Why Do We Gain Weight? What Are Weight Gaining Habits?

"Why do we gain weight?” A question like this bothers us from time to time.

Why do we gain weight?

The average person gains between 0.5 and 1 kg each year. Although this number seems small, it means we can get an extra 5 to 10 kg in a period of ten years.

A healthy diet and exercise regularly can prevent this sneaky weight gain.

However, the loopholes and certain habits that we often think of as minor trigger this seemingly minor weight gain.

By changing some of our habits, we can control weight gain. Here are our habits that cause weight gain and the changes we can make about it…

Our harmful habits that make you gain weight

why do we gain weight
Why do we gain weight?

Fast food

  • In today's world, people eat their meals faster because they are busy.
  • Unfortunately, this happens to fat storage.
  • If you're a fast eater, deliberately slow down your eating by chewing more and taking small bites.

Not drinking enough water

  • "Why do we gain weight?" When we say thirst, we do not even think of thirst.
  • Not drinking enough water causes the body to become dehydrated.
  • Thirst can be mistaken as a sign of hunger by the body.
  • When you feel hungry, maybe you're just thirsty.
  • Therefore, drink enough water during the day.

being social

  • While sociability offers a happy life balance, maybe it's the reason you're gaining weight.
  • Meals are essential for friend gatherings, and these are mostly caloric foods. It can result in consuming more calories than the daily requirement.
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stay still for a long time

  • "Why do we gain weight?" The answer to the question is actually hidden in this title.
  • Being sedentary for a long time increases the risk of weight gain.
  • If your job involves sitting for a long time, try to exercise several times a week before, at lunch, or after work.

Not getting enough sleep

  • Unfortunately, insomnia causes weight gain.
  • In people who do not sleep enough, fat accumulates especially in the abdomen.
  • Getting enough sleep is essential to not gaining weight.

be too busy

  • Many people have busy lives and never find time for themselves. 
  • Not having time to rest makes you feel constantly stressed and causes fat accumulation.

Eating on big plates

  • The size of the plate you eat determines the size of your waistline.
  • This is because food appears smaller on large plates. This leads the brain to think that it is not eating enough food. 
  • Using small plates helps you eat less without feeling hungry.

Eating in front of the TV

  • People usually eat while watching TV or surfing the Internet. But they eat more when they are distracted.
  • While eating, focus on the food without distractions.

Drinking calories

  • Fruit juices, soft drinks, and sodas can cause fat storage. 
  • The brain records calories from food but does not notice calories from drinks. So he's likely to make up for it by eating more food later on.
  • Get calories from food rather than beverages.

Not eating enough protein 

  • Protein food keeps you full for a long time. It also promotes the release of satiety hormones.
  • To increase protein consumption, eat protein-rich foods such as eggs, meat, fish, and lentils.
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not eating enough fiber

  • Not consuming enough fiber can lead to fat storage. This is because fiber helps control appetite. 
  • To increase your fiber consumption, you can eat more vegetables, especially beans and legumes.

Not consuming healthy snacks

  • Hunger is one of the biggest reasons people gain weight. It increases cravings for unhealthy foods.
  • Eating healthy snacks fights hunger while preventing cravings for unhealthy foods.

Shopping without a grocery list

  • Shopping without a need list can cause weight gain. 
  • The shopping list not only helps save money, but also discourages impulse purchases that are unhealthy.

Drinking too much coffee with milk

  • Drinking coffee daily gives energy. 
  • But adding cream, sugar, milk and other additives to coffee increases its calories. It is also unhealthy.
  • Take care to consume your coffee without adding anything.

Skipping meals and eating irregularly

  • Eating irregularly and skipping certain meals can cause weight gain.
  • People who skip meals eat more at the next meal than they would be very hungry.

References: 1

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