What to Eat After Sports? Post-Exercise Nutrition

You put a lot of effort into your exercise program, always looking forward to performing better and meeting your goals.

Well, did you know that what you ate after exercise is as important as what you eat before exercise?

Eating right after exercise is just as important as what you eat before exercise.

Here nutrition after exercise and sports Things to know about ...

Eating After Exercise Matters

To understand how the right foods can help you after exercise, it is important to understand how the body is affected by physical activity.

When exercising, muscles use their glycogen stores for fuel. This leads to a partial depletion of glycogen in the muscles. Some of the proteins in the muscles are broken down and damaged.

After exercise, the body tries to rebuild its glycogen stores and repair and regenerate muscle proteins.

Eating the right nutrients immediately after exercise can help the body do this process faster. This is why it is especially important to eat carbohydrates and proteins after your workout.

Doing this helps the body by:

- Reduces muscle protein breakdown.

- Increases muscle protein synthesis.

- Restores glycogen stores.

- It helps the muscles to recover.

Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat

Each macronutrient - protein, carbohydrate, and fat - is incorporated into the body's post-exercise recovery process as follows.

Protein helps repair and structure muscle

Exercise, muscle proteinIt triggers the shredding of the den.

The rate at which this happens depends on exercise and training level, but even well-trained athletes experience muscle protein degradation.

Eating an adequate amount of protein after exercise gives the body the amino acids it needs to repair and rebuild these proteins. It also gives you the building blocks needed to build new muscle tissue.

It is recommended that you consume protein per kilogram of body weight (0,3-0,5 grams / kg) immediately after exercise.

Studies show that eating 20-40 grams of protein maximizes the body's ability to recover after exercise.

Carbs help muscle recovery

The body's glycogen stores are used as fuel during exercise and after exercise carbohydrate consumption helps to regenerate them.

How often glycogen stores are used depends on the activity. For example, endurance sports cause the body to use more glycogen than resistance training.

Therefore, if you participate in endurance sports (running, swimming, etc.), you may need to consume more carbohydrates than a bodybuilder.

Consumption of 30-1,1 grams / kg carbohydrate within 1,5 minutes after exercise results in proper glycogen synthesis.

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Also, insulin secretion, which promotes glycogen synthesis, is better stimulated when carbohydrates and protein are consumed at the same time.

Therefore, post-exercise carbohydrate and protein consumption can maximize protein and glycogen synthesis.

Try eating the two in a ratio of 3: 1 (carbohydrate: protein). For example, 40 grams of protein and 120 grams of carbohydrates.

Consuming plenty of carbohydrates to rebuild their glycogen stores is important for those who exercise frequently.

This is less important if you have 1 or 2 days to rest between exercises.

Is the oil bad?

Many people think that eating fat after exercise slows digestion and prevents nutrient absorption.

Its oil may slow food absorption after exercise, but it does not reduce its benefits.

For example, one study showed that after a workout, fat milk was more effective than skim milk at promoting muscle growth.

Moreover, another study showed that when fat glucose (45% energy from fat) is ingested, even after the fat is expelled, muscle glycogen synthesis is not affected.

It may be a good idea to limit the amount of fat you eat after exercise, but consuming a small amount of fat in your post-workout meal will not affect your recovery.

Timing of Post-Workout Meals

The body's ability to rebuild glycogen and protein is enhanced after exercise.

For this reason, it is recommended that you consume a combination of carbohydrates and proteins as soon as possible after exercise.

The timing is not necessarily exact, but many experts recommend eating your post-workout meal within 45 minutes.

In fact, it is believed that delaying carbohydrate consumption by as much as two hours after a workout could result in 50% lower glycogen synthesis rates.

What to Eat After Exercise 

The main purpose of post-workout eating is to provide the body with the right nutrients for adequate recovery and to maximize the benefits of exercise.

Choosing foods that are easy to digest encourage faster nutrient absorption. Here sFoods to be eaten after making pores...


Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Such as kale, spinach, radish, chard, lettuce, broccoli, kale, and arugula dark green leafy vegetablesProvides dietary fiber, vitamins C, A, E and K, magnesium, calcium, potassium and other phytonutrients.

These not only help replenish glycogen stores, but also protect from many diseases, aid weight loss and strengthen immunity.

Rolled oats

Oatis popular with those who want to lose weight. Due to the presence of beneficial complex carbohydrates, oats are a great post-workout pick, especially if you're using them in a smoothie.

Loaded with vitamin E, antioxidants and other phytonutrients, oats help increase satiety, lower bad cholesterol, and also fight cancer.

Fruits and vegetables

Apple, banana, pear, peach, plum, carpuzFruits and vegetables such as melons, carrots, tomatoes, beets, green onions, and peas are great for a post-workout meal.

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This is because they help increase energy levels and fight toxic, free oxygen radicals.

They can also help fight heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer. The World Health Organization recommends consuming 4-5 kinds of fruits and vegetables a day. 

Sweet potato

Sweet potato It is low in calories, great for replenishing glycogen stores and keeps you full for a long time. It is an instant source of energy and also has cancer-fighting potential, helps with weight loss and removes toxins from the body.


Quinoais a protein-packed carbohydrate that contains many vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, proteins, and dietary fiber. It helps prevent weight gain, improves digestion and makes you feel full instantly. 


The glycemic index value of white rice is higher than that of brown, red or black rice. Brown ricecontains more dietary fiber than white rice.

However, both are useful if you can control portion size. Rice provides a rapid energy boost by filling muscles and cells with glycogen and glucose respectively.



Whole eggis an excellent source of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and most importantly essential amino acids and proteins.

It's great for a post-workout meal as it's loaded with proteins and other nutrients that help protect you from a variety of diseases. 

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a good source of protein, calcium and other nutrients that help increase satiety.

You can eat with a few slices of avocado and a slice of whole wheat bread post-workout to boost energy levels and help the muscles recover quickly from wear.


Yoghurt It contains protein and helps improve satiety levels. It's a great snack option, and a post-workout meal keeps hunger spikes in check for up to an hour.


Tuna is a great source of protein and healthy fats. It also contains selenone, a selenium-containing compound. It helps protect hemoglobin and myoglobin from oxidation as well as reduce mercury toxicity. 


Chicken is another good source of protein you can consume after exercising. 90 grams of skinless chicken breast contains up to 31 grams of protein.

Because protein is difficult to digest, it takes longer to digest and absorb nutrients from the chicken. As a result, your satiety level increases. 


Mantars are low in calories. Half a cup of mushrooms contains about 1.1 grams of protein. You can eat mushrooms with vegetables after exercise.

Protein Powder

If you're always on the go and don't have time for a protein-laden meal after exercise, protein powder can be an option. 

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AvokadoIt is a high-calorie fruit. It is also loaded with healthy fats, dietary fiber, and vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6.

Scientists believe that consuming avocados can help manage weight problems, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and age healthy. Take a quarter of an avocado or add it to a post-workout salad, smoothie, or toast.


Nutsis a handful of health boosters. It is a great source of healthy fats, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Post-workout nutrition to eat a handful.

Post-Workout Food Samples

Combinations of the foods listed above can create great meals that will provide you with all the nutrients you need after exercise.

Here are a few examples of quick and easy meals to eat after exercise:

Grilled chicken and sauteed vegetables.

- Toast with avocado and omelette

- Sweet potato salmon.

- Tuna sandwich salad on whole grain bread.

- Oatmeal, whey protein, banana and almond.

- Cheese and fruits.

- Whole grain toast and almond oil.

- Cereal and skim milk.

- Yogurt, strawberries, and granola.

- Quinoa Salad

water regulates body temperature

Drink plenty of water

It is important to drink plenty of water before and after exercise.

When properly hydrated, the body provides the optimal internal environment to maximize results.

During exercise, you lose water and electrolytes through sweating. Replenishing these after a workout can aid recovery and performance.

It is especially important to replenish fluids if your next training session takes place within 12 hours.

Depending on the intensity of exercise, a water or electrolyte drink is recommended to compensate for fluid losses.

As a result;

It is essential to consume an appropriate amount of carbohydrate and protein after exercise.

It stimulates muscle protein synthesis, speeds recovery and improves performance during the next workout.

If you are unable to eat within 45 minutes after exercise, it is important that you do not delay eating more than 2 hours.

Replenishing the water and electrolytes you lose can help maximize the benefits of exercise.

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