How to Differentiate Vegetables and Fruits? Differences Between Fruit and Vegetables

We know that fruits and vegetables are beneficial for our health, but few people know the differences between them. There are many differences between fruits and vegetables in terms of texture, flavor and nutrition.

Here Differences between fruit and vegetables...

 Description of the fruit

The fruit is the usually sweet and fleshy part of a plant surrounding the seeds, but some fruits bear the seed outside the fruit.

Description of the vegetable

All other edible parts of plants are considered vegetables. A vegetable is a herbaceous plant grown for an edible part, such as beet root, spinach leaf, broccoli or flower buds of cauliflower.

What is the Difference Between Fruit and Vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables are grouped in two different ways, both in terms of botany and cuisine. Vegetable, fruits and vegetables are classified depending on where the plant comes from.

If a plant comes from a flower, it is classified as a fruit, and other parts of the plant as a vegetable. While fruits contain seeds, vegetables are made up of roots, stems, and leaves.

In terms of cuisine, fruits and vegetables are classified according to their taste. Fruits often have a sweet flavor and are used in desserts, snacks or juices.

Vegetables have a milder or savory flavor and are often eaten as a side dish or main course.

Comparison Chart of Fruits and Vegetables

DescriptionThe word fruit has different meanings in different contexts. In botany, fruits are ripe ovaries of flowering plants.The term vegetable usually means the edible parts of the plants.
SeedIt should contain seeds (e.g. strawberries) inside or outside.Vegetables do not contain seeds.
FlavorUsually they have a sour and sweet flavor.While each vegetable tastes different, almost no vegetable can be classified as sweet, sour, salty, or bitter.
Nutritive valueIt has a high natural sugar and fiber content, usually low in calories and fat.They are low in fat and high in fiber. Vegetables such as beets and potatoes are very high in sugar.
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Fruits are Often Mixed with Vegetables

Probably some foods are considered fruits, but are considered vegetables in the kitchen and are handled this way.

However, there are a few plants that are technically fruit, but they are often classified as vegetables because of their taste. Tomatois the best known example of this. 

In 1893, the US Supreme Court ruled that tomatoes should be classified as a vegetable instead of fruit under US customs regulations.

Botanically speaking, tomato, fruit definitionfits. However, it's still commonly referred to as a vegetable because of its flavor profile.

Other common examples of fruits mixed with vegetables include:

Fruits We Know as Vegetables


Although it does not fit the known fruit profile due to its high fat content avocado is a fruit.


This delicious food with a high water content is a fruit.


Peppers of all kinds, from red to green, are classified as fruit.


Eggplant technically it is in the fruit class.


Corn is treated as a grain in agriculture and a vegetable in the kitchen, but it is a fruit.


It is difficult to think of olives as a fruit, but olive stone fruitsis den.

Pumpkin, green squash, etc.

All kinds of zucchini are fruits like cucumbers.


Pea It is also classified as fruit.


Rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C okrais one of the most delicious fruits.

the difference between fruit and vegetables

Sweet Flavoring Vegetables

Although there are many fruits mixed with vegetables, there are very few vegetables that are considered fruits.

However, most varieties of vegetables have a naturally sweet flavor compared to other vegetables and are used in desserts, pies and baked goods similarly to fruit.

Sweet potato is a vegetable that can be used in sweet foods such as fruit. Despite its sweet flavor, sweet potato is actually a type of root vegetable, not a fruit.

Likewise, yams are tubers and vegetables with another type of edible sugary flavor. Other vegetables that are naturally sweeter are beets, carrots, and turnips.

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Nutritional Content of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have many similarities in terms of nutrition. It is high in both fiber and vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant compounds.

Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in sodium and fat. As you'd expect given their sweet flavor, fruits contain high amounts of natural sugar and calories compared to vegetable varieties.

For example, a cup of apples contains 65 calories and 13 grams of sugar, while a glass of broccoli has only 31 calories and 2 grams of sugar.

Compared to vegetables, some types of fruit may contain more fiber per gram. While the fiber content per 100 grams for the fruit ranges from 2 to 15 grams, leafy vegetables provide 1.2 to 4 grams of fiber at the same weight.

Water content is also highly variable. Leafy vegetables consist of 84-95% water, while fruits can be slightly less, between 61-89%.

There are also some nutritional differences between different fruit and vegetable categories. Here are a few nutritional aspects:

Tubers: Rich in fiber, it is also a good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium and B vitamins.

Citrus: It is high in vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid and antioxidants that can protect against degenerative diseases.

Cruciferous vegetables: Glucosinolates contain a group of compounds that have been linked to cancer prevention.

Berry fruits: Berries, common name for berries and blueberries, are full of anthocyanins, anti-inflammatory compounds that have been studied for reducing oxidative stress and improving heart health.

Green leafy vegetables: It is a good source of carotenoids such as lutein, which is stated to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.

Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

There is good research documenting that fruit and vegetable consumption has many benefits on health.

Many studies have found that eating more fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. One study found that eating more than three servings of fruit and vegetables a day reduced the risk of heart disease by 70%.

Because fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, they can help keep your weight in check.

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One study followed 24 people over a 133.000-year period. It showed that when people increased their intake of fruit and non-starchy vegetables, their weight tended to decrease.

Increasing fiber intake through fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of cancer. Multiple studies have found that higher fruit and vegetable consumption is linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

Finally, eating fruits and vegetables can benefit blood sugar. The fiber obtained from these foods slows sugar absorption by keeping blood sugar levels constant.

One study showed that an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption may actually lead to a reduction in diabetes development.

Note that these results apply to fruits and vegetables, but not for fruit and vegetable juices.

The juice provides a concentrated dose of the vitamins, minerals and sugars found in the fruit but without the fiber and the health benefits that come with it.

 As a result;

Botanically, there is a distinct difference between fruits and vegetables. Current guidelines recommend consuming at least five servings of fruit and vegetables daily with 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit.

Ultimately, classifying fruits and vegetables is not as important as taking advantage of the variety of nutrients they provide. Whether it's named fruit or vegetable, they have great health benefits and should be included in your diet.

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