whole wheat has more fiber and is nutritious.

  • Noodle (Instant Pasta)

Starch content: (56%)

Noodle It is a highly processed instant pasta. It is high in fat and carbohydrates. For example, a single package contains 54 grams of carbohydrates and 13.4 grams of fat. Therefore, it is not a very healthy source of carbohydrates. Most of the carbohydrates in instant pasta come from starch. One package contains 47.7 grams of starch, or 56% by weight.

  • White bread
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Starch content: (40.8%) 

White bread is made from white flour. It is one of the foods with high starch content. 2 slices of white bread contain 20,4 grams of starch or 40,8% by weight. White bread is low in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, its consumption is not recommended. It is healthier to eat whole grain bread instead.

  • Rice

Starch content: (28.7%)

Rice It is a food with a high starch content. For example, 100 grams of uncooked rice contains 63.6 grams of carbohydrates, which is 80.4% starch. However, the starch content drops significantly when rice is cooked. 100 grams of cooked rice contains only 28.7% starch because cooked rice carries much more water. 

  • Macaroni

Starch content: (26%)

Like rice, pasta is less starchy when cooked because it gelatinizes in heat and water. For example, dry spaghetti contains 62.5% starch, while cooked spaghetti contains only 26% starch. 

  • Misir

Starch content: (18.2%) 

Misir It has the highest starch content among vegetables. Despite being a starchy vegetable, corn is very nutritious. It is especially rich in vitamins and minerals such as folate, phosphorus and potassium, as well as fiber.

  • Potato

Starch content: (18%) 

Potato It is one of the first to come to mind among starchy foods. Potatoes; Flour does not contain as much starch as baked goods or cereals, but it does contain more starch than other vegetables.

Which Starch-Containing Foods Should You Avoid?

Many of the starchy foods listed above are beneficial to health. It is necessary to exclude white bread, white flour and noodles. But many processed foods on the market contain extra starch. These are foods that should be consumed with caution. For example;

  • White bread
  • Commercially prepared cookies and cakes
  • Salty snacks
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What Happens If You Eat Too Much Starchy Food?

Excessive starch consumption causes blood sugar to rise and therefore weight gain. Stomach ailments, too. We can say that every food is healthy when you eat it in dose. Starch is one of them. Nutritionists have a recommendation on this matter. They state that 45 to 65% of your daily calories should be carbohydrates. Accordingly, someone who needs to take 2000 calories a day should provide 900 to 1300 calories from carbohydrates. This corresponds to 225-325 grams of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate consumption of people with diabetes should be 30-35%.

As a result; Foods containing starch are healthy and there is no reason to avoid starchy foods. Refined starch is unhealthy, and refined starch should be strictly avoided. 

References: 1

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