Are Diet Snacks Healthy? What Are Healthy Snacks?

Snacking is a mouth-watering diet for people of all ages, with little slip-up between main meals. 

There are different opinions about whether it is "innocent or harmful", some argue that it is necessary, and some argue that it should not be consumed because it is unhealthy. Request "Are snacks healthy or unhealthy", "how to eat snacks for those on diet", "what are diet snacks" Answers to your questions ...

What is a snack, why do people snack?

Consuming food or drink between meals means snacking. Snacks, which we can also call aperitif foods, today consist of processed and high-calorie foods such as chips and snacks.

Whether or not what we prefer is healthy, snacking means eating between meals. It is the hunger motive that drives you to this, and reasons such as local location, social situation, time of day and food availability are effective.

In fact, people may have frequent snacks when there is appetizing food around, even if they are not hungry. When asked why obese and overweight people prefer unhealthy snacks in a study, the common answer was; it was the low energy they felt after being attracted to food and hunger.

Accordingly, the desire to snack and healthy snack preferences vary completely from person to person. 

snack for those on a diet

Does snacking speed up metabolism?

Eating between meals or eating every few hours, speeds up metabolism is said. 

One study investigated the calorie burning status of two groups who ate two and seven meals. The two groups consumed equal amounts of calories, and no difference was found between the amount of calories they burned.

It is wrong to think that eating every few hours or snacking between meals will speed up the metabolism. Studies show that this condition has no effect on metabolism.

How do snacks affect appetite and weight?

Studies show that snacks help reduce hunger. However, this varies from person to person and depending on the type of snack.

While carbohydrate-rich snacks keep insulin levels constantly high and cause excessive calorie intake, protein-rich snacks are effective in controlling appetite. On the other hand, unhealthy snacks can also cause weight gain.

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Do snacks affect blood sugar spikes?

Many people think that they need to eat frequently to keep their blood sugar levels stable. However, this is not always the case.

In a 2014 study of people with type 2 diabetes, those who ate two large meals a day had lower blood sugar levels and decreased insulin sensitivity and lost weight than those who ate six meals a day.

Another study found no difference in blood sugar levels between the same amount of food and the group that ate three meals and snacked between meals.

It should not be forgotten that the amount and type of snack consumed also has an importance on blood sugar. Fiber-rich, low-carbohydrate snacks, with or without diabetes blood sugar and has a positive effect on insulin levels. Protein-containing snacks further improve blood sugar control.

Snacks prevent food attacking

Snacks may not be beneficial, especially for those trying to lose weight. But it can prevent some people from attacking food, so to speak, like hungry wolves.

Snacks between two meals can prevent extra calories in meals. It helps to maintain the level of hunger, especially during periods when meals will be long. But provided that you choose healthy snacks.

Tips for a Healthy Snack

Amount of snack

The amount of snacks you eat at a time should not exceed 200 grams and contain at least 10 grams of protein.


The frequency of your snacking during the day will vary depending on your physical activity and how much time is between main meals. If you are very active, you should snack 2-3 times a day, if you are inactive, you should snack once or not at all.


Have your snacks with you when you are traveling, at work or going out and be sure to take them with you.

Suitable foods

Refined snacks or snacks with high sugar content will give you energy for a short time, but will make you feel hungry again after a few hours.

healthy snack cheese

Healthy Low-Calorie Snacks

There are a lot of snacks out there that can whet your appetite, but remember, real food is best. As it should be in your meals, some of your snack choices should consist of protein sources. For example; cheese, boiled eggs, etc.

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In addition, snacks with high fiber content such as almonds and peanuts make you less hungry and eat less in the next meal. Here are a few healthy snack ideas:

- String cheese

Fresh vegetables or fruits

- Nuts (eat them without forgetting that they are high in fat and calories)

- Yoghurt

- Dark chocolate

- Boiled egg

- Olive

- Those who stayed the night before

 Unhealthy Recommendations for Avoiding Snacks

When we are in front of the TV or computer, we need a drink or a snack. Especially dieters should avoid snacks such as chips, candy, biscuits and cookies, as they are an unhealthy and empty calorie source.

Low-calorie snacks sold in the markets are nothing but empty and unnecessary calories.

For dieters, removing snacks (especially unhealthy ones) from their lives makes it easier for them to lose weight. What can you do to prevent your unhealthy snacking habit?

reduce cravings

Enter the bathroom

Fill the water and soak in hot water for 1 hour. Hot water, relaxes your desires for comfort.

Keep your hand and mind busy

When you are busy your craving for a snack becomes dull. Also, being busy is the best formula for eating less.

Take a walk

A short walk is a good reason to get away from the kitchen. Walking in the fresh air nourishes the spirit and increases physical satiety.

Brush your teeth

After brushing, the desire to snack disappears. If you choose a mint toothpaste, your appetite will decrease as well.

For healthy drinks

It reduces the urge to eat a sugar-free tea. You can add a small amount of cinnamon into a glass of water or drink a decaffeinated coffee. Hot drinks also reduce the desire to eat.

Breathe deeply

Breathing exercises like sports make you feel more enthusiastic and eliminate the desire to eat.

Go out into the sun

Sunlight changes the mood, stimulates your senses. When you are in a sunny environment and get fresh air, you will want to eat less. In addition, sunlight is a metabolism accelerator.

Follow the beat of the music

Listening to music and dancing along with the music is a good way to keep yourself entertained. You will also spend calories because you will be moving.

Take a nap

Sleep takes away your desire to eat. Sleep is one of the keys to losing weight.

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Eat enough

Do not skip meals and try to eat enough in three main meals. If you don't eat a nutritious meal, hunger will disturb you all day. Choose foods that create a feeling of satiety in the stomach such as apples, oranges and carrots.

Don't watch television

Snacks are most often consumed in front of the TV. In addition, ads encourage you to eat. If you absolutely want to watch television, get busy with other things while watching and change the commercials.

Think what you will get

Before you buy a chips or chocolate, pause for a minute and think. Put yourself in front of the mirror this minute. Are you ready to see the cost of what you will actually eat in the mirror?

Make a shopping list

In order for the market not to attract you, take your precaution and prepare a list. Remove junk foods like chips, chocolate, waffles, nuts from your list.

When you go to the grocery store, stay away from the aisles with snacks. Use the winding roads to avoid getting close to that section.

Keep your mouth busy

Chew sugar-free gum to avoid overeating with meals or to prevent the sweet tooth after eating.

Reward in between

Prohibitions are tempting and have a strong gravitational force. So try to reward yourself once a week. So you don't break bans too often.

As a result;

For those who cannot stay for a long time without eating and have a long time between main meals, it is better to prefer snacks for main meals rather than attacking the food. Provided that the snacks are healthy.

Snacks are a purely personal choice. But my advice to you is if you are following a diet program, either completely eliminate or minimize the snacks from your life. Because more than three main meals a day to lose weight makes it difficult to lose weight.

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