What Is Acne, Why Does It Happen, How Does It Pass? Natural Treatment for Acne

Acneis one of the most common skin conditions in the world and affects 85% of people at some point in their lives.

Conventional acne treatments It is expensive and can often cause unwanted side effects such as dryness, redness, and irritation.

Therefore natural remedies for acne is preferred.

What Is Acne, Why Does It Happen?

AcneIt occurs when the pores in the skin become clogged with oil and dead skin cells.

Each pore is linked with an oil gland that produces an oily substance called sebum. Extra sebum, “Propionibacterium acnes " or “P. acnes " It can clog the pores, causing the growth of a bacterium known as the skin.

White blood cells To P. acnes attacks, causing skin inflammation and acne. Acne in some cases more severe than others but common symptoms include whiteheads, blackheads and acne.

Acne developmentMany factors contribute to what, including genetics, diet, stress, hormone changes, and infections.

Here natural treatments for acne that can be effective...

What Is Good For Acne?

Apple cider vinegar 

Apple cider vinegarobtained by fermentation of apple juice. Like other nits, it has the ability to fight many types of bacteria and viruses.

Apple cider vinegar, P. acnes Contains various organic acids stated to kill. In particular, succinic acid P. acnes It has been shown to suppress inflammation caused.

Also, lactic acid has been noted to improve the appearance of acne scars. What's more, apple cider vinegar helps dry out the excess oil that causes acne.

How to use apple cider vinegar for acne?

Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 3 parts water (use more water for sensitive skin).

After cleaning the area to be applied, gently apply the mixture to your skin using a cotton ball.

After waiting 5-20 seconds, rinse with water and dry.

Repeat this process 1-2 times a day.

Remember that applying apple cider vinegar to the skin can cause burns and irritation; Therefore, it should always be used in small amounts and diluted with water.

Zinc supplement

Zincis a mineral that is important for cell growth, hormone production, metabolism and immune function.

Same time acne It is one of the natural remedies that works best for you. Several studies have reported on oral ingestion of zinc. acne It has shown that it helps to reduce its formation.

In one study, 48 acne Zinc supplements were given to his patient three times a day. After eight weeks, 38 patients achieved an 80-100% reduction in acne.

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Acne The optimum zinc dosage has not yet been determined, but several studies have reported using 30-45mg of elemental zinc per day. acnefound that the significantly decreased.

Elemental zinc indicates the amount of zinc in the composition. Zinc exists in many forms and each contains a different amount of elemental zinc.

Zinc oxide contains the most elemental zinc at 80%. The recommended safe upper limit for zinc is 40 mg per day, so it's best not to exceed this amount unless under a doctor's supervision. Taking too much zinc can cause adverse effects such as stomach pain and intestinal irritation. 

Benefits of honey and cinnamon mix

Honey and cinnamon mask

Separately honey and cinnamon They are excellent sources of antioxidants. Studies have found that applying antioxidants to the skin is more effective for acne than benzoyl peroxide and retinoids.

Honey and cinnamon have the ability to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation, two of the factors that trigger acne.

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of honey and cinnamon acnebenefits skin prone to eat, but the duo acneThere are no studies of their abilities to treat well.

How to Make a Honey and Cinnamon Mask?

Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

- After cleansing your face, apply the mask on your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

- Wash off the mask completely and dry your face.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oilIs a small tree native to Australia “Melaleuca alternifolia " It is an essential oil extracted from leaves..

It has the ability to fight bacteria and reduce skin inflammation. What's more, many studies have shown that applying tea tree oil to the skin, acneIt has shown that it reduces effectively.

Tea tree oil is very potent, so dilute it before applying it to your skin.

How to use tea tree oil for acne?

Mix 1 part tea tree oil with 9 parts water.

Dip a cotton swab in the mixture and apply it to the affected areas.

You can use moisturizer if you want.

You can repeat this procedure 1-2 times a day.

Green tea

Green teais very high in antioxidants. Acne Although there are no studies investigating the benefits of drinking green tea when it comes to the question, it is stated that applying it directly to the skin is effective.

Flavonoids and tannins in green tea, acneIt is known to help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation, which are two main reasons.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in green tea reduces sebum production, combats inflammation, and individuals with acne-prone skin. P. acnes has been shown to inhibit its growth.

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Multiple studies have shown that applying 2-3% green tea extract to the skin increases sebum production and acneIt has shown that it significantly reduces.

You can buy creams and lotions containing green tea, but it's just as easy to make your own mix at home.

How to use green tea for acne?

Brew green tea in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

- Chill the tea.

Using a cotton ball, apply it to your skin.

Let it dry, then rinse with water and pat dry.

use of aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe verais a tropical plant whose leaves form a gel. Gel is often added to lotions, creams, ointments, and soaps. Used to treat abrasions, rash, burns and other skin conditions.

When applied to the skin, aloe vera gel helps heal wounds, treat burns and fight inflammation.

Aloe vera also both acne treatmentContains salicylic acid and sulfur, which are widely used in the industry. Various studies have shown that applying salicylic acid to the skin significantly reduces the amount of acne.

Similarly, sulfur application is an effective acne treatment has been proven. While research shows great promise, the anti-acne benefits of aloe vera itself also requires more scientific evidence.

How to use aloe vera for acne?

Scrape the gel from the aloe vera plant with a spoon.

Apply the gel directly on your skin as a moisturizer.

Repeat 1-2 times a day or as many times as you like. 

Fish oil

Omega 3 fatty acids are incredibly healthy fats that offer numerous health benefits. You should get these fats from what you eat, but research shows that most people on a standard diet do not get enough.

Fish oil It contains two main types of omega 3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA provides benefits to the skin in a number of ways, including managing oil production, maintaining adequate hydration, and preventing acne breakouts.

High levels of EPA and DHA acne It has been shown to reduce inflammatory factors that can reduce the risk. In a study acneOmega 45 fatty acid supplements containing EPA and DHA were given daily to 3 people. After 10 weeks acne decreased significantly.

There is no specific recommendation for daily intake of omega 3 fatty acids, but most health organizations recommend that healthy adults consume 250-500 mg of combined EPA and DHA per day. In addition, omega 3 fatty acids can be obtained by eating salmon, sardines, anchovies, walnuts, chia seeds, and peanuts.

How many kilos are lost with the glycemic index diet

The glycemic index diet

With nutrition acneThe relationship between e has been discussed for years. Recent evidence suggests that dietary factors such as insulin and glycemic index acne It suggests that it is associated with.

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The glycemic index (GI) of a food is a measure of how quickly it raises blood sugar. 

High-GI foods cause an increase in the amount of insulin that is thought to increase sebum production. Therefore, high-GI foods acne developmentneither is thought to be a direct effect.

Foods with a high glycemic index are white bread, sugary soft drinks, cakes, donuts, pastries, confectionery, sugary breakfast cereals and other processed foods.

Foods with low glycemic index are fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and least processed foods.

In one study, 43 people followed either a high or low-glycemic diet. Individuals on a low glycemic diet after 12 weeks, acne and showed a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity compared to those who consumed high-carbohydrate foods.

Similar results were obtained in another study with 31 participants. These small studies show that a low-glycemic diet acne suggests that it may be beneficial for individuals with prone skin.

Avoid dairy products

Milk and acne The relationship between is highly controversial. Consumption of dairy products can cause hormonal changes and acnemay cause to eat.

Two large studies found that higher levels of milk intake were acne reported that it is associated with.

Reduce stress

Stress Hormones released during your periods can increase sebum production and skin inflammation and make acne worse.

In fact, many studies are stressful acne It has established a link between the increase in severity. What's more, stress can slow wound healing by up to 40%, which means acne may slow the repair of lesions.

Regular exercise

Workout planner promotes healthy blood circulation. The increase in blood flow helps nourish skin cells that can help prevent and heal acne.

Exercise also plays a role in hormone regulation. Several studies have shown that exercise can reduce stress and anxiety, both of which have suggested that exercise can reduce stress and anxiety. acne It has shown that there are factors that can contribute to its development.

Healthy adults are recommended to exercise for 3 minutes 5-30 times a week.

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