1 Week Program for Beginners to Exercise

Regular exercise is the safest investment we can make for our health. Soon after you start exercising, you will see the benefits and you will start to feel more peaceful and happy.

But maintaining a routine exercise is really hard work and requires firm commitment. It is the first and most important step of the job to make a disciplined and planned program in order to sustain and see its benefits in the long term.

If you want to start exercising but do not know where to start, this article has been prepared for you. What you need to know to start a routine exercise program and sports program for beginnersis the subject of our article.

What is Exercise and Why is it Necessary?

Regular exercise It has been proven that doing it significantly improves our health. The biggest benefit is that it helps to attain and maintain a healthy body weight, maintain muscle mass and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

In addition, studies have shown that exercise improves mood and mental health, provides a better quality of sleep, and even improves sex life. This is not all.

It also allows us to be energetic. In short, exercise adds quality to our lives and changes the flow of our lives.

What are the Commonly Used Exercise Types?

Various, including types of exercise has: 

Aerobic exercise

It often forms the core of fitness exercises. It is made according to the logic of continuous motion. For example; Activities such as swimming, running, dancing are in the aerobic exercise category. 

Strength exercises

Exercises that help increase muscle strength. For example; such as resistance training, pliometry, weight lifting and sprinting.


Basic body movements are done without sports equipment and at a moderate aerobic pace. For example; lunge sit-ups, push-ups, pull-up

High intensity training (HIIT)

Low-intensity exercises, followed by a rest period, followed by high-intensity exercises. 

Boot camp exercises

It consists of timed, high-intensity circuits that combine aerobic and resistance exercises.

Balance exercises

It strengthens the muscles and improves body coordination. Examples include pilates, tai chi, and abdominal exercises. 

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Flexibility exercises

It protects the muscles after exercise and prevents injuries. Examples include yoga or individual muscle tension movement.

These exercises can be done individually or in combination. The important thing is to get the best fit and have fun. This increases the chances of sustainability.

How to Start Exercise?

There are some points you need to know before you start exercising. These are important points to consider in terms of exercise quality and your health;

Check your health

Before starting an exercise program, it is important to have a physical health examination. This is necessary for people over the age of 45 and is particularly important for those who are not used to physical activity.

An early examination allows the situation to be determined without any problems during physical activity. It also helps you prepare a plan that suits your needs.

Make a plan and set realistic goals

When you decide to exercise regularly, make a plan with achievable goals. Add easy steps to your plan first.

For example; If your goal is to run a 5-kilometer run, you can start by creating a plan with shorter runs. As you end these short periods, increase the distance over time and thus continue to increase until you reach 5 kilometers.

Setting out from small goals increases the chances of success, and at the same time, every step motivates you.

Make it a habit

Another component of being successful in exercising is sticking to the program. If you get habitual and do it regularly, it will be easier for you to maintain your exercise plan in the long term.

Exercising at the same time each day is a good way to maintain continuity. For example; You can make exercise a habit by planning your work every day after work.

How Much Exercise Should You Do?

You don't need to be a professional athlete, nor do you need to exercise for hours. Physical activity recommendations of experts in this field are to do moderate aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes a week. 

You can configure the 150 minutes in any way you want. For example; You can set a duration of 5 minutes 30 days a week or 35-40 minutes every other day.

It is necessary to start slowly and increase the intensity when your fitness level increases.

Although physical activity is necessary for health, it is also necessary to allow the body to rest. You must allow the body to recover from the stress of exercise, otherwise undesirable situations such as muscle strains may occur.

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Exercising too much can weaken the immune system and hormonal imbalances, It increases the risk of depressed mood and chronic fatigue.

One Week Sample Exercise Program

Below is an easy-to-follow weekly exercise program that will take thirty-five or forty minutes a day, with no equipment needed. You can adjust the program according to your fitness level and increase it to the level of difficulty you want.


Forty minutes of brisk or brisk walking 


Rest day


Take a brisk walk for ten minutes. Then complete the following circuits with 1 minute rest. Back off later.

Circuit 1: 3 sets of 10 lunges per leg, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups

Circuit 2: 3 sets of 10 chair postures, 10 jumps, 10 air squats 


Rest day 


Thirty minutes of cycling or jogging 


Rest day 


Forty minutes of walking or jogging

The weekly schedule above, they will just start exercising is a simple example for. You can create your own exercise routine based on this example.

A Few Tips for Beginners to Exercise

For water

It is necessary to consume fluids throughout the day to maintain healthy hydration levels. Drinking water during exercise is important for maintaining your performance, especially in hot weather.

Pay attention to your diet

To support your exercise program, you should follow a balanced diet. Natural food groups are important for maintaining your energy and getting the maximum benefit from your exercise program.

Especially important are carbohydrates because they nourish your muscles before exercising. Post-exercise carbohydrates are also needed to replenish glycogen stores and help the absorption of amino acids inside the muscles.

Protein It also protects your muscles from breaking down during exercise, repairs tissue damage and builds new muscle mass. Consuming some protein after exercise allows the muscles to recover quickly.

Regularly consuming healthy fat helps to burn body fat and preserve muscle fuel during exercise, preserving your energy levels.


It is important to warm up before exercising. Warm-up helps prevent injuries and improve your athletic performance.

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It also increases flexibility and helps reduce pain after exercise. You can warm up your exercise program by making easier movements of the exercise you plan to do. For example; like walking before running ...

cooling down

Cooling is also important because it allows your body to return to its normal state. Taking a few minutes to cool down allows you to restore normal blood circulation and breathing, and can even help reduce muscle soreness.

Cool down, aerobic exercise It includes movements such as stretching after light walking or resistance training.

Listen to your body

If you are not used to working every day, don't push your limits too much. If you feel pain or discomfort while exercising, stop and rest before continuing. Ignoring the pain is not a good idea as it can cause injury.

Know that working faster and harder all the time will not bring much benefit. You should take time to progress through your exercise program, maintaining your routine in the long term.

Stay motivated

Motivation is key to getting exercise into a habit. You can mix exercise types for fun, as in the example exercise program above.

Joining the gym or group fitness classes such as yoga or pilates, doing team sports are fun ideas to increase motivation.

Working with a group or a friend increases responsibility and helps you stay motivated.

Also, keeping track of progress, such as keeping a weight loss diary and setting your working times, will increase your personal productivity.

As a result;

It can be difficult to start a new exercise program. Having real goals will help you maintain the program.

There are many types of physical activity to choose from. It should start slowly and the body should be allowed to rest. It is important to have a healthy diet and drink water regularly.

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