Does drinking water weaken? How to Drink Water for Slimming? Are There Calories in Water?

Drinking water is the best thing you can do to lose weight. Scientists and researchers agree that water reduces energy intake, increases satiety and speeds up metabolism. "How does water make you lose weight", "How can you lose weight by drinking water", "Why does drinking water make you lose weight", "Does drinking too much water make weight", "When to drink water?" Here are the answers to all these curious questions ...

Does Drinking Water Lose Weight?

Drinking water helps to lose weight. Studies have confirmed that water helps increase thermogenesis. It increases heat production in the body, which means it speeds up metabolism.

A study conducted in Korea states that drinking water before eating reduces cravings and prevents excessive food consumption.

Drinking water also increases lipolysis or breaks down fat and is then used as a fuel source.

Drinking water improves carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

Finally, water helps flush toxins, thus reducing toxin build-up and inflammation in the body.

Why Does Drinking Water Make You Weak?

Helps burn more calories

Many studies show that those who drink 1-1,5 liters of water a day experience a significant reduction in weight. It is effective on body mass index, waist circumference and body fat ratio.

Cold water is more effective in losing weight. When you drink cold water, your body spends extra calories to warm it up.

Drinking water before meals reduces appetite

Studies on the appetite-reducing effect of drinking water before meals confirm this. One study found that obese adults who drank water before eating lost 44% more weight than non-drinkers.

Another study found that drinking water before breakfast reduced the amount of calories taken during the day by 13%.

Several studies show that drinking 2 glasses of water half an hour before meals encourages 75 fewer calories at a meal. This rate may seem like a little to you, but when you hit this on the month and year, there will be serious numbers.

If you eat 75 meals less than 2 calories a day, it makes 150 calories a day, 4500 calories a month, 54750 calories a year. An average of 7000 calories equals one kilogram. In other words, by drinking water before meals, you lose 6 kg a year. I think it's a nice figure. And by just drinking water ...

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Decreases the craving to snack

Snacks are a big problem, especially for those trying to lose weight. High-calorie snacks add extra calories and gain weight.

According to dieticians and nutritionists, when you want to have a snack, drink water and wait 10 minutes. You will see that your desire is diminishing or disappearing.

Water is a drink without calories

Drinking water instead of sugary drinks prevents you from consuming high calories. Observational studies have determined that people who drink water consume 200 fewer calories per day.

It is necessary to encourage overweight people and adolescents to drink water. Thus, children are prevented from becoming obese adults in the future.

Drinking water helps to burn stored fat

For people trying to lose weight, it is important to use the kidneys and livers actively. These organs must work in an orderly manner.

The task of the kidneys is to remove waste materials, while the liver metabolizes accumulated fat and converts it into energy. These organs need water to maintain their functions.

Drinking water gives energy

A minor dehydration state leaves you weak. This is not a good thing if you are trying to lose weight. Losing weight requires movement, exercise and activity, and if you're sluggish you probably won't be able to do any of these. For example; to walk instead you prefer to lie on the sofa in front of the TV.

Drinking water helps build muscle

Those who work to lose weight know that more muscle means less fat. Having more muscle means you'll burn more fat during rest, so your metabolism will run faster.

To build muscle, you need to consume more protein. The easy removal of protein wastes from the body also depends on your drinking water. The circulation of water in the body is important for body functions and for your muscles to be hydrated.

Drinking water speeds up the metabolism

The rapid work of metabolism means you will burn more fat and lose more weight. German researchers conducted a study of participants who drank approximately two glasses of water during rest and did not.

As a result, the metabolism started to accelerate in the first 10 minutes, it became 40% better within 30 minutes and this performance continued for 1 hour. Simply put, drinking water speeds up the metabolism, the accelerated metabolism makes it easier to burn fat and lose weight.

How much water should be drunk to lose weight?

If you do not exercise, it is sufficient to drink 2200 mL (women) or 3000 mL (men) of water a day. However, if you exercise regularly for 60 minutes, your water intake should be higher. You should drink 900 mL of water while exercising.

You should also consider the weather of a particular region. Dry or moist areas can cause further dehydration through perspiration. 

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In order to lose weight, it will be appropriate to drink 4-5 liters (women) or 6-7 liters (men) of water on average. It should not be forgotten that the need for water can vary according to the person.

Other Benefits of Drinking Water 

- Water helps prevent non-communicable diseases.

- Water helps reduce toxicity in the body.

Drinking enough water helps reduce stress.

- Water boosts brain function and helps improve mood.

- Water helps improve skin health.

-Helps digestion.

- It helps nutrient absorption.

- Water helps improve bowel movement along with dietary fiber.

- Helps saliva formation.

- Protects tissues, spinal cord and joints.

- Helps to remove waste through sweating, urination and defecation.

- Helps maximize physical performance.

- Improves blood oxygen circulation.

- It prevents general dehydration.

- Helps prevent and treat headaches.

- It can help treat kidney stones.

- It can help regulate blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.

- It reduces cholesterol level.

Situations where water deficit occurs in the body

- When potable water resources are limited or the person is unable to drink water

- When there is excessive and rapid dehydration due to diarrhea or vomiting

- When there is excessive sweating

- Excessive fluid loss occurs when the kidneys lose their water retention function. If the lost fluid is not replaced, it can be life-threatening.

Ways to Increase Water Intake

Although some people know that drinking water is healthy, they cannot consume enough water during the day. It is necessary to increase the water intake in order to avoid the above-mentioned negative situations. Also, try the following ways to drink water.

When you get up in the morning, make it a habit to drink water without washing your face.

Carry a water bottle while commuting to work or doing physical activity.

- To keep track of your daily water intake, choose a bottle and make sure to consume that much water throughout the day.

- Do not neglect to drink water before meals.

- Prefer to drink water instead of other drinks.

- You can consume lemon, which is known to have an effect on losing weight, by squeezing it into your water.

Does drinking too much water make you gain weight?

Just as too much of anything is harmful, drinking too much water can be dangerous. Drinking too much water in a short time can cause water poisoning. In some cases it can be fatal.

Should I drink water every hour?

When our body needs water, it can detect it. Drinking water every hour may not be suitable for everyone. Water intake depends on the body's needs and activity level. 

It sends a signal when your body needs water. Drinking too often can damage the kidneys.

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Are There Calories in Water? How Many Calories in Water?

Water, reaching up to 60% of the adult human body, is vital to life. It regulates body temperature, carries nutrients, provides structure to cells and tissues, and removes waste.

What is the calorie of water?

Said calories of water there is no. Calorie; It comes from carbohydrate, fat, and protein. Plain water lacks these nutrients and therefore does not contain calories.

Still calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc ve Virgin It contains trace amounts of minerals.

Plain water has no calories, but flavored water does contain calories. Or cucumbers in the water, Strawberry, limon If you drink fruits such as, this water has calories.

However, it is not overly high. Fruits are naturally low in calories. Although it depends on the fruit and the amount you add calories of water it won't be too much.

How much water should you drink a day?

There is no official recommendation on how much water you should drink each day.  Water needs vary depending on your individual needs, where you live, how active you are, what you eat, and your body size and age.

Nevertheless, the National Academy of Medicine has prepared the following general recommendation for daily water intake:

Women: 2,7 liters total water

Men: 3.7 liters of total water per day

These amounts include water from all drinks and food.

Approximately 80% of people's total water intake comes from water and other beverages, while 20% comes from food.

High water content foods between watermelon, citrus, cucumber ve tomato such as fruits and vegetables.

Coffee and tea Caffeinated beverages, such as caffeinated beverages, contribute to fluid intake when consumed in moderation, although they are thought to be dehydrated due to their caffeine content.

As a result;

Drinking water plays a very important role in stimulating weight loss. Water is the main catalyst for burning fat and calories, from speeding up the metabolism to keeping you active. 

Set up your phone clock or use a reminder app for it to drink enough water to lose weight.

You will see a big difference in the way you feel and the way your skin looks. Make drinking water a part of your lifestyle to reap the benefits listed above.

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