Will Hula Hop Spin Weaken? Hula Hop Exercises

Burning fat in the belly area is a difficult and long process. Exercise is essential for this. So what exercise?

Hula hop exercises is fun. It is an effective way to burn calories, build strength, get rid of belly fat and combat mental illness such as depression.

All you need is a hula hop hoop and comfortable clothes. Whether you are 5 years old or 50 years old, these exercises will keep you entertained. It will also help to tone your body.

How to lose weight with hula hop Try the exercises below.

What is Hula Hop?

Hula hop is not a newly discovered way to maintain balance. There is evidence that the ancient Greeks and Egyptians rotated circles around their bellies for fun.

It is a physical activity that involves circling around the waist, abdomen, arms and legs. The average diameter of the hula hop ring for adults is 115 cm and it weighs approximately one kilogram.

The most surprising part is kickboxing or aerobic exercise It allows you to burn as many calories as you burn. Depending on your weight, exercise time and intensity, you can burn up to 420 calories per hour.

Hula Hop Exercises

Before starting any exercise routine, you need to warm up. Request hula hop exercisesfun movements that will make you warm up before you start what ...

Back Extension

- Put your hands on your waist.

- Turn your shoulders back and bend your upper body back.

- Feel the tension in your abs. Stay like this for 3 seconds.

- Let go and lean forward. Feel the tension of your back.

Repeat this 10 times.

Side Lift

Stand straight with your hands on your waist and feet shoulder-width apart.

- Bend it to the left and bend it to the right.

Repeat this 10 times.

After doing these warm-up exercises, now the following hula hop exerciseswhat can you go through.


Standing is a great exercise program for abs. To do this, follow these steps;

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How to do standing exercise?

Hold the hula hoop with both hands and place your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

- Keeping your lower body straight, bend it to your left. Do it for 5 seconds.

- Turn right. Do another 5 seconds.

Rotational Distance

Rolling distance is an effective exercise for the back and legs. It looks like driving a car, but the only difference is that the steering wheel is a bit bigger. The steps to do this exercise are as follows;

How is rolling distance exercise done?

- Hold the hula hop in front of you and lean forward. It should touch the floor. Keep legs shoulder-width apart.

- Turn the hula hop right, keeping your back straight.

- Do it until you reach one end of the room.

- Turn the circle to the left and return to the starting position.

Flip on the handle

The arm twisting exercise works well for the arms and shoulders. To practice this exercise, do the following:

How to do a twisting exercise on the arm?

- Hold the hula hop in the air and squeeze it between your palms and forearms.

Keep your elbows slightly bent to work your shoulders and arms.


In this exercise, you will need to use the hula hop like a dumbbell. You will basically do tricep extensions with a little variation. This exercise is done as follows;

How to do a compression exercise?

Hold the hula hop at the back of your head.

- Raise your right leg and place the sole of your right foot on the inside of the left leg, just below the knee.

- Keep your back straight and look forward.

- Lower the hula hop behind you by bending your elbows and then return it to the starting position.

- Do this 10 times before switching feet.

Hula Hop V-sit

V-sit is an easy exercise that helps develop strong abs. The steps to do this exercise are as follows;

How is the Hula Hop V-sit exercise done?

- Sit down and hold the circle. Your arms should be shoulder-width apart.

- Put your feet on the other end of the hoop. Open your legs hip-width apart.

- Lean back, keep your back straight and Lift both legs 60 degrees relative to the ground. Extend your hands forward.

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- Raise your hands and legs and lower them with the legs touching the ground.

- Again, raise your hands and legs.

- Repeat 15 times to complete a set. Do 3 sets to notice the burning sensation in your stomach.

Crouching with Hula Hop

Squatting is an effective exercise for the hips and thighs, and doing this with a hula hop helps to lose extra fat from the hip area. The steps to be taken to do this exercise are;

How to do crouching exercise with Hula Hop?

- Place the hula hop in front of you at arm's length. Hold it with both hands.

- Open your legs shoulder-width apart. 

- Push your hips out, bend your knees and lower your body as if you would sit on a chair.

- Simultaneously lift the hula hop so you can sit properly.

- Make sure your knees do not exceed your toes.

- Return to the starting position.

Hula Hop Russian Twist

Made with hulo hop The Russian twist is an excellent workout for burning fat. This exercise is done as follows;

How to do the Hula Hop Russian Twist exercise?

Sit down and hold the hula hop with both hands.

- Bend your knees slightly and lift both legs.

- Lean back a bit and turn to your right with the hula hop.

- Hold like this for a minute and then bend to your left side.

- Repeat 25 times to complete a set. Do 3 sets.

What Are the Benefits of Hula Hop Exercises?

 Burns calories

Creating a calorie deficit is one of the primary goals when trying to lose weight. Working with hula hopis similar to other dance aerobic activities like salsa, swing dance, and belly dance when it comes to burning calories.

It is stated that, on average, after 30 minutes of exercise, women can burn about 165 calories and men can burn 200 calories.

Reduces body fat

Burning calories through exercise helps reduce body fat. Hula hop exercises are the most effective for losing fat from the belly and waist area.

The study, which evaluated a weighted hula hop program run by 6 women for 13 weeks, found that women lost an average of 3,4 cm from their waist circumference and 1,4 cm from the hip area.

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Increases cardiovascular fitness

Cardiovascular Exercise (also known as aerobics) works the heart and lungs and improves oxygen flow to the body.

This, in turn, can reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, improve cholesterol levels, improve brain function, and even reduce stress.

When you keep a steady rhythm with the circle, your heart rate will increase, your lungs will work harder, and blood flow will improve.

Improves balance

Having good balance allows you to better control the movements of the body. It also helps improve posture and allows doing other exercises in the correct form.

Posture on a support base such as hula hop can help maintain and improve balance. 

Exercises the lower body muscles

Doing hula hop exerciseshelps the lower body muscles to work.

Can be done with the family

Hula hop exercisesis a way to exercise and spend time with your family at the same time.

Can be done anywhere

Hula hop is an exercise that can be easily done anywhere. You can do it from the comfort of your own home without paying for the gym. The only necessary material is the hula hop hoop.

Things To Consider

Although hula hop is a safe type of exercise, there are some points to be aware of.

Maintain proper form

While turning the circle, keep your spine straight. Avoid bending at the waist. 

Wear tight clothing

Wear clothing that covers your body. Loose clothes make it difficult to move around.

Exercise caution in case of back injury

If you have a back injury or chronic back pain, think once more before trying these exercises.

Have you ever used hula hop to lose weight? If you haven't tried it, start as soon as possible and share your experiences with us.

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