What Is Cervical Spondylosis, Causes It? Symptoms and Treatment

cervical spondylosisis an age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in the cervical spine in the neck. cervical osteoarthritis, neck arthritis also known as

It develops with the wear and tear of cartilage and bones. While it is largely a result of age, other factors can also cause the condition. It affects more than 60 percent of people aged 90 and over.

What is cervical spondylosis?

cervical spondylosis, neck painis a term for age-related wear and tear on the cervical spine that leads to symptoms such as neck stiffness.

Spondylosisis the natural wearing away of parts of the spine. Cartilage wears out over time, discs lose volume, dry out and crack. Ligaments thicken and bone spurs form where bones rub against each other in areas that are no longer covered with cartilage. All of these changes spondylosis is defined as.

what are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis

What are the causes of cervical spondylosis?

  • Bone spurs: It is an overgrowth of the bone. It is the result of the body trying to grow extra bone to strengthen the spine.
  • Dehydrated spinal discs: Between the bones of the spine are thick discs that absorb the shock of activities such as lifting and bending. The gel-like material inside the discs dries over time. This causes the bones to rub against each other more. This process usually begins in the 30s.
  • Herniated discs: Spinal discs develop cracks that allow the inner cushioning material to leak.
  • Injury: If there has been an injury to the neck (for example, a fall or a car accident), this accelerates the aging process.
  • Bond stiffness: The rigid ligaments that connect the spinal bones become stiffer over time, which affects neck movement and makes the neck feel tense.
  • Repetitive movements: Some occupations or hobbies require repetitive movements or heavy lifting (such as construction work). This puts extra stress on the spine, causing premature wear and tear.
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causes of cervical spondylosis

What are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis?

cervical spondylosis Most people who have it don't have any major symptoms. Symptoms range from mild to severe. It develops gradually or comes on suddenly.

A common symptom is pain around the shoulder. Some complain of pain along the arm and fingers. Pain increases when:

  • Standing
  • sitting down
  • when you sneeze
  • when you cough
  • When you bend your neck back

Another common symptom is muscle weakness. Weakening of the muscles makes it difficult to lift the arms or grasp objects firmly. Other common symptoms include:

  • neck stiffness
  • occurring in the back of the head headache
  • Tingling or numbness that mainly affects the shoulders and arms, although it can also occur in the legs.

cervical spondylosis complications

How is cervical spondylosis treated?

Cervical spondylosis treatment helps to relieve pain, reduce the risk of permanent damage and lead a normal life. Non-surgical methods are very effective in treatment.

Physiotheraphy: Physical therapy helps stretch the neck and shoulder muscles. This makes them stronger and ultimately relieves pain.


  • muscle relaxant to treat muscle spasms
  • painkiller
  • Anti-epileptic drugs to relieve pain caused by nerve damage
  • Steroid injections to reduce tissue inflammation followed by pain relief
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation

Operation: If the condition is severe and does not respond to other forms of treatment, surgery may be needed. This means removing bone spurs, parts of the neck bones, or herniated discs to make more room for the spinal cord and nerves.

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cervical spondylosis Surgery is rarely necessary for A doctor may recommend this option if the pain is severe and is affecting the ability to move the arms.

cervical spondylosis natural solution

Home treatment options for cervical spondylosis

If the condition is mild, there are some home treatment options available to treat it:

  • Regular exercise: Some exercises for neck pain will help maintain activity and speed recovery. neck of people walking every day and backache less likely to survive.
  • Pain relievers: cervical spondylosis It may be necessary to take painkillers to control the pain associated with
  • Heat or ice: Applying heat or ice to the neck relieves sore neck muscles.
  • Collar: CollarAllows neck muscles to rest. The neck collar should be worn for short periods of time as it can weaken the neck muscles.

how to treat cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis exercises

A few simple neck exercise cervical spondylosis symptoms can be alleviated.

Neck lift

  • Keep your body straight. Push your chin forward to stretch the neck.
  • Slightly stretch the neck muscles. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.
  • Get into the position where you push your head forward.
  • Keeping your chin up, push your head back and hold for 5 seconds.
  • Do 5 reps.


  • Tilt your head forward so that your chin touches your chest.
  • Slightly stretch the neck muscles. Stay in this position for 5 seconds.
  • Return your head to its original position.
  • Do 5 reps.

neck rotation

  • Keeping your chin at the same height, turn your head to the side as much as is comfortable.
  • Stretch your neck muscles for 5 seconds.
  • Return your head to its original position
  • Repeat with the opposite side.
  • Repeat this exercise 5 times with both sides.
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These exercises help relieve the impact of the condition, pain or stiffness. But cervical spondylosisit does not cure.

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