What is Soy Sauce, How is it Made? Benefits and Harm

Soy sauce; fermented soybean and it is a product made from wheat. It is of Chinese origin. It has been used in food for over 1000 years.

It is one of the best-known soy products worldwide. It is a staple in many Asian countries. It is also widely used in the rest of the world.

The mode of production varies considerably. Therefore, there are some health risks as well as changes in taste.

What is soy sauce?

It is a salty liquid condiment traditionally produced by the fermentation of soybeans and wheat. The four key ingredients of the sauce are soybeans, wheat, salt, and fermenting yeast.

The ones made in some regions consist of varying amounts of these ingredients. This brings out different colors and flavors.

How is soy sauce made?

There are many different types. Production methods are grouped according to regional differences, color and taste differences.

Traditionally produced soy sauce

  • Traditional soya sosuIt is made by soaking soybeans in water, roasting them and crushing wheat. Next, soybeans and wheat are mixed with the Aspergillus culture mold. It is left for two or three days to develop.
  • Next, water and salt are added. The entire mix is ​​left in a fermentation tank for five to eight months, although some mixes are aged longer.
  • After the waiting process is completed, the mixture is laid on the fabric. It is pressed to release the liquid. This liquid is then pasteurized to kill bacteria. Finally, it is bottled.

Chemically produced soy sauce

Chemical production is a much faster and cheaper method. This method is known as acid hydrolysis. It can be produced in a few days instead of a few months.

  • In this process, soybeans are heated to 80 degrees. It is mixed with hydrochloric acid. This process breaks down soybean and wheat proteins.
  • Extra color, flavor, and salt are added.
  • This process is naturally fermented containing some carcinogens. soya sosuIt causes the production of some undesirable compounds that are not present in the product.
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Chemically produced on the label soya sosu listed as "hydrolyzed soy protein" or "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" if available.

What are the types of soy sauce?

what is soy sauce

light soy sauce

It is mostly used in Chinese recipes and is known as 'usukuchi'. It is saltier than others. It is light reddish brown in color. 

Thick soy sauce

Bu The variety is known as 'tamari'. It is sweet. It is often added to stir fried foods and sauces. 

A few others like Shiro and Saishikomi soya sosu There is also a variety. The first tastes lighter, while the second is heavier.

Shelf life of soy sauce

It will last up to 3 years as long as the bottle is unopened. Once you open the bottle, you should consume it within a year or two at most, considering how long it has been stored unopened. The long shelf life is due to the fact that this sauce contains a large amount of sodium.

What is the nutritional value of soy sauce?

1 tablespoon (15 ml) traditionally fermented soya sosuIts nutritional content is as follows:

  • Calories: 8
  • Carbs: 1 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 1 grams
  • Sodium: 902 mg

What are the harms of soy sauce?

High amount of salt

  • This fermented sauce is high in sodium. This is a nutritious substance that is essential for the proper functioning of our body.
  • But high sodium intake causes blood pressure to rise, especially in salt-sensitive people. It increases the risk of other diseases such as heart disease and stomach cancer.
  • Reduced salt for those who want to reduce their sodium intake soy sauce varieties Contains up to 50% less salt than original products.
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High in MSG

  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer. It occurs naturally in some foods. It is mostly used as a food additive.
  • It is a form of glutamic acid, an amino acid that contributes significantly to the flavor of foods.
  • Glutamic acid is naturally produced in sauce during fermentation. It is thought to contribute significantly to its flavor.
  • In studies, some people experienced symptoms of headache, numbness, weakness, and heart palpitations after eating MSG.

Contains substance that can cause cancer

  • A group of toxic substances called chloropropanol can be produced during the production of this sauce or during food processing.
  • A type known as 3-MCPD, chemically produced soya sosuIt is found in vegetable protein hydrolyzed with acid, the type of protein found in
  • Animal studies have identified 3-MCPD as a toxic substance. 
  • It has been found to damage the kidneys, reduce fertility, and cause tumors.
  • Therefore, fermented fermented foods with much lower or no 3-MCPD levels natural soy sauceIt is safer to choose

Amine content

  • Amines are chemicals that occur naturally in plants and animals.
  • It is found in higher concentrations in foods such as meat, fish, cheese, and some seasonings.
  • This sauce contains significant amounts of amines such as histamine and tyramine.
  • Histamine causes toxic effects when eaten in large quantities. Symptoms headache, sweating, dizziness, itching, rashes, stomach problems, and changes in blood pressure.
  • If you are sensitive to amines and soya sosu If you experience symptoms after eating, stop consuming the sauce.

Contains wheat and gluten

  • Many people are unaware of both the wheat and gluten content of this sauce. wheat allergy or celiac disease It can be a problem for people with
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What are the benefits of soy sauce?

May reduce allergies: 76 patients with seasonal allergies 600 mg daily soya sosu and her symptoms improved. The amount consumed corresponds to 60 ml of sauce per day.

Promotes digestion: 15 people were given the juice of this sauce. Increased gastric juice secretion, similar to levels that can occur after drinking caffeine. This is thought to aid digestion.

Intestinal health: Soy sauceIt has been found that some of the isolated sugars in garlic have a positive effect on certain types of bacteria found in the gut. It is beneficial for gut health.

Antioxidant source: It has been determined that dark sauces contain strong antioxidants.

Improves the immune system: In two studies, soya sosuPolysaccharides, a type of carbohydrate found in It has been found to improve immune system responses.

It may have anti-cancer effects: Numerous experiments on mice, soya sosuIt has shown that it may have cancer and anti-tumor effects. More research is needed to see if these effects occur in humans.

May lower blood pressure:  Low-salt sauces have been found to lower blood pressure. 

References: 1

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