What is Cinnamon Apple (Graviola), What Are Its Benefits?

Cinnamon appleis a popular fruit for its distinctive flavor and impressive health benefits. Although it contains very few calories with its nutrient density, it provides a good amount of fiber and vitamin C.

What is Graviola Fruit?

Graviola, soursop known by different names such as cinnamon appleIs a tree species native to the tropics of America. Annona muricata is the fruit.

Since this prickly green fruit has a creamy texture and strong flavor, it is often ananas or a Strawberry compared with.

Cinnamon appleIt is eaten raw by cutting the fruit in half and removing the flesh.

The fruit can vary in size and can be quite large, so it may be necessary to divide it into several portions while eating.

Soursop Fruit Nutrition Value

Typical characteristics of this fruit are that it is low in calories and high in various nutrients such as fiber and vitamin C.

Raw cinnamon appleThe nutritional profile of a 100-gram serving is as follows:

Calories: 66

Protein: 1 grams

Carbs: 16,8 grams

Fiber: 3.3 grams

Vitamin C: 34% of the RDI

Potassium: 8% of the RDI

Magnesium: 5% of the RDI

Thiamine: 5% of the RDI

Cinnamon apple also a small amount niacinContains riboflavin, folate and iron.

Many parts of the fruit are used medicinally, including the leaves, fruit and stem.

Research in recent years cinnamon applehas revealed several health benefits.

Some test-tubes and animal studies have found that it can help some conditions, from relieving inflammation to slowing cancer growth.

What Are the Benefits of Cinnamon Apple?

Soursop fruitcontains a large number of phytonutrients that can fight disease-causing cells and even certain types of tumors.

These foods contain antioxidant properties that improve overall health. They help fight cancer, improve eye health, and treat a variety of infections.

High in antioxidants

Cinnamon appleMany of its known benefits are due to its high antioxidant content. Antioxidantshelps neutralize harmful compounds called free radicals that can damage cells.

Some research shows that antioxidants may play an important role in reducing the risk of various diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

A test tube study, cinnamon appleHe studied the antioxidant properties of the oil and discovered that it can effectively protect against free radical damage.

Another test tube study, cinnamon apple extractIt measured the antioxidants in it and showed that it helps prevent it from damaging cells.

In addition, the fruit contains antioxidants such as luteolin, quercetin and tangeretin and various plant compounds.

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May help kill cancer cells

While most research is currently limited to test-tube studies, some studies cinnamon appleIt found that it could potentially help eradicate cancer cells.

A test tube study, cinnamon apple extract treated breast cancer cells with.

The extract of the fruit can reduce tumor size, kill cancer cells and increase the activity of the immune system.

Another test-tube study found that leukemia cells have been found to stop the growth and formation of cancerous cells. cinnamon apple extractexamined the effects of.

However, these studies, cinnamon apple extractTest tube studies with a strong dose of Further studies are needed to examine how eating the fruit may affect cancer in humans.

It can help fight bacteria

In addition to its antioxidant properties, some studies cinnamon appleshows that it may also contain potent anti-bacterial properties.

In a test-tube study, different concentrations of different bacteria are known to cause oral diseases. cinnamon apple extracts was used.

Cinnamon apple, gingivitishas been able to kill a large number of bacteria, including the species that cause tooth decay and yeast infections.

Another test tube study, cinnamon apple extractof, cholera and “Staphylococcus " It showed that it works against the bacteria responsible for its infections.

May reduce inflammation

Some animal studies, cinnamon apple It has found that its components can help fight inflammation.

Inflammation is a normal immune response to damage, but growing evidence suggests that chronic inflammation can contribute to illness.

In one study, rats with cinnamon apple extract treated, and this was found to reduce swelling and relieve inflammation.

Another study had similar findings, cinnamon apple extractIt shows that the rate of bloating in mice is reduced by up to 37%.

While research is currently limited to animal studies, it can be particularly useful in treating inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

In an animal study, cinnamon apple extractfound to reduce the levels of some inflammatory markers involved in arthritis.

Helps balance blood sugar levels

Cinnamon appleIt has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels in some animal studies.

In one study, diabetic rats over the course of two weeks cinnamon apple extract injected. Those who took the extract had five times lower blood sugar levels than the untreated group.

In another study, diabetic rats cinnamon apple extractof implementation blood sugar levelsIt has been shown to reduce up to 75%.

Improves eye health

Cinnamon apple Contains many antioxidants. Among these antioxidants, especially vitamins C and E, zinc and beta-carotene have been found to reduce the risk of eye disease.

Antioxidants also reduce oxidative stress, oxidative stress cataracts and age-related macular degenerationIt may cause.

Benefits for kidney and liver health

According to a Malaysian study, cinnamon apple extractwas found to be safe in rats treated for kidney and liver ailments. Similar observations have been made in humans.

According to another Indian study, acetogenins in fruit can kill malignant cells of 12 types of cancer, one of which is liver cancer.

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Improves respiratory health

A Nigerian study notes that the leaves of the fruit tree are effective in treating respiratory ailments such as asthma.

Helps reduce stress

According to a report by the University of Connecticut, cinnamon appleCan be used to treat other problems such as stress and depression.

Improves gastrointestinal health

The fruit has also been found to have anti-ulcer properties. The fruit suppresses oxidative damage and protects the mucus of the stomach lining.

The important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit can help improve gastrointestinal health.

A study conducted in Brazil examined the anthelmintic (ability to kill parasites) properties of the leaf extract of the fruit. They studied the effects of a parasitic worm causing gastrointestinal problems in sheep.

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of the leaf on the eggs and adult forms of the parasite.

The study concluded that the fruit may have similar effects in humans as it is a natural anthelmintic and can kill the parasites that cause gastrointestinal problems in sheep.

Nevertheless, research continues on this subject.

Strengthens the immune system

A study conducted in Korea states that eating cinnamon apple can strengthen immunity. This is due to the action of bioactive compounds found in the fruit.

Oral intake of the leaf extracts of the fruit has been found to reduce edema in rat paws, which is often caused by a weakened immune system.

Work, cinnamon apple leaves concluded that the extract has the potential to stimulate immunity and therefore can be used in the treatment of immunocompromised patients. 

Relieves pain (works as an analgesic)

According to the US National Library of Medicine cinnamon apple It can work as an analgesic. 

It cures fever

Cinnamon apple It has traditionally been used to treat fever. In Africa, the leaves of the fruit are boiled to control fever symptoms and convulsive seizures.

According to an Indian study, cinnamon apple and water can not only cure fever but also diarrhea and dysentery It also acts as an astringent for

The fruit can also help treat fever in children; cinnamon apple It is widely used in Africa for this purpose.

Helps treat hypertension

Cinnamon applehas traditionally been used to treat hypertension. This may be attributed to the antioxidant potential of phenols in fruit, according to a study conducted in Nigeria.

The fruit contains nutrients that can help lower blood pressure in adults, according to a study report in Indonesia.

Helps treat rheumatism

Immature in africa cinnamon apple Used to treat rheumatism and arthritic pain. Even the crushed leaves of the tree are used to treat rheumatism.

The fruit also contains anthocyanins, tannins and alkaloids that exhibit anti-rheumatic effects.

Benefits of Cinnamon Apple to Skin

According to a report published in the US National Library of Medicine, extract of cinnamon apple leavescan help prevent skin papilloma, a disease that causes tumor eruptions on the skin.

In fact, the fruit is so beneficial for the skin that the leaves of the plant are used to calm babies' skin.

How to Eat Cinnamon Apple?

Cinnamon appleIt can be used in a variety of ways, from juices to ice creams, as a popular ingredient in some countries.

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It is a fruit that is only recently recognized and its benefits are being learned in our country.

The flesh of the fruit can be added to drinks such as smoothies, turned into tea, or used to help flavor cooked foods.

However, as it has a naturally strong flavor, cinnamon apple It is mostly consumed raw.

When choosing fruit, opt for soft ones or wait for a few days to ripen before eating. Then cut it lengthwise, take the meat out of the skin and enjoy it.

As it contains annonacin, a neurotoxin that can contribute to the development of Parkinson's disease cinnamon apple Do not eat the seeds of the fruit.

Cinnamon Apple Milkshake


  • A glass of milk
  • 1/2 cup cinnamon apple pulp
  • 7-8 ice cubes
  • 1 XNUMX/XNUMX teaspoons of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of peanuts

How is it done?

- Cut the fruit in half. Take out the pulp and remove the seeds.

Add all the ingredients in a blender and make a smoothie.

- Take the smoothie into the serving glass and garnish with pistachios.

When you mix the ice cubes with the other ingredients, you get a chilled smoothie. 

What Are The Side Effects Of Cinnamon Apple?

Eye inflammation

The seeds and rind of the fruit are considered toxic. Contains potentially toxic compounds such as anonain, hydrocyanic acid, and myrrhicin. These can cause eye inflammation.

Problems with Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant women are advised not to consume this fruit.

This is because the high energy in the cells of the developing fetus can trigger the toxic activity of the fruit - potentially causing harm to the baby and the mother, the baby at greater risk.

While pregnant or breastfeeding eat cinnamon apple is insecure.

Excessive Weight Loss

According to a research, consuming cinnamon applescaused severe weight loss in the mice participating in the experiment. Similar effects can be seen in humans.

Parkinson's disease

According to a French study, eat cinnamon appleCan cause the development of Parkinson's disease.

As a result;

Test tube and cinnamon apple extractAnimal studies using this fruit have revealed some promising results regarding the potential health benefits of this fruit.

Still, these studies found that much more than the amount that can be obtained from a single serving cinnamon apple extractIt is important to remember that a heavy dose is looking at its effects.

Cinnamon apple It is a delicious and versatile fruit.

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