What is Aronia Fruit, How Is It Eaten? Benefits and Nutritional Value

Aronia fruit ( Aronia melanocarpa ) is a small dark fruit. It is one of the rich plant antioxidant sources that are beneficial for health.

Aronia fruit Rosaceae small, dark colored fruit that grows on the bushes of its family.

It originates in North America but grows in other parts of the world, including Europe. It is used by Native Americans as a remedy for the common cold.

The fruit is mostly used to make juice, puree, jam, gel, tea. It is available in fresh, frozen, dried and powder form.

What is Aronia Fruit?

Native to North America, this mulberry species is one of the strongest groups in terms of antioxidant content, and besides having a unique flavor, it is widely used in culinary applications in the region where it grows. 

Scientifically Aronia genusThere are about half a dozen different types, often found in different colors, classified in Aronia melanocarpa'Dr. Aronia The name comes from the fruit's sour quality and the way it contracts when you eat it. 

This flavor becomes more delicious when the fruit is sweetened or used in a variety of dishes.

Since their appearance and organic components are quite similar to other beneficial fruits, aronia fruitIt is easily confused with other berry varieties in the Rosaceae family, but aronia fruitdiffers from others in terms of nutrient concentration. 

Rich in anthocyanins, carotenes, flavonoids and other organic antioxidants in addition to vitamins and minerals, this superfruit plays an important role in promoting health and treating or preventing a number of medical conditions. 

Nutritional Value of Aronia Fruit

Calories in aronia fruit It is low, however, it is highly nutritious due to its high content of fiber, vitamin C and manganese. 30 grams aronia fruitcontains the following nutrients: 

Calories: 13

Protein: 2 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbs: 12 grams

Fiber: 2 grams

Vitamin C: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)

Manganese: 9% of the DV

Vitamin K: 5% of the DV 

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Fruits also contain folate, iron, and vitamins A and E. In addition, it is an excellent source of antioxidants. It is particularly high in anthocyanins, which gives the fruits their dark blue color.

What Are the Benefits of Aronia Fruit?

The fruit has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This benefits health in many ways by protecting cells from damage. 

aronia fruit benefits

Contains powerful antioxidants

Aronia fruit high level antioxidant includes. These compounds protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. The buildup of free radicals can cause oxidative stress that can lead to chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer.

Aronia fruit It is an excellent antioxidant group that contains phenolic acids, anthocyanins and flavanols. polyphenol is the source.

May have anticancer effects

Aronia fruit can protect against cancer. Test-tube and animal studies show that the anthocyanins in this fruit can stop the growth of colon cancer cells.

Extracts from fruits can reduce oxidative stress related to breast cancer. In one study, these extracts reduced the number of harmful superoxide free radicals in blood samples from women with breast cancer. 

Has antidiabetic effects

Researches, aronia fruitIt supports the antidiabetic effects of In a study conducted in rats in 2015, aronia extractIt has been found to help boost the immune system and reduce diabetes-related inflammation.

In a 2012 study, in insulin-resistant rats,aronia extractIt has been found to fight insulin resistance at various levels. This result potentially makes it an effective aid in preventing the development of diabetes.

Protects the health of organs

In a 2016 study in rats with liver damage, aronia juiceeffects were examined. Researchers found that the juice reduced the severity and symptoms of liver damage.

In a similar study aronia juiceIt was determined that rat has protective effects against liver damage. 

Another rodent study, aronia juicefound that it helped reduce the severity of symptoms in rats with damaged stomach lining.

Work, aronia fruitHe suggested that the benefits of pineapple may be due to its ability to combat oxidative stress, as well as increase mucus production.

Good for heart health

Due to its antioxidant properties, aronia fruit It is beneficial for heart health. It is particularly effective for people with metabolic syndrome, which increases the likelihood of heart disease and diabetes.

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A two-month study of 25 people with metabolic syndrome, 300 mg per day aronia extract found that taking it significantly reduced blood pressure.

Strengthens immunity

Aronia fruit strengthens the immune system. A test-tube study showed that extracts of the fruit were found to be potentially harmful bacteria. Escherichia colive To Bacillus Cereus stated that it showed strong antibacterial activity against.

Additionally, a three-month study of nursing home residents found 156 or 89 ml per day. aronia juice drinkers, urinary tract infectionsfound that it experienced 55% and 38% reductions, respectively.

Berries have antiviral effects. In a mouse study, it was determined that ellagic acid and myricetin in the extract of the fruit could protect against influenza virus. 

Helps to lose weight

Calories in aronia fruit and is low in fat but contains dietary fiber and rich nutrients. It is an excellent diet aid to feel full and stay healthy without adding extra calories.

Helps digestion

Aronia fruit They are high in fiber, meaning they move food through the gut efficiently, facilitating trouble-free digestion. Fiber can help move stool, relieving constipation, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, and general stomach upset.

Aronia fruitThe organic compounds in it also protect the intestine from dangerous bacteria due to its natural immune-boosting and antioxidant activity.

Slows down cognitive impairment

One of the most harmful processes of free radicals is that they affect the brain and cognitive pathways. Aronia fruitlocated in anthocyaninsIt is directly linked to increased neural pathway activity and reduced oxidative stress in the brain, thereby reducing the onset and onset of Alzheimer's, dementia, and other age-related cognitive disorders.

Improves eye health

Aronia fruitThe carotenes contained in it can reduce oxidative stress in the eyes, thus macular degenerationIt slows or prevents the onset of cataracts and the development of cataracts. Carotene is one of the most powerful antioxidants and aronia fruitare found at significant levels.

Aronia fruit benefits for skin

Aronia fruitIt contains several ingredients that can improve the health and appearance of the skin. Oxidative stress affects the skin as we age, causing wrinkles, age spots and more severe blemishes and scars.

Aronia fruitAntioxidants can prevent these age-related symptoms and tighten the skin due to its astringent properties.

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How to Eat Aronia Fruit

Easily available locally aronia fruitIt is not a type of fruit that people living in different parts of the world can easily find.

It is often made into juice and is an essential ingredient in jams, purees, syrups, teas and wines.

Aronia fruit can be consumed as:


It can be eaten fresh or dried as a snack, but some prefer not to consume it raw due to its dry mouth effects.

Fruit juice and puree

Aronia fruit or the juice can be combined with other fruits such as pineapple, apple or strawberry to make a refreshing drink.


It can be added to cakes and pies.

Jam and dessert

For different jams and delicious treats aronia fruit candied. In this way, the sour taste is suppressed.

Tea, coffee and wine

Aronia fruit It can be found as an ingredient in tea, wine, and coffee.

Berries can also be taken as a supplement in powder or capsule form, with serving and dosage recommendations varying by brand.

Its capsules can be made from freeze-dried fruit or its pulp. Therefore, service recommendations vary significantly.

What Are the Side Effects of Aronia Fruit?

Studies show that eating this fruit is safe and has no serious adverse effects.

Aronia fruit flavor may leave a dry feeling in the mouth. Therefore, eating alone can be difficult. Instead, you can add them to foods and drinks like yogurt, desserts, and juices.

As a result;

Aronia fruit, Rosaceae grows on the bushes of its family. It is rich in fiber and vitamin C, these compounds are beneficial for heart health, strengthen immunity and protect against cancer.

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