What Are the Harms of Sugar? How to Let go of Sugar?

The harms of sugar are now known and accepted by everyone. Current research on this subject continues and new results are emerging day by day. For example; Sugar consumption is the main cause of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

Most of the time, we prefer ready-made foods for practicality. But do we know that most of these foods contain sugar? The harms of sugar, which can be found even in products we never thought of, such as ketchup and mayonnaise, are actually quite serious.

First, let's talk about the harms of sugar. Next, let's talk about the most unhealthy types of sugar and ways to quit sugar.

What are the harms of sugar?

the harms of sugar
What are the harms of sugar?

causes weight gain

  • Obesity rates are increasing day by day in the world. Sugar, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, is seen as one of the culprits.
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages such as sweetened sodas, juices, and sweet teas contain fructose, a type of simple sugar.
  • Consuming fructose increases hunger and food cravings more than glucose, the main type of sugar found in starchy foods.
  • Additionally, excessive fructose consumption regulates hunger and tells the body to stop eating. leptin hormonecan resist.
  • In other words, sugary drinks do not curb our hunger, on the contrary, they make it easier to consume too many calories quickly. This leads to weight gain.
  • Studies have shown that people who consistently drink sugary beverages such as soda and fruit juice gain more weight than non-drinkers.
  • Also, drinking too many sugary drinks causes an increase in visceral fat, which is belly fat associated with conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Increases the risk of heart disease

  • Overconsumption of sugary foods and beverages puts you at increased risk for many diseases, including heart disease, the number one cause of death worldwide.
  • obesity, inflammation, high triglyceride, high blood sugar and hypertension are risk factors for heart disease. Consuming excessive sugar leads to these conditions. 
  • Consuming too much sugar, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, can cause atherosclerosis.

Increases the risk of diabetes

  • The incidence of diabetes worldwide has more than doubled in the past 30 years. Although there are many reasons for this, there is a clear link between excessive sugar consumption and the risk of diabetes.
  • Obesity caused by consuming too much sugar is considered the strongest risk factor for diabetes.
  • What's more, long-term high sugar consumption increases resistance to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance It causes blood sugar levels to rise and increases the risk of diabetes.
  • Studies have shown that people who consume sugary drinks, including fruit juice, are more likely to develop diabetes.

Increases the risk of cancer

  • One of the harms of excessive consumption of sugar is that it increases the risk of developing certain cancers. 
  • First of all, excessive consumption of sugary foods and beverages leads to obesity. This significantly increases the risk of cancer.
  • Also, eating sugar increases inflammation in the body and can cause insulin resistance, both of which increase the risk of cancer.

Increases the risk of depression

  • A healthy diet can help improve mood, while a diet high in sugar and processed foods depression increases the probability of occurrence.
  • Consuming high-sugar convenience foods has been associated with a higher risk of depression.

Increases cellular aging

  • Telomeres are structures found at the end of chromosomes, which are molecules that hold some or all of their genetic information. Telomeres act as protective covers, preventing chromosomes from deteriorating or fusing together.
  • As we age, the natural shortening of telomeres causes cells to age and deteriorate. Although shortening of telomeres is a normal part of aging, an unhealthy lifestyle can accelerate this process.
  • It has been determined that consuming high amounts of sugar accelerates telomere shortening, which in turn increases cellular aging.

Lowers the energy level

  • Excessive consumption of sugar blood sugar and raises insulin levels. However, this rise in energy level is temporary.
  • Products that contain sugar but no protein, fiber or fat cause a brief energy boost, followed by a sharp drop in blood sugar.
  • Having a sustained swing of blood sugar leads to significant fluctuations in energy levels. To avoid this energy draining cycle, it is necessary to consume carbohydrate sources that do not contain sugar and are rich in fiber.
  • Pairing carbs with protein or fat is an important way to keep blood sugar and energy levels stable. For example, eating an apple with a small handful of almonds is an excellent snack for long-lasting and consistent energy levels.

May cause fatty liver

  • High and continuous fructose intake increases the risk of fatty liver.
  • Glucose and unlike other types of sugars that are taken up by many cells in the body, fructose is broken down by the liver. In the liver, fructose is converted into energy or stored as glycogen.
  • Consuming large amounts of sugar in the form of fructose overloads the liver and causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the liver.
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Increases risk of kidney disease

  • Consistently high blood sugar can damage the delicate blood vessels in the kidneys. This increases the risk of kidney disease.

It negatively affects dental health

  • Eating too much sugar tooth cavitiesIt may cause. Sugar nourishes bacteria in the mouth and reveals acid byproducts that cause dental demineralization.

Increases the risk of gout

  • Gout is an inflammatory condition that causes pain in the joints. Sugar raises uric acid levels in the blood. Increases the risk of developing or worsening gout.

It accelerates cognitive decline

  • Eating sugary foods increases the risk of dementia by causing memory impairment.

What are the effects of sugar on the skin?

Causes acne

  • Sugary foods and drinks increases the risk of developing acne.
  • Sweet foods are foods with a high glycemic index. It raises blood sugar faster than low glycemic index foods, which keeps it low.
  • Sugary foods quickly raise blood sugar and insulin levels, causing androgen secretion, oil production and inflammation, which all play a role in acne development.

Accelerates the aging process of the skin

  • Wrinkles are a natural sign of aging. However, poor food choices increase wrinkles and accelerate the skin's aging process.
  • Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are compounds formed by reactions between sugar and protein in our body. They play an important role in skin aging.
  • Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugary foods leads to the production of AGEs that can cause premature aging of the skin. AGEs, proteins that help the skin to stretch and maintain its youthful appearance collagen and damages elastin.
  • When collagen and elastin are damaged, the skin loses its firmness and begins to sag. In one study, women who ate a lot of carbohydrates, such as sugar, had more wrinkles than those on a high-protein, low-carb diet.

What is refined sugar?

We talked about the harms of sugar. There are many types of sugar that affect our body quite badly. Refined sugar is one of them and a very harmful type of sugar.

Candy; fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cereals and even nuts It occurs naturally in many foods, including seeds and seeds. This is natural sugar, refined sugar extracted to produce. Table sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are two common examples of refined sugar created this way. 

  • Table sugar; Table sugar, also known as sucrose, is extracted from the sugar cane plant or sugar beet. The sugar production process begins with washing, slicing, and soaking the sugarcane or beet in hot water, which extracts the sugary juice. The juice is then filtered into a syrup that is processed into sugar crystals. 
  • High fructose corn syrup (HFCS); High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) It is a kind of refined sugar. Corn is first ground to make cornstarch and then processed again to create corn syrup. Next, enzymes are added that increase the fructose content of the sugar, making the corn syrup sweeter.

Refined sugars are used to add flavor to foods. It also acts as a preservative in jams or is used in foods such as pickles and baker's yeast. In addition, soft drinks and ice cream Used to add volume to processed foods such as.

What are the harms of refined sugar?

Sugars such as table sugar and high fructose corn syrup are added to a wide variety of foods that we wouldn't have thought of because they "contain sugar." Therefore, it is very likely that we may consume it unknowingly or unintentionally.

Consuming large amounts of refined sugar, especially in the form of sugary drinks, harms include obesity and excess belly fat, which is a risk factor for conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. 

Foods high in high fructose corn syrup leptin resistancewhat causes it, which explains the link between refined sugar and obesity. 

Many studies link sugar consumption to an increased risk of heart disease. It also raises risk factors for type 2 diabetes, depression, dementia, liver disease and certain types of cancer. 

Refined sugar and unrefined sugar

The harms of refined sugar for health are much worse than natural sugar. 

Foods containing refined sugar are often heavily processed

  • Sugar is added to foods and beverages for flavoring. It is considered empty calories because it contains almost no vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, fiber or other beneficial compounds. 
  • Besides being low in nutrients, they are high in salt and fat, both of which can be harmful to health when consumed in large quantities.

Natural sugar is often found in nutrient-rich foods

  • Sugar is found naturally in many foods. Two popular examples are lactose in dairy products and fructose in fruits.
  • Our bodies break down natural and refined sugar into identical molecules, processing both in the same way. However, natural sugars are typically found in foods that provide other beneficial nutrients.

Refined sugar is added to packaged foods. Therefore, checking food labels can be effective in reducing the amount of this unhealthy sugar.

A wide variety of names are used to label added sugar. The most common are high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, sugar juice, rice syrup, molasses, caramel and ingredients such as glucose, maltose or dextrose. 

What's in refined sugar?

  • Beverages: Soft drinks, sports drinks, special coffee drinks, energy drinkssome juices. 
  • Breakfast foods: Muesli, granola, breakfast cereals, cereal bars, etc.
  • Desserts and baked goods: Chocolate, candy, pie, ice cream, bread, bakery products, etc.
  • Canned goods: Dry beans, canned vegetables and fruits, etc.
  • Diet foods: Low-fat yogurts, low-fat peanut butter, low-fat sauces, etc.
  • Sauces: Ketchup, salad dressings, pasta sauces, etc.
  • Ready meals: Pizza, frozen meals, etc.
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How to Let go of Sugar? Ways to Quit Sugar

Excessive sugar consumption is one of the worst things we can do to our body due to the harms of sugar. Sugar is found naturally in foods such as fruits and vegetables. This type of sugar has little effect on blood sugar. Because fiber and other components slow down its absorption. But refined sugar causes obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and tooth decay. If it is possible to reduce this type of sugar, it is necessary to give up sugar. So how do you leave sugar? How do we remove sugar from our lives? Here are ways to quit sugar with simple tips…

how to leave sugar

Do not drink sugary drinks

Quitting sugary drinks greatly reduces sugar intake. It also aids in weight loss. Here are the low-sugar drink options:

  • Su
  • Lemon juice 
  • Mint and cucumber juice
  • Herbal or fruit teas
  • Tea and coffee

Stay away from desserts

“How to leave sugar?” When we say that, one of the first things that comes to our mind is to stay away from sweets. If you think you need something sweet, try these:

  • Fresh fruit
  • Cinnamon or fruit yogurt
  • Dark chocolate
  • a handful of dates

Avoid sauces

Sauces such as ketchup and barbecue sauce contain a lot of sugar, even if we are not aware of it. Sugar-free options to flavor the dish include:

  • Fresh or dried herbs and spices
  • Fresh pepper
  • Vinegar

Eat healthy foods instead of ready-made foods

Healthy foods are not processed. It does not contain additives. Processed foods are prepared foods that contain salt, sugar and fat, and are made from ingredients that are not usually used in home cooking. Cook your own meals at home to avoid the harmful effects of sugar as much as possible.

Beware of snacks that are touted as healthy

Snacks such as granola bars, protein bars and dried fruit that are said to be healthy contain perhaps more sugar than other alternatives. Added sugar is added to some dried fruits. As a healthy snack, try:

  • handful of hazelnuts
  • Boiled egg
  • Fresh fruit

Read the labels

Knowing how to read labels "how to quit sugar" is the most important step. Manufacturers can use more than 50 names for sugar on labels. This makes it difficult to discern the sugar content. Here are some of the most commonly used:

  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Cane sugar or juice
  • Maltose
  • Grape sugar
  • Rice syrup
  • Sugar cane
  • Caramel

Eat more protein and fat

Consuming too much sugar can cause an increase in appetite and weight gain. A diet that is low in sugar and high in protein and fat has the opposite effect. Hunger and food intake are reduced.

To reduce sugar cravings, consume foods rich in protein and fat, such as meat, fish, eggs, full-fat dairy products, avocados and nuts.

No sugary foods at home

If you keep high-sugar foods at home, you will be more likely to eat them. Try to have healthy, low-sugar snacks.

Don't go when you're hungry for shopping

If you've ever shopped when you were hungry, you know what can happen. Not only are you buying more food, you're also filling your shopping cart with unhealthy foods.

Get enough sleep

Quality and uninterrupted sleep habits are incredibly important for health. Insomnia or poor quality sleep is linked to depression, attention deficit and decreased immune function.

There is a link between insomnia and obesity. But recently, researchers discovered that insomnia also affects the types of food you eat. So going to bed early and getting quality sleep can help reduce sugar intake.

How much sugar should be consumed per day?

Sugar and sugary foods are unfortunately one of the biggest problems in nutrition. Along with their high calorie content, they are low in nutrients and harm metabolism in the long run. consumed too much The harm of sugar is due to the fact that it triggers various diseases such as weight gain, obesity, type II diabetes and heart disease. So how much should the daily sugar consumption be?

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugar we should get in a day is as follows:

  • Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons).
  • Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons).

If you are healthy, lean and active, these seem like decent amounts. You will probably burn this small amount of sugar easily and it won't do much harm.

However, it should be noted that there is no need to get added sugar from food. It serves no physiological purpose. It has no nutritional value, so if you do not consume it, you will not lose anything, even it will be beneficial. The less sugar you eat, the healthier you will be.

What is sugar addiction?

Sugary and empty-calorie foods stimulate the same areas of the brain. Therefore, it can cause you to lose control over sugar consumption. If you are overeating, unable to reduce the amount you eat – then perhaps you are addicted to sugar.

Just as smokers should quit smoking completely, a sugar addict should avoid sugar completely. Complete abstinence is the most reliable way to beat addiction.

Getting rid of sugar addiction

You can get rid of sugar addiction by avoiding the following foods and drinks:

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Soft drinks: Sugar-sweetened beverages are unhealthy and should be avoided.

Fruit juices: This may surprise you, but juices actually contain the same amount of sugar as soft drinks.

Confectionery and sweets: You should limit your sweet consumption to a large extent.

Baked goods: Cake, biscuit, etc. These include sugar and refined carbohydrate amount is high.

Low-fat or diet foods: The amount of sugar in defatted foods is very high.

Drink water instead of soda or juices, and don't add sugar to coffee or tea. Substitute sugar in recipes cinnamon, coconut, almond, vanilla, zencefil or a limon You can use foods such as.

Foods Containing Sugar – An astonishing list

Low-fat yogurt

  • Yoghurt It is highly nutritious, but sugar is added to low-fat yogurts to increase its flavor. 
  • To avoid sugar content, it is necessary to take full-fat and natural yogurts. The best is to ferment it at home.

Barbecue sauce

  • Up to 2 tablespoons (28 grams) of barbecue sauce can contain about 9 grams of sugar. That's more than 2 teaspoons worth.
  • When purchasing barbecue sauce to avoid high sugar consumption, check the ingredients and choose the ones with the least sugar content.


  • It can have as much sugar content as barbecue sauce.
  • When using ketchup, pay attention to the portion size and remember that a tablespoon of ketchup contains about 1 teaspoon of sugar.


  • Like the fruit itself, the juice contains some vitamins and minerals. But while it may seem like a healthy choice, these vitamins and minerals contain large amounts of sugar and very little fiber.
  • In fact, there may be sugar in juice as well as in a sugary beverage like cola. Eating the fruit itself is more beneficial than drinking its juice.

Sports drinks

  • Sports drinks are designed to hydrate and nourish trained athletes during long and intense periods of exercise. Therefore, they contain high amounts of added sugar that can be quickly absorbed and used for energy. For this reason, they are classified as sugary drinks. 
  • Like soda and fruit juice, they have been linked to obesity and metabolic diseases.
  • If you are not a marathon runner or an athlete, just drink water while exercising.

Chocolate milk

  • Milk itself is a very nutritious beverage. It is a rich source of nutrients that are great for bone health, including calcium and protein.
  • But despite all the nutritional qualities of milk, 230 mL of chocolate milk contains an extra 11,4 grams (2,9 teaspoons) of added sugar.
  • granolaAlthough it's high in both calories and sugar, it's often marketed as a low-fat healthy food.
  • The main ingredient in granola is oats. Plain oats are a balanced grain with carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber.
  • But the oats in granola are combined with nuts and honey or other added sweeteners, which increases the amount of sugar and calories.
  • 100 grams of granola contains about 400-500 calories and about 5-7 teaspoons of sugar. If you like granola, opt for ones with less added sugar or make your own at home. 

Flavored coffees

  • The amount of hidden sugar in flavored coffees can be surprising.
  • At some coffee chains, a large flavored coffee drink may contain up to 45 grams of sugar. This is equivalent to about 11 teaspoons of added sugar per serving.

Ice tea

  • Iced tea is usually flavored with sugar or syrup. It is popular around the world in a variety of forms and flavors, and this means that the sugar content may vary slightly.
  • Most commercially prepared iced teas contain about 340 grams of sugar per 35 milliliter serving. This is almost the same as a bottle of coke.

Protein bars

  • Protein-containing foods help to lose weight and increase the feeling of satiety. This has led people to believe that protein bars are a healthy snack.
  • While there are some healthier protein bars on the market, many contain around 20 grams of added sugar, making their nutrient content similar to that of a candy bar.
  • When choosing protein bars, read the label and avoid ones that are high in sugar.

Instant soups

  • Soup is not a food we often associate with sugar.
  • When made with fresh and natural ingredients, it's a healthy choice.
  • Most commercially prepared soups contain many additional ingredients, including sugar. 
Breakfast cereals
  • Some breakfast cereals, especially those marketed for children, contain large amounts of added sugar. Some contain 34 grams or 12 teaspoons of sugar in a small serving of 3 grams.
  • Check the label and opt for a high-fiber cereal with no added sugars.

Canned fruit

  • All fruits contain natural sugar. However, some of the canned fruit is peeled and preserved in sweetened syrup. This process removes the fiber of the fruit and adds too much unnecessary sugar.
  • The canning process can also destroy heat-sensitive vitamin C, but most other nutrients are well preserved. Natural, fresh fruit is best.

References: 1, 2, 3, 45

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