What Is Triglyceride, Why Does It Happen, How Is It Lowered?

Triglycerides It is a type of fat found in the blood. After eating, our body turns the calories you don't need into triglycerides and stores them in fat cells to be used later for energy.

To provide energy to our body triglycerideseven though there is a need, too much in the blood triglyceride can increase the risk of heart disease.

Obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, regular alcohol use and high calorie diet, high blood triglyceride levelswhat could cause.

What are the symptoms of triglyceride elevation

In the article "What is high triglycerides", "What does triglycerides do", "What causes high triglycerides", "What are the symptoms of high triglycerides", "What does high triglycerides mean", "How to lower triglycerides vegetatively" topics will be discussed.

What Is Triglyceride and Why Is It Important?

Triglyceridesis a type of lipid or fat in the blood. Calories not needed while eating triglyceridesIt is converted to e and stored in fat cells. 

Then our hormones for energy between meals triglyceride secrete. This cycle becomes problematic only when you eat more calories than you burn, which means high triglyceride leads to this hypertriglyceridemiaalso called i.

Triglyceride levels are expressed as:

Normal - less than 150 milligrams per deciliter

Borderline high - 150-199 milligrams per deciliter

Moving in Berlin - 200--499 milligrams per deciliter

Very high - 500 milligrams per deciliter or higher

Triglycerides and cholesterolare different types of lipids circulating in the blood. Triglycerides It stores unused calories and supplies energy to the body, while cholesterol is used to build cells and produce certain hormones. 

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) helps remove fat from the body by binding to the bloodstream and transporting it back to the liver for excretion.

Low density lipoprotein (LDL) carries mostly fat and only small amounts of protein from the liver to other parts of the body.

High LDL cholesterol is an important indicator of coronary heart disease, however, the evidence is high triglyceride levelshows that it is an independent risk factor. 

Causes of Triglyceride Elevation

High triglycerides can be caused by the following conditions:

- Obesity

Eating more calories than used, as it is burned for energy

- Sedentary lifestyle

Type 2 diabetes

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

Kidney disease

Excessive alcohol consumption

- To smoke

Medication side effects

Risk Factors for High Triglycerides

Researches, triglyceride levelsis a precursor of cardiovascular disease, a major cause of morbidity and mortality.

People with high triglyceridesEven if LDL cholesterol levels are on target, they may be at significant risk for cardiovascular disease.

High triglyceride having it increases the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. It, high triglyceridesIt's not because it causes diabetes, but because the body is unable to convert food into energy properly.

Normally, the body produces insulin that carries glucose to cells where it is used for energy. Insulin allows the body to use triglycerides for energy, but when the person is insulin resistant, cells do not allow insulin or glucose to enter, so both glucose and glucose in the blood triglyceride cause it to accumulate.

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Hypertriglyceridemiaplays an increasingly important role for existing obesity. Researches, triglyceride levelsis more closely related to waist circumference and weight loss hypertriglyceridemiaIt shows that it has improved significantly. 

How to Lower Triglyceride Naturally?

Lose weight

When we eat more calories than we need, our bodies triglyceride and stores it in fat cells.

That's why losing weight is an effective way to lower blood triglyceride levels. Studies show that losing 5-10% of body weight, blood triglyceridesshowed that it can reduce 40 mg / dL (0.45 mmol / L).

Studies have shown that long-term weight loss, albeit a small amount blood triglyceride levels found that it can have a lasting effect on you.

One study focused on participants who left the weight management program. Even if they regained the weight they lost nine months ago, blood triglyceride levels It remained 24-26% lower.

Limit sugar intake

Sugar consumption It is a big part of many people's diets. Hidden sugar is usually stored in sweets, soft drinks, and juices.

Extra sugar from food, triglyceride is transformed and this is triglyceride blood levels and other heart disease risk factors.

A 15-year study showed that those with at least 25% of their daily calories from sugar were twice as likely to die from heart disease than those with less than 10% of sugar.

Another study found that sugar consumption was higher in children. blood triglyceride levels found to be associated with. Replacing sugar-sweetened beverages even with water, triglyceride it can reduce almost 29 mg / dL (0.33 mmol / L).

Cut down on carbohydrates

Extra carbohydrates as well as sugar triglyceride it is converted and stored in fat cells. Low-carb diets less than blood triglyceride levels It provides. 

A 2006 study found that various carbohydrate triglyceride looked how it affected.

Those who eat a low-carbohydrate diet that provides about 26% calories from carbohydrate, compared to those who eat a high-carbohydrate diet with up to 54% of calories from carbohydrate. blood triglyceride levelsthey showed more decline in nd.

Another study looked at the effects of low- and high-carb diets over a one-year period. The low-carb group not only lost more weight but also blood triglyceridesProvided a further reduction in nd.

Consume more fiber

Lifis found in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Other sources of fiber are peanuts, grains, and legumes.

Consuming more fiber reduces the absorption of fat and sugar in the small intestine. triglyceride It helps to reduce the amount.

In one study, researchers found that supplementing with rice bran fiber in people with diabetes blood triglyceridesshowed that it reduced the amount of 7-8%.

Another study found that high and low fiber diets blood triglyceride How it affects their levels is examined.

Low fiber diet, triglycerides lead to a 45% rise in just six days, while in the high fiber phase triglycerides it lagged behind the baseline levels.

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Exercise regularly

Of "good" HDL cholesterol blood triglycerides i.e. high HDL cholesterol levels triglyceridescan help in falling.

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Aerobic exercise can increase HDL cholesterol levels in the blood, and this blood triglyceridescan drop ni.

Studies show that when paired with weight loss, aerobic exercise triglyceridesIt has shown to be particularly effective in reducing n.

Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, running, cycling, and swimming. It is recommended that you exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week.

UEffects of long-term exercise triglyceride is most pronounced for. One workout is to run two hours a week in four months. blood triglyceridesIt showed that it caused a significant decrease in weight.

Other research has found that exercising at a higher intensity for a shorter time is more effective than exercising at moderate intensity for longer.

Avoid trans fats

Suni trans fats It is a type of oil added to processed foods to extend shelf life. Trans fats are found in commercial fried foods and baked goods made with partially hydrogenated oils.

Due to their inflammatory properties, active oils can cause many health problems, such as increased "bad" LDL cholesterol levels and heart disease.

Eating trans fats blood triglyceride levelscan increase the ni.

0 Rh-positive blood group should not eat

Eat fatty fish twice a week

Fatty fish is beneficial for heart health and blood triglyceridesIt has the ability to drop. It is mostly due to its content of omega 3 fatty acids, this polyunsaturated fatty acid, considered essential, suggesting that it must be obtained through food.

It is recommended that you eat two servings of fatty fish a week. In fact, doing so can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 36%.

In a 2016 study, blood triglyceride concentrations of those who ate salmon twice a week decreased significantly.

Salmon, herring, sardines, tuna and mackerelThere are a few types of fish that are particularly high in omega 3 fatty acids.

Increase unsaturated fat intake

Studies show that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, especially when replacing other types of fats blood triglyceride levelsIt shows that it can reduce.

Monounsaturated fats are found in foods in olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils and fatty fish.

One study analyzed what 452 adults ate in the past 24 hours, focusing on a variety of saturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Researchers found that saturated fat intake blood triglyceridesand polyunsaturated fat intake low blood triglycerides found that it is associated with.

Another study gave elderly people four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil daily for six weeks. Over the duration of the study, this was the only source of fat added to their diet.

Results compared to the control group triglyceride levelsand a significant decrease in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.

Of unsaturated fats triglyceride To maximize its lowering benefits, choose a healthy oil like olive oil and use it to replace other types of fat in the diet, such as trans fats or over-processed vegetable oils.

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Eat regularly

Insulin resistance, high blood triglycerideswhat is another factor that can cause. After eating, cells in the pancreas send a signal to release insulin into the bloodstream. 

Insulin is responsible for transporting glucose into cells to be used later for energy.

If there is too much insulin in the blood, the body may become resistant to it, making it difficult to use insulin effectively. This causes an accumulation of both glucose and triglycerides in the blood.

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Fortunately, eating regularly can help prevent insulin resistance and high triglycerides. 

A growing body of research shows that irregular food patterns can lead to decreased insulin sensitivity as well as increased heart disease risk factors such as LDL and total cholesterol.

Eating regularly can increase insulin sensitivity and blood triglyceride levelsdrops ni.

Limit alcohol use

Alcohol is high in sugar and calories. If these calories are not used, triglyceride It can be transformed and stored in fat cells.

Although various factors emerged, some studies reported that moderate alcohol consumption was observed despite normal triglyceride levels. blood triglyceridesIt shows that it can increase the rate up to 53%.

Consume soy protein

Soy is rich in isoflavones, which are types of plant compounds with numerous health benefits. These compounds are very useful for lowering LDL cholesterol.

Soy protein blood triglyceride levelsIt is stated that it reduces. In a 2004 study, soy and animal proteins triglyceridesi compared how it affects.

After six weeks, the soy protein triglyceride levelsIt was determined that it reduces 12.4% more than animal protein.

Similarly, analysis of 23 studies showed that soy protein triglyceridesfound that it was also associated with a decrease of 7,3%. Soy protein; soybean and soy milk.

Consume more nuts

Nuts provides a concentrated dose of fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats; all of these blood triglyceridesthey work together to bring down the.

An analysis of 61 studies showed that each nut reduced triglycerides by 2.2 mg / dL (0.02 mmol / L). 

Another analysis of 2,226 people was that eating nuts blood triglyceridesIt had similar findings indicating that it was associated with a modest decrease in uterus.

Remember that nuts are high in calories, so it's important to consume them carefully.

Plants used in menopause

Try using natural supplements

A few natural supplements lowering blood triglycerides It has the potential to:

Fish oil

One study, well known for its powerful effects on heart health, found that taking fish oil supplements reduced triglycerides by 48%.


Although traditionally used to stimulate milk production, fenugreek seed blood triglyceridesIt is stated that it is effective in reducing the amount.

Garlic extract

Several animal studies have shown that garlic extract can reduce triglyceride levels, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.


This herbal supplement is used in conjunction with nutritional therapy in patients with high cholesterol. triglyceride levelsIt can be effective in lowering the ni.


A study conducted in 2012, using a low dose of curcumin as a supplement, blood triglyceridesIt revealed that it could cause a significant drop in business.

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