Benefits of Potatoes – Nutritional Value and Harms of Potatoes

Potato benefits include lowering blood pressure, boosting immunity, reducing inflammation and improving digestion.

Potato, “Solanum tuberosum" It is an underground tuber that grows on the roots of a plant called It is a plant native to South America. It was brought to Europe in the 16th century and spread to the world from there. It is now grown in countless varieties around the world.

Potatoes cooked with their skins contain high levels of potassium and vitamin C. It is usually in shades of brown. But there are also colorful varieties, including yellow, red, and purple. The benefits of each type of potato are also different from each other.

How many calories in potatoes?

The calories of 100 grams of peeled potatoes are 87, raw potatoes 77, boiled potatoes 93, french fries 312 calories.

benefits of potatoes
Benefits of potatoes

Nutritional value of potatoes

The nutritional value of a medium baked potato with a skin (about 173 grams) is as follows:

  • 161 calories
  • 36.6 grams carbohydrates
  • 4.3 grams of protein
  • 0.2 grams of fat
  • 3.8 grams fiber
  • 16.6 milligrams vitamin C (28 percent DV)
  • 0,5 milligrams of vitamin B6 (27 percent of the daily value)
  • 926 milligrams of potassium (26% of the daily value)
  • 0,4 milligram manganese (19 percent DV)
  • 2,4 milligrams of niacin (12 percent of the daily value)
  • 48,4 micrograms of folate (12 percent of the daily value)
  • 48,4 milligrams of magnesium (12 percent of the daily value)
  • 121 milligrams of phosphorus (12 percent of the daily value)
  • 1,9 milligram iron (10 percent DV)
  • 0,2 milligram copper (10 percent DV)
  • 0,1 milligram thiamine (7 percent DV)
  • 0,7 milligrams pantothenic acid (7 percent DV)
  • 0,1 milligrams of riboflavin (5 percent of the daily value)
  • 3,5 micrograms of vitamin K (4 percent of the daily value)
  • 0,6 milligrams of zinc (4 percent of the daily value)

Potato carbohydrate value

Potatoes consist mainly of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the form of starch make up 66-90% of the dry weight. Simple sugars such as sucrose, glucose and fructose are present in small amounts.

Potatoes have a high glycemic index. Therefore, it is not a suitable food for diabetics. Glycemic indexis a measure of how foods affect blood sugar spikes after a meal.

However, depending on the cooking method, the glycemic index can be lowered to the middle range. Refrigerating the potato after cooking reduces its effect on blood sugar. It lowers the glycemic index by 25-26%.

Fiber content of potatoes

While the vegetable is not a high-fiber food, it can be an important source of fiber for those who eat it regularly. Dry potato skin is about 50% fiber. Potato fibers are mainly composed of insoluble fibers such as pectin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. It also contains resistant starch, a type of fiber that feeds friendly bacteria in the colon and promotes digestive health.

Resistant starchIt provides blood sugar control. After cooking, the cold potato dish contains higher amounts of resistant starch compared to its hot form.

Potato protein value

It is a low protein food. It varies between 1-1,5% when fresh and 8-9% when dry. Although the protein content is low, the protein quality of the vegetable is higher than that of soybeans and other legumes. The main protein in this vegetable is called patatin, which can be allergic to some people.

Potato vitamin value

Vegetables are a good source of various vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and vitamin C. Levels of some vitamins and minerals decrease when cooked.

  • C vitamin: Vitamin C is the main vitamin found in potatoes. Vitamin C levels decrease significantly with cooking.
  • Potassium: This dominant mineral in potatoes is concentrated in its skin. Potassium intake is beneficial for heart health.
  • folate: The highest concentrate of folate, concentrated inside the shell, is found in the colored meaty potato.
  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6, which plays a role in the formation of red blood cells, is found in most foods and its deficiency is rare.

plant compounds in potatoes

The vegetable is rich in bioactive plant compounds, mostly concentrated in the peel. Purple or red varieties polyphenol It contains the highest amount of antioxidants called

  • Chlorogenic acid: The main polyphenol antioxidant in potatoes is chlorogenic acid.
  • Catechin: It is an antioxidant that makes up about one-third of the total polyphenol content. Its concentration is highest in purple potatoes.
  • Lutein: Lutein, found in yellow potatoes, is a carotenoid antioxidant that is important for eye health.
  • Glycoalkaloids: A class of toxic nutrients, mostly solanine, produced by potatoes as a natural defense against insects and other threats. In large quantities, it can have harmful effects.

Potato Benefits

Contains antioxidants

  • One of the benefits of potatoes is that it is rich in compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic acids. 
  • These compounds neutralize harmful molecules such as free radicals. With this feature, it acts as an antioxidant in the body. 
  • When free radicals accumulate, they increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
  • Studies have determined that colored varieties such as purple potatoes contain three to four times more antioxidants than white potatoes.

Provides blood sugar control

  • Potato, a special type of starch resistant starch It contains. 
  • This starch is not completely broken down by the body. So it is not fully absorbed. 
  • Instead, it reaches the large intestine, where it becomes a source of nutrients for the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  • Research has shown that resistant starch insulin resistanceindicates that it decreases. This prevents sudden fluctuations in blood sugar and provides control.

Improves digestive health

  • Another benefit of potatoes is that it supports digestion. It is resistant starch that provides this.
  • When resistant starch reaches the large intestine, it becomes food for beneficial gut bacteria.
  • These bacteria digest it and turn it into short-chain fatty acids. Resistant starch is converted to butyrate.
  • Butyrate, Crohn's diseaseBeneficial to patients with inflammatory bowel disorders such as ulcerative colitis and diverticulitis.
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Good for heart health

  • The absence of cholesterol is another of the benefits of potatoes.
  • It contains fiber, potassium, vitamins C and B6, which are great for heart health. 
  • The fiber in the vegetable helps reduce excess cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Potassium also protects the heart.

Prevents cancer

  • Studies have shown that eating potatoes other than frying does not cause cancer.
  • Frying potatoes leads to the synthesis of a chemical called acrylamide, which causes cancer.
  • In addition to not causing cancer, potatoes also reduce the risk of cancer, according to a study. 
  • This is attributed to the vitamin C content in the vegetable.
  • Baked purple potatoes have been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer, for example.

It is beneficial for brain health

  • The benefits of potatoes that support the brain which is a coenzyme alpha lipoic acid linked to its content. 
  • Alpha lipoic acid improves memory problems in Alzheimer's disease. It even reduces cognitive decline in some patients.
  • Vitamin C in the vegetable also plays a role in the treatment of depression. It helps prevent cell damage in the brain.

Strengthens bones

  • The benefits of potatoes are also effective in strengthening bones. Because it is necessary for bones magnesium and potassium content. 
  • Both minerals help prevent bone loss in both men and women.

Reduces inflammation

  • Yellow and purple potatoes reduce inflammation. 
  • It means that it provides protection against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism.

Strengthens immunity

  • Studies show that the benefits of potatoes are for the immune system.indicates that it may have beneficial effects in strengthening the

Helps lower blood cholesterol

  • The cholesterol-lowering property of potatoes comes from its fiber content. 
  • Vegetables provide both soluble and insoluble fiber. soluble fiber lowering bad cholesterolYe helps. 

Reduces PMS symptoms

  • According to a study, drinking potato juice premenstrual syndrome It helps relieve the symptoms of PMS, also known as PMS. 

It helps to sleep

  • The potassium in potatoes acts as a muscle relaxant, helping you sleep better.

Supports scurvy treatment

  • Scurvy disease It is caused by an excessive vitamin C deficiency. The benefits of potatoes with high vitamin C content show its effect in the treatment of this disease.

Do potatoes weaken?

  • Potatoes are very filling. Foods that keep you full help to lose weight because they suppress hunger.
  • Some evidence suggests that potato protein, known as proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2), reduces appetite.
  • This protein increases the release of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that makes you feel full. 
  • Potato weight lossThe important point is not to consume high-calorie varieties such as fried or chips.

Skin Benefits of Potatoes

  • Applying potatoes under the eyes helps to remove the dark circles under the eyes.
  • It is effective in slowing down the signs of aging, especially wrinkles.
  • It helps to remove dark spots.
  • Provides removal of acne.
  • One of the benefits of potatoes on the skin is that it cures sunburns.
  • It naturally brightens the skin.
  • It helps moisturize dry skin.
  • Removes dead skin cells from the skin.
  • It reduces inflammation caused by bruising, redness and ulcers.
  • It relieves puffiness in the eyes.

How to use potatoes on the skin?

The way to use potatoes on the skin is through potato face masks, which are good for all kinds of problems. Now let's look at potato mask recipes that can be effective for different problems.

Potato mask recipes

To whiten the skin

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of potato juice with 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • Apply to your face and neck.
  • Wait for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Make this mask every day.

For the skin to shine

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of potato juice with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
  • Add half a teaspoon of honey to the mixture and continue mixing.
  • Apply all over your face and neck.
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes.
  • You can apply this mask once every two days.

To remove acne

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of potato juice with 1 tablespoon of tomato juice.
  • Add honey to the mixture and mix until you get a smooth paste.
  • Apply to areas with acne.
  • You can apply it once a day until the acne disappears.

For dark spots

  • 1 teaspoon of potato juice, 1 teaspoon of rice flour, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey Mix until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Apply to your face and neck. Let it dry. 
  • Cleanse your face with water in circular motions.
  • You can do it twice a week.

For oily skin

  • Mash 3 boiled and peeled potatoes. Add 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it.
  • Blend until you get a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste on your face. Wait about 30 minutes.
  • Wash with lukewarm water.
  • You can apply it twice a week.

To remove wrinkles

  • Mix 1 grated potato, 2 tablespoons of raw milk and 3-4 drops of glycerin.
  • Apply it on your face.
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes.
  • Apply this mask twice a week.

To remove dead skin

  • Make a paste by mixing 1 grated potato and 2 mashed strawberries.
  • Add half a teaspoon of honey in it.
  • Apply to your face and neck. 
  • Wash it off after 15-20 minutes.
  • You can do it two or three times a week.

to open pores

  • Add half a teaspoon of turmeric to half a grated potato and mix.
  • Apply the paste on your face and neck.
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes.
  • You can apply it two or three times a week.

To tighten the skin

  • Mix the juice of half a potato with the white of 1 egg.
  • Apply the mixture on your face and neck.
  • Let it dry and then wash it.
  • Use this mask two or three times a week.

To relieve skin rashes

  • Grate 1 small potato. Mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of almond oil.
  • Make a paste and apply it on your face.
  • Wash it off after 30 minutes.
  • You can do it twice a week.
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anti aging potato mask

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt with half a grated potato. 
  • Apply the mask on your face. Avoid contact with eyes.
  • Let it dry for about 15 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Apply this mask twice a week.

Benefits of Potatoes for Hair

Prevents premature graying of hair

One of the benefits of potatoes is that it prevents premature graying of hair. Use the following method for this:

  • Boil the potato skins in a saucepan. The water level should be enough to cover the shells.
  • After boiling, strain the water into a glass.
  • Use this water to rinse your hair after shampooing. It will restore the natural color of your hair.

Prevents hair loss

A hair mask consisting of potatoes and honey helps prevent hair loss.

  • Peel the potato and extract the juice.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of potato juice with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Apply this mixture to the roots and massage into your scalp.
  • Cover your hair with a cap and wait a few hours.
  • Then wash with shampoo.
  • You can apply this mask twice a week for best results.

Harms of Potatoes

We talked about the benefits of potatoes. Now let's take a look at the harms of potatoes.

can gain weight

  • Studies have found that cooking potatoes in different ways causes weight gain. 
  • These studies determined that processed products like french fries and chips thicken waist circumference.
  • These are processed potato products. It contains more calories and fat than boiled, steamed or roasted ones. Because of this, excess calories cause weight gain.
  • Raw potatoes do not make you gain weight when eaten in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

Frequent consumption can increase blood pressure

  • Some studies have shown that this root vegetable causes an increase in blood pressure.
  • Consumption of baked, boiled and mashed potatoes as well as processed potatoes such as frying hypertension found to increase the risk of developing
  • This is due to the potato's high glycemic load. The glycemic load measures the extent to which certain foods increase blood sugar.
  • Studies show that a high-glycemic diet may be linked to high blood pressure. Moreover, obesity increases the risk of high blood pressure.

Contains glycoalkaloids

  • Glycoalkaloids are a toxic family of chemical compounds found in plants. This root vegetable contains two specific types called solanine and chaconine. 
  • Green potatoes are particularly high in glycoalkaloids.
  • When this vegetable is exposed to light, it produces a molecule called chlorophyll and turns green. Production of chlorophyll does not necessarily indicate degradation. However, exposure to light increases the glycoalkaloid concentration.
  • When consumed in large quantities, glycoalkaloids are toxic and adversely affect health.
  • But when consumed in normal amounts, glycoalkaloids do not cause adverse effects.
Potato allergy
  • Potato allergy is relatively rare, but some people may be allergic to patatin, one of the main proteins in the vegetable.
  • Some individuals with latex allergies may be sensitive to patatin, a phenomenon known as allergic cross-reactivity.


  • Acrylamides are contaminants that occur in carbohydrate-rich foods when cooked at very high temperatures such as frying, baking and roasting.
  • They are found in fried, baked or roasted potatoes. They are not when they are fresh, boiled or steamed. The amount of acrylamide increases at high temperatures such as frying.
  • Compared to other foods, french fries and chips are very high in acrylamides.
  • Although the amount of acrylamide in food is low, experts are concerned about the negative effects of prolonged exposure to this substance. Animal studies show that acrylamides may increase the risk of cancer.
  • In humans, acrylamides have been classified as a possible risk factor for cancer. Several studies have linked acrylamides to an increased risk of breast cancer, ovarian, kidney, mouth, and esophageal cancer. 
  • For general health, it is useful to limit the consumption of french fries and chips.

Green Potatoes

Do you throw the green potatoes out of the sack or do you use them? Some throw green potatoes without using them at all. Others cut off the green parts and use the rest. However, green potatoes can be dangerous. In fact, the occasional green color and bitter taste in potatoes indicates the presence of a toxin. 

Why do potatoes turn green?

Greening of potatoes is a natural process. When exposed to light, it begins to produce chlorophyll, the green pigment that gives many plants and algae their color. 

This causes the light colored ones to turn from yellow or light brown to green. This process also happens in dark potatoes, but dark pigments hide it.

Chlorophyll allows plants to harvest solar energy through photosynthesis. Through this process, plants produce carbohydrates and oxygen from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

The chlorophyll that gives some potatoes their green color is completely harmless. In fact, it's found in many of the plants we eat every day. However, greening in potatoes is not desirable. It signals the production of potentially harmful – a poisonous plant compound called solanine.

Green potatoes can be poisonous

When light exposure causes the potato to produce chlorophyll, it also encourages the production of certain compounds that prevent damage from insects, bacteria, fungi or hungry animals. Unfortunately, these compounds can be toxic to humans. The main toxin produced by potatoes, solanine, inhibits an enzyme involved in breaking down certain neurotransmitters.

It is also affected by harmful cell membranes and can adversely affect the permeability of the intestine.

Solanine is normally found at low levels in the skin and flesh of the potato, but at higher levels in the plant. However, when exposed to sunlight or damaged, the potato also produces more.

Chlorophyll is an indicator of the presence of high levels of solanine in a potato. However, it is not a perfect measure. Although the same conditions stimulate the production of both solanine and chlorophyll, they are produced independently of each other.

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In fact, depending on the type, the potato can turn green very quickly. However, greening is a sign that a potato may start to produce more solanine.

How to prevent greening of potatoes?

Potatoes that contain unacceptable levels of solanine are not usually sold in the market or in grocery stores. However, if not stored properly, potatoes can also produce solanine after they are delivered to a supermarket or stored in the kitchen.

Therefore, proper storage is important to prevent the production of high levels of solanine. Physical damage, exposure to light, high or low temperature are the main factors that encourage potatoes to produce solanine.

Before you buy the potato, make sure it is not damaged or starting to turn green. At home, store it in a cool, dark place, such as a cellar or basement. You can put it in opaque bags or plastic bags to protect from light. Potatoes are not stored in the refrigerator. In this way, the content of solanine increases even more.

An average kitchen or pantry can be too hot for long-term storage. If you don't have a cool enough place to store the potatoes, only buy the amount you plan to use.

Potato Varieties

Currently, there are varieties with 1500-2000 different species ranging in color, size and nutritional content and are grown in 160 countries. There are different varieties of potatoes grown around the world. The most well known are: 

Russet: This is the classic variety. Ideal for cooking, also for frying and porridge.

Fingering: They are finger-shaped and small. It naturally grows small.

Red Potato: It has a waxy texture, so their meat stays firm throughout the entire cooking process. They have thin but vibrant red skins.

White Potato: It retains its shape even after cooking. It is most commonly used in salads.

Yellow Potato: It has a golden crust, yellow to golden flesh. It is more suitable for grilling or baking.

Purple Potato: It has moist and firm flesh and adds a lively color to salads. The purple color of this type of potato is best preserved in the microwave.

How to Choose Potatoes?
  • When buying potatoes, choose smooth and hard skins.
  • Do not buy wrinkled, wilted, softened, dark spots, sprouted, cuts, bruises and green spots.
  • Especially avoid green potatoes due to toxic alkaloids such as solanine formed by exposure to light.
  • Sprouted potatoes are old.
  • Since fresh potatoes are thinner and harder, they should be used in boiled and salads.
How to store potatoes?
  • Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark, dry and properly ventilated place. Higher temperature or even room temperature will cause the potato to sprout and become dehydrated.
  • It should not be exposed to sunlight as light triggers the formation of solanine.
  • It should not be stored in the refrigerator as it will cause the starch in its content to turn into sugar and change its taste.
  • In addition, since the gases they emit will cause deterioration of both vegetables, they should not be kept near the onion.
  • Potatoes should be stored in burlap or a paper bag.
  • The shelf life of ripe potatoes is 2 months.
  • New potatoes that spoil more quickly can be stored for up to a week.
  • Cooked potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. However, it should not be frozen as it will be watered after reheating.

Tips on using potatoes in cooking
  • Wash the potatoes in cold water before cooking.
  • Remove the bruises on it with a knife.
  • Peel the potato using a vegetable peeler. Peel thinly so that the nutrients under the peel remain.
  • You can soak the potato in hot water for 10 minutes to peel it more easily.
  • Peeled and cut potatoes should not be exposed to air to avoid discoloration.
  • If you are not going to cook it immediately after cutting, keep it in a bowl of cold water with a little lemon juice in it. This will both prevent them from browning and help them retain their shape during cooking.
  • It should also not be cooked in iron or aluminum pots or cut with a carbon steel knife. Because it is sensitive to some metals, which causes it to discolor.
  • All the nutrients are contained in the shell. Therefore, it is recommended to cook with their skins.
  • While the potatoes are cooking, put a spoonful of vinegar in the cooking water. It stays yellow in color and tastes better.
  • When baking, use stale potatoes instead of fresh for flavor. Because the old ones contain less water than the new ones. Before putting it in the oven, poke holes in it with a fork. Thus, the moisture in the potato comes out during cooking, and after cooking, it becomes more full and delicious.
  • While boiling, if you add a spoonful of margarine to the boiling water, it will not lose its vitamin and it will cook faster.
  • So that the fries are crispy, dip the potatoes in flour and put them in the pan.

Potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making them a very healthy food.

Potato benefits include improving blood sugar control, reducing the risk of heart disease and boosting immunity. It also improves digestion and reduces signs of aging.

It keeps you quite full, that is, it suppresses hunger, reduces appetite and helps to lose weight. However, when consumed in excess, it has some negative effects such as weight gain and increasing blood pressure.

The important thing is to consume this root vegetable as part of a balanced diet, with healthy cooking methods.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4

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