What is a Vegan Diet and How is it Done? Losing Weight with a Vegan Diet

A vegan diet is part of the lifestyle called veganism. Vegans do not eat foods obtained from animals due to both environmental reasons and health conditions. They eat only plant-based foods. Some people prefer a vegan diet to lose weight.

vegan diet
Lose weight with vegan diet

So, does the vegan diet make you lose weight? Is it a healthy diet? How to do a vegan diet? I know you have many questions in your mind about this subject. Don't worry, I have prepared an article where you will find answers to all the questions you have in mind. After reading the article, you will learn everything you need to know about the vegan diet.

What is the Vegan Diet?

A vegan diet is a diet that avoids the consumption of meat, eggs, dairy products and other foods of animal origin. People embrace veganism for health, environmental and ethical reasons. Some choose this lifestyle to promote a more humane and compassionate world. Being vegan is more of a lifestyle choice than a diet. 

The key to a nutritionally healthy vegan diet is variety. A healthy vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. It does not contain cholesterol and saturated fat.

Losing Weight with a Vegan Diet

Vegan weight loss diet is one of the most effective diets. It consists of foods that contain high levels of fibre, protein and healthy fats.
A vegan eating plan helps you lose weight in a healthy way.

The vegan diet accelerates the weight loss process because it is generally low in calories. Meals made with plant sources generally have higher fiber content, so you stay full for longer. Additionally, the foods in this diet have lower energy density because they have a higher water content.

How to Do a Vegan Diet to Lose Weight?

When following a vegan diet, animal products are completely avoided and the focus is on plant-based foods. Points to consider when following a vegan diet are:

1. Consume plant protein sources: You should consume plant-based protein sources such as soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, black beans and peas. These foods help meet the body's protein needs.

2. Eat grains and legumes: Whole wheat, oats, whole wheat buckwheatYou should prefer grains such as wheat, rice and barley. These foods provide energy and are healthy sources of carbohydrates.

3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: You should consume plenty of fruits and vegetables and provide variety. These foods are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and are important for your health.

4. Fats: You should use vegetable oils. Olive oilYou can choose healthy fat sources such as coconut oil, avocado oil. You can also consume foods such as chia seeds and flax seeds to get omega-3 fatty acids.

5. Eat a diet rich in calcium: Since you are away from milk and dairy products, you must meet your calcium needs from other sources. Spinach, kale, broccoli, almond milk and Sesame Foods such as are rich in calcium.

6. Supplement vitamin B12: Vegan nutrition carries the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 To get it, you can supplement your diet with vitamin B12 cereals.

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7. Fluid intake: Drinking plenty of water is important for a healthy life. You can also choose plant-based milks, freshly squeezed fruit juices and herbal teas.

8. Balance and diversity: Balance the vegan diet by consuming a variety of foods. This ensures you get all the nutrients your body needs.

Sample Vegan Diet List

The vegan diet list I will give below is a suitable list for losing weight. Here is a 1-day sample vegan diet list:

  • Avocado slices and tomato slices on a slice of whole wheat bread
  • A handful of almonds or walnuts
  • Smoothie made with 1 glass of plant milk (1 banana, 1 glass of strawberries,
  • 1 glass of herbal tea


  • An apple or pear


  • Green salad made with spinach, kale and arugula (can be sweetened with pomegranate syrup or lemon juice)
  • A bowl of chickpea soup or kidney beans stewed
  • Tomato sauce and vegetables (such as broccoli, carrots, zucchini) on whole wheat or bran pasta


  • A handful of grapes or cherries


  • Lentil meatballs with vegetables
  • Grilled vegetables (such as eggplant, zucchini, pepper)
  • Whole wheat or whole wheat bread

Snack (optional)

  • A slice of vegan chocolate or homemade hazelnut butter


  • This is just a sample diet list and can be adapted to suit the individual's needs.
  • In a vegan diet, it is important to carefully plan for nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium and vitamin B12.
  • It is recommended that you get support from a nutritionist to prevent deficiencies.
  • Don't forget about water consumption and make sure to drink enough water.

Vegan Diet Sample Menu

Below is an example of a 1-week vegan diet menu:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, prepared with almond milk. You can add chopped fresh fruits on top.
Noon: Falafel salad
Akşam: Lentil meatballs, brown rice pilaf and green salad.

Breakfast: Fruit smoothie – Prepared with banana, strawberries, almond milk and some chia seeds.
Noon: Vegetable chickpea dish – Cooked with vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and chickpeas and spices. You can add brown rice on top.
Akşam: Vegetable pasta – Prepared with whole wheat pasta, spinach, mushrooms and tomato sauce.

Breakfast: Vegan pancake – Fried fruits are added on pancakes prepared with banana, oat flour and almond milk.
Noon: Vegetarian taco – Fried soy protein with BBQ sauce, served in a taco wrap with salad and avocado.
Akşam: Quinoa plate – Prepared with quinoa, vegetables and basil sauce.

Breakfast: Vegan omelette – Chickpea flour omelette filled with fried onions, mushrooms and vegetables.
Noon: Hummus sandwich – Sandwich made with whole wheat bread, hummus, sliced ​​lettuce, tomato and cucumber.
Akşam: Tofu – Tofu is sauteed with chopped vegetables and soy sauce. You can serve it with brown rice on the side.

Breakfast: Tahini toast – Toast prepared with whole wheat bread, tahini and sliced ​​banana.
Noon: Quinoa salad – Boiled quinoa is mixed with chopped vegetables, black beans and olive oil.
Dinner: Spinach and lentil soup, whole wheat bread.

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Breakfast: Chia pudding – Pudding prepared with chia seeds, almond milk, cinnamon and chopped fruits.
Noon: Noodle salad – Noodles are mixed with raw vegetables and soy sauce.
Akşam: Potato patties, green salad.

Breakfast: Cornflakes – Served with hazelnut milk and chopped fruits.
Noon: Stuffed quinoa and vegetables – Stuffed quinoa stuffed with vegetables such as peppers, zucchini and onions
Akşam: Rice with vegetables, hummus.

This menu example provides a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits and healthy fats. However, you are free to adjust this menu taking into account personal preferences, food allergies or medical conditions. It is also necessary to pay attention to appropriate portion sizes and energy requirements for each meal.

What to Eat on a Vegan Diet to Lose Weight?

Here are some foods that can be eaten on a vegan diet to lose weight:

  • Vegetables: All kinds of vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, peppers)
  • Fruits: All kinds of fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, peaches
  • Cereals: Grains such as wheat, oats, rice, quinoa, barley
  • pulse: Legumes such as lentils, beans, chickpeas and peas
  • Seeds: Seeds such as sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax
  • Nuts: Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts
  • Vegetable milks: Almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk plant milks such as
  • Vegetable oils: Healthy vegetable oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil
What Not to Eat on a Vegan Diet?

The following foods are not consumed on a vegan diet:

1. Meat and meat products: All animal-derived meats, chicken, fish and seafood are not included in the vegan diet.

2. Milk and dairy products: Milks such as cow's milk, goat's milk, sheep's milk, and products such as yoghurt and cheese are not consumed in the vegan diet. Instead, plant milks, vegan cheeses and yoghurts are preferred.

3 eggs: eggSince it is an animal product, it is not suitable for a vegan diet.

4. Honey: Honey produced by bees cannot be eaten on a vegan diet.

5. Fish and other seafood: Seafood is not consumed in the vegan diet. For example shrimpSeafood such as mussels, oysters, etc. are not suitable for a vegan diet.

6. Processed foods: Processed foods often use ingredients of animal origin. Therefore, labels of packaged foods should be checked.

What are the Benefits of a Vegan Diet?

The vegan diet has many health benefits. Here are the benefits of the vegan diet:

1. More fiber content: Plants are rich in fiber. Getting enough fiber along with a vegan diet improves digestive system health and prevents constipation. Heart disease, diabetes and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity.

2. Lower cholesterol levels: Avoiding animal products on a vegan diet reduces cholesterol intake. This improves heart health by lowering cholesterol levels.

3. Lower blood pressure: plant foods, potassium It is rich in potassium and potassium consumption lowers blood pressure. Thus, the risk of hypertension is reduced.

4. Lower risk of type 2 diabetes: The vegan diet reduces insulin resistance thanks to its low fat and high fiber content. As a result, the risk of type 2 diabetes decreases.

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5. Healthy weight control: The vegan diet includes low-calorie plant foods. This helps control weight and reduces the risk of obesity.

6. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients: The vegan diet is based on fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds, which contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients boost immune system health, prevent cell damage and reduce the risk of cancer.

7. Better digestion: Plant foods facilitate digestion and reduce symptoms of some digestive problems, especially gas and bloating.

What are the Harms of Vegan Diet?

Vegan diet is a completely plant-based diet. When planned correctly, it provides all the nutrients the human body needs. However, it may cause some harm if administered incorrectly or if insufficient supplements are taken.

1. Protein deficiency: A vegan diet results in low protein intake without the right nutritional sources. Protein deficiency It can lead to muscle loss, weakness and immune system problems.

2. Vitamin B12 deficiency: Natural sources of vitamin B12 are animal products. Vegans should resort to supplements or foods containing vitamin B12 to consume this vitamin. B12 deficiency can cause problems such as nervous system disorders, anemia and fatigue.

3. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency: Omega-3 fatty acids are often found in seafood. Vegans should get these fatty acids through plant sources such as flaxseed oil, walnuts, and chia seeds. Omega-3 deficiency poses a risk to brain health and heart health.

4. Iron deficiency: Iron is abundant in animal sources such as red meat. Vegetable sources, on the other hand, contain phytates and oxalates that reduce iron absorption. Therefore, vegans should take iron supplements or consume plant sources of iron regularly. Iron deficiency anemiaIt causes problems such as fatigue and low energy levels.

5. Calcium deficiency: Milk and dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium. Vegans should turn to plant sources such as almond milk, soy milk, and green leafy vegetables to meet their calcium needs. Calcium deficiency causes bone health and dental health problems.

Should You Follow a Vegan Diet?

Whether or not to recommend a vegan diet is not a decision to be made lightly, as choosing a diet is a personal choice and must take into account your health, lifestyle and needs. As a result of an evaluation by a dietician or nutritionist, the most suitable nutrition plan for you can be determined.

As a result;

If you want to lose weight in a healthy and balanced way, you can choose a vegan nutrition plan. However, it is of great importance for your health that you consult a specialist or dietician before starting any diet program.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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