How to Make a Protein Diet? Weight Loss With Protein Diet

Protein is important for health. It is a food that must be consumed every day to meet the body's needs. Protein The daily intake is 0.8 grams per kilogram. However, studies state that much more than this amount should be taken to lose weight.

What Is Protein, Why Is It Important?

Proteinis one of the three macronutrients, along with carbohydrate and fat. It performs the following tasks in our body:

Repair and maintenance

Protein is the main component of muscles, bones, skin and hair. These tissues are constantly repaired and replaced with new proteins.


Chemical messenger proteins allow cells and organs in our body to communicate with each other. 


Enzymes are proteins and thousands of chemical reactions that take place all over our body direct them.

Transport and storage

Some proteins help get important molecules where they're needed. For example, the protein hemoglobin carries oxygen to the body's cells.

Protein is made up of smaller units known as amino acids. Of the 22 amino acids, 9 are considered "essential", meaning they must be obtained from food; because our body cannot do these things. Importantly, some foods provide better protein than others with their amino acid profile.

Animal products are considered "complete protein" because they provide the necessary amino acids in the optimal amounts needed by the body. These include eggs, milk, meat, fish, and poultry.

Vegetable proteins do not provide enough of every important amino acid, but can be combined with other plant sources to make complete protein. Beans, legumes, grains, soy, peanuts, and seeds are examples of high-protein plant foods.

While protein quality is important, the amount of protein consumed is also important.

What is the Importance of Protein for Weight Loss?

weight loss with protein

Appetite and satiety

Eating more protein helps suppress hunger and appetite for a long time. Protein increases the production of hormones such as PYY and GLP-1, these two hormones help you feel full. In addition, known as the "hunger hormone" ghrelin It helps to lower the level.

In a controlled study of 12 healthy women, GLP-1 levels and feelings of fullness were higher in the group on a high-protein diet compared to the group on a lower-protein diet.

Because of these effects on appetite and satiety, eating higher amounts of protein leads to a natural reduction in food intake over time.

In one study, when 19 healthy young adults were allowed to eat as much as they wanted on a 30% protein diet, they consumed an average of 10 fewer calories per day when they followed a 441% protein diet.

Protein on weight loss The most important effect is the marked increase in metabolic rate during digestion.

Metabolic rate

If you eat more protein, the number of calories you burn increases. Digesting protein increases metabolic rate by 25-30% compared to digesting carbohydrate and fat. Many studies have found that several hours more calories are burned than a protein-rich meal.

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In the study of a healthy young woman, it increased the metabolic rate, measured after eating a high-protein meal for a day, by almost twice that of eating a high-carbohydrate meal for a day.

Body composition

The ability of protein to suppress appetite, increase satiety and speed up metabolism helps to weaken. Several high-quality studies have found that increasing protein intake increases weight and fat loss.

In a six-month diet study with 65 overweight and obese women, the high-protein group lost 43% more fat than the high-carb group.

Generally, when calorie intake decreases, the metabolism slows down. This is partly due to muscle wasting. Studies show that higher protein intake can help maintain muscle loss and increase metabolic rate.

High protein dietsis much more effective at losing weight, preserving muscle mass and preventing slow metabolism than standard protein diets.

Other Beneficial Effects of Protein

In addition to its positive effects on weight loss, protein has many health benefits:

Increases muscle mass

Studies have shown that higher protein intake when combined with resistance training can increase muscle size and strength.

Decreases muscle loss during aging

Many people lose muscle as they get older. One study found that in healthy older men and those with age-related muscle loss, a healthy daily protein intake helps maintain muscle health.

Strengthens bones

Higher protein intake improves bone health. In one study, older women who took animal protein had a 69% lower risk of hip fracture.

Heals wounds

Studies, high protein dietshas shown that it can accelerate the healing of surgical or injury-related wounds.

Why protein diet weakens

How Much Protein Should Be Consumed Per Day?

The amount of protein to be consumed per day is somewhat controversial. 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram is recommended. In this case, a person weighing 68 kg will need about 54 grams of protein per day.

Protein deficiency While this may be enough to prevent prevention, many experts believe it is too low for overall health, including the preservation of muscle mass.

Indeed, studies have shown that older adults need more protein, concluding that 1,3 grams per kilogram may help prevent age-related muscle loss.

For weight loss and overall health high protein dietshould provide 1.2-1.6 grams per kilogram and 20-30% of daily calories.

Also, instead of consuming most of the protein in one meal, it is necessary to spread it out evenly throughout the day. This allows the body to use protein most efficiently.

How to Make a Protein-Weighted Diet?

A high protein diet It is easy to watch and you can customize it to your own food preferences. For example, you can follow a low-carb, high-protein diet to keep your blood sugar in check.

Here protein-based diet program Things to consider to create:

Keep a food diary

Start a food diary and set your own calorie goals using a phone app or website that provides protein value for thousands of foods.

Calculate your protein needs

To calculate your protein needs, multiply your weight by 1.2-1.6 grams.

Eat at least 25-30 grams of protein with meals

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Studies show that eating a minimum of 25 grams of protein with meals improves weight loss, muscle maintenance and overall health.

Eat animal and plant proteins

Eating a combination of both types generally helps make your diet more nutritious.

Choose high-quality protein sources

Focus on fresh meats, eggs, milk and other proteins, rather than processed meats like bacon and deli products.

Eat well

Balance high-protein foods with vegetables, fruits, and other plant foods with every meal.

List of High Protein Foods


Legumes such as beans are excellent sources of protein. Kidney beanFoods such as black-eyed peas, green peas, lentils can provide the body with the required amount of protein, iron, dietary fiber and calcium. The protein amounts in one cup portion of legumes are as follows;

Soybeans - 28,6 g

Lentils - 17.9 g

Mung beans - 14.2 g

Peas - 16.3 g

Dry beans - 17.4 g

Kidney Beans - 15.3 g

Black beans - 15.2 g

Lima beans - 14.7 g

Black-eyed Peas - 13.2 g

Chickpeas - 14.5 g

Edamame - 17 g

Nuts and Seeds

Almond, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, peanuts, etc. Nuts and seeds are a rich source of protein, magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc, healthy fats and dietary fiber.

They help reduce inflammation, suppress appetite and provide energy. Here is the protein content of some nuts and seeds:

Walnuts - 4.3 g

Almonds - 6 g

Peanuts - 7 g

Flax seeds - 5 g

Pumpkin seeds - 5 g

Chia seeds - 4.7 g

Macadamia nuts - 2.2 g

Pine nuts - 3.9 g

Pistachio - 6 g


100 gram mushroom farm’s equipment Contains 3 g of protein. They can be an easy alternative to chicken or turkey. If you are allergic, you should avoid consuming mushrooms.


A tablespoon humus Contains 1.2 g of protein. It is also an excellent source of manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, vitamins K and E, folate and thiamine, 20 essential amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids.


spirulinais a blue-green algae that is highly nutritious and a very good source of protein. One tablespoon of spirulina contains 4 g of protein. It is available in tablet or powder form and is one of the best natural supplements for weight loss.


Egg white and even whole eggs help build muscle mass and increase strength. It is stated by some researchers that consuming 3 eggs a day helps increase muscle mass.

The fish

Salmon, tuna, mackerel, carp, haddock fish are rich in protein. They are also great sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids help improve inflammation, boost immunity and may also prevent certain types of cancer from initiating.

It is essential for many body functions and helps gain muscle due to the presence of essential amino acids. 

Soy milk

Soy milk is a great option for those who prefer herbal milks. It is rich in protein - about 7 g per serving.

Since vegetarians are recommended to have 2-3 servings of protein per day, soy milk and other soy products will easily meet their daily needs. Soy milk also provides potassium.


100 gram spinach Contains 2.9 g of protein. It is also an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K, folate, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber.

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High Protein Diet List

Aşağıda protein diet list example has been given. This list is for example and you can organize the list according to your own needs.

protein for slimming

Protein Diet List


(Sabah: 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of cheese, 2 slices of wholemeal bread

Noon: Fruit light yoghurt, nonfat salad

Akşam: Grilled meat, lean salad

the xnumx.g

(Sabah: 2 boiled eggs, 2 slices of rye bread, tea (can be green or black tea)

Noon: Fruit light yoghurt, nonfat salad

Akşam: Grilled chicken, lean salad, light yogurt

the xnumx.g

(Sabah: 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of cheese, 2 whole wheat bread

Noon: Fruit light yoghurt, nonfat salad

Akşam: Soup, grilled chicken, low-fat salad

the xnumx.g

(Sabah: 2 boiled eggs, 2 slices of rye bread, tea (can be green or black tea)

Noon: Fruit light yoghurt, nonfat salad

Akşam: Grilled meat, lean salad

the xnumx.g

(Sabah: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of rye bread, tea (can be green or black tea)

Noon: Fruit light yoghurt, nonfat salad

Akşam: Grilled meat, lean salad

the xnumx.g

(Sabah: 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of cheese, 2 whole wheat bread, lean salad 

Noon: Fruit light yoghurt, nonfat salad

Akşam: Grilled meat, lean salad

the xnumx.g

(Sabah: 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of cheese, 2 whole wheat bread.

Noon: Fruit light yoghurt, nonfat salad

Akşam: Grilled chicken, light yogurt, lean salad

protein-based diet program

What Are the Harms of Protein Diet?

High protein diets it is safe and healthy for most people. However, it may not be suitable for people with some health problems.

It is a misconception that high protein intake causes kidney problems in people with normal kidney function. One study found that overweight people with diabetes and early kidney disease did not get their kidney function worse when they were on a 12% protein weight loss diet for 30 months.

On the other hand, people who already have moderate to severe kidney disease should reduce their protein intake to maintain kidney function.

High protein dietscan also promote kidney stones in sensitive people. One study found that this applies to high amounts of animal protein rather than vegetable protein.

In addition, people with liver disease or other serious health conditions, to a high protein diet They should consult their doctor before starting

As a result;

Protein is a unique and important nutrient. A higher protein intake has beneficial effects on appetite, weight, body composition, aging, and overall health.

From a high protein diet To achieve maximum benefit, it is necessary to spread the protein intake throughout the day, to choose high-quality protein sources and to balance the intake of healthy fats and carbohydrates.

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