How to Use Lavender Oil? Benefits and Harms of Lavender

In addition to its pleasant fragrance, lavenderIt is a medicinal herb that provides significant benefits such as relieving stress, improving mood, providing restful sleep, reducing skin irritation, preventing infections, reducing inflammation, relieving dandruff and soothing stomach bloating.

What Is Lavender, What Does It Do?

About forty plants in the mint family technically lavender classified as, common form  Lavandula angustifolia. This breed is found in Europe, Africa, the Mediterranean and parts of Asia. 

The reason why it is so widely used is its wide range of applications, from food and fragrance to cosmetics and herbal remedies.

This herb is full of essential oils that have powerful effects on the human body, the most unique and beloved fragrances in the world. 

As a culinary element, it is used as a flavoring spice for salad dressings, sauces, drinks, various teas and various cultural dishes. Lavender oil has a very common usage area. 

What does lavender flower do?

What Are the Benefits of Lavender?

It reduces anxiety and stress

To alleviate anxiety and stress lavender can be used. The natural organic compounds in its leaves and flowers can be crushed between the fingers and rubbed into the temples.

This topical application relieves anxiety, balances the mood, and relaxes the body and mind. 

Lavender tea drinking shows the same effect as this topical application. The antioxidant components in it affect the endocrine system to lower the levels of stress hormones in the body.

Treats sleep problems

Regularly experienced insomnianegatively affects life. Lavender tea It has been used for thousands of years to provide sleep and relaxation.

It, lavender flower It is closely linked to its effect on the nervous system and also helps to keep negative thoughts out of your mind. 

Shows anti-inflammatory properties

According to published research, lavender flower Adding to bath water helps reduce inflammation, with anti-inflammatory ingredients.

LavenderIts antioxidant properties are also very strong and it is one of the most reliable applications of the flower.

Skin benefits of lavender

Fill a spray bottle with lavender flowers and water. When your skin feels dry or irritated, spray some of this water on the area and you will notice that the dryness and irritation are reduced. This also psoriasisIt will also work in chronic conditions such as eczema and acne.

Has antiseptic ability

LavenderAlthough mostly used for aromatic applications, its ability to treat infection is also impressive. Crushed leaves can be applied to injuries to help wounds heal faster and also to prevent infections from developing. 

Benefits of lavender for hair

Hair loss Lavender-containing shampoos can be used for Lavender flower You can brew it like tea and then apply the mixture to your hair. This will act as an effective shampoo and significantly improve the health of follicle beds and hair.

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Protects heart health

Containing organic compounds and antioxidants lavender With its relaxing properties, it reduces blood pressure and tension on blood vessels. This prevents atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems, thus reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Prevents digestive problems

LavenderThe polyphenols found in the body have a wide variety of effects on the body. It can prevent harmful bacteria from growing and gas accumulation in the intestine.

This alleviates stomach discomfort, reduces bloating and eliminates cramps. It is also effective to chew its leaves or drink your tea.

Reduces hot flashes experienced in menopause

Hot flushes are a common occurrence that affects many women. menopause is a symptom. It causes a sudden feeling of heat in the body, flushing of the face and triggers sweating.

Twice a day lavender oil Using it can help reduce menopausal hot flashes and improve quality of life.

Combat fungal growth

LavenderThere are numerous studies highlighting the potential antifungal activity of. Researches, lavender essential oilsuggests that it may be effective in inhibiting the growth of certain types of fungi, such as C. albicans.

According to previous research, oil is also caused by fungus. athlete's foot and it can be a remedy to treat ringworm.

Cures migraine

Lavender essential oilInhalation is considered to be an effective and safe treatment option for migraine headaches.

In one study, patients suffering from migraine attacks applied 2-3 drops to their upper lip in the early stages of an attack. lavender oil reported significant improvements after its release.

It is insect repellent

Lavender essential oilThe scent is strong for many insect species such as mosquitoes, midges and moths. To prevent these annoying bugs from biting you, apply a little bit to your skin when you go outside. lavender oil drive.

Additionally, if you are bitten by one of these insects, lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce irritation and pain from insect bites.

Relieves menstrual cramps and pain

Researchers, lavenderHe concluded that premenstrual emotional symptoms may help reduce. Women of reproductive age experience a variety of symptoms in the premenstrual condition known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Another recent study, lavender oilIt proves that when massaged the skin can relieve dysmenorrhea associated with menstrual pain and cramps.

Treats respiratory disorders

Lavender oilthroat infection, flu, cough, cold, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitisIt is widely used for various respiratory problems such as whooping cough, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. The oil is either used in the form of steam or applied to the skin of the neck, chest and back.

Lavender essential oilThe stimulant property of can loosen sputum and relieve obstruction due to respiratory disorders; Therefore, it speeds up the healing process and helps the body to naturally remove phlegm and other unwanted substances.

Lavender oilThe vapor also has antibacterial properties that can fight respiratory infections.

Improves blood circulation

Lavender oilIt is also beneficial for improving blood circulation in the body. Researches, use of lavender oilIt shows that it has beneficial effects on coronary circulation. It also lowers blood pressure and is often used as a treatment for hypertension.

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What Are the Harms of Lavender?

Although not generally considered an allergic substance, if you are sensitive to allergens in the mint family, lavender You may experience negative side effects from using it.

These are usually light; While it includes constipation, headache and increased appetite, topical application can cause irritation and redness.

Lavenderhas been associated with gynecomastia, an enlargement of breast tissue in prepubescent men. Lavender Discontinuing use typically reverses this side effect. For men who have not entered puberty, experts lavender tea It recommends that its consumption be limited.

Pregnant women due to its ability to mimic the estrogen hormone lavender tea should be careful while drinking. It is safest to consult your doctor before consuming herbal teas while pregnant or breastfeeding.

How and Where is Lavender Oil Used?

Lavender or lavandula It is a plant grown largely for the purpose of oil extraction. Besides a pleasant fragrance, it is one of the most popular and widely used essential oils because it has many beauty and health benefits. It is especially widely used in soap, perfume, cosmetics.

Here use of lavender oil Things to know about ...

How to use lavender oil on the skin

How to Use Lavender Oil?

For acne treatment

Lavender oilThanks to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, it is very effective in treating acne. It fights acne, improves dry skin and reduces the appearance of acne scars. 

It is also effective in treating acne caused by stress. The therapeutic properties of the oil improve sleep quality and reduce stress. 

To treat acne on the face, 3-4 drops lavender oil almond oil or mix a carrier oil such as jojoba oil and apply on your face. For severe acne problems, 1 drop lavender oilMix 2 drops of tea tree oil and apply on face with a clean cotton cloth. 

For acne breakouts on the body, a few drops in bath water lavender oil add and wait 15 minutes. When used regularly, it greatly reduces acne in the body area.

For hair growth

To massage the scalp of patients with alopecia in a study conducted in Scotland lavender oil When used, new hair growth was seen in 7 months.

Therefore, this study, lavender oilIt proves that it can be used as a powerful treatment for hair growth. You can also mix it with other essential oils and carrier oils for better and faster results.

For the cracks

CracksIt is very common in women during pregnancy, as well as in women who lift weights and exercise at high intensity. The abdomen and thighs are the areas most susceptible to these. 

To reduce and fade the appearance of stretch marks lavender oil you can use. 4-5 drops lavender oilMix 3 drops of orange oil and 50 ml of jojoba oil. Use this oil every day to massage the affected area. Soon your cracks will disappear.

For sunburn

Lavender oilThanks to its skin-soothing properties, it can also be used in the treatment of sunburn. A few drops lavender oiln aloe vera gel and apply for instant relief of the affected area. It will reduce inflammation and redness.

Face for steam

To facial steam lavender oil adding will be of great benefit. It calms the nerves and kills all bacteria present in the pores. 

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In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil and add a few drops of this water. lavender oil add. Now cover your head with a large towel and remove the steam for about 10 minutes. When you're done, dry your face with a clean towel.

As a face mask

To get rid of acne and relieve stress lavender oil You can make a soothing face mask with. The simplest way is 4-5 drops in a regular face mask lavender oil is to add and apply as you normally would.

For black spots

For this, 4 drops lavender oilMix the mixture with 2 drops of tea tree oil and black PointApply by rubbing on the area affected by the larva.

To treat cracked heels

For heel cracks a few drops lavender oilMix in your foot cream or body lotion and massage your feet daily with this lotion before going to bed. 

Wear cotton socks before you sleep. Repeat this process every day until you notice visible results.

Add to bath products

Lavender oilYou can add it to your shower gel or shampoo to improve the mood and start the day more energetic. A few drops on your pillow to sleep better at night lavender oil You can also drip it.

For dandruff

Branto get rid of the skin lavender oil you can try. Own lavender 12 drops l to make your anti-dandruff shampooessential oilMix 5 drops of tea tree oil and 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. 

Massage your scalp with this shampoo for 5 minutes and rinse with plain water. This shampoo, when used regularly, will reduce itching and flaking to get rid of dandruff.

To prevent the graying of the hair

LavenderA combination of ginger and sesame oil has been proven to reverse the effect of graying hair.

Bu teaspoon for this mixture lavender oilIt is necessary to mix teaspoon of ginger oil and 10 teaspoons of sesame oil. Store this in a glass bottle.

Massage your scalp and hair regularly with this oil to reverse hair graying. Shake the bottle well before applying.

Dry hands to treat

4-5 drops to relieve dry hands lavender oilMix it with 2 tablespoons of almond oil or jojoba oil.

Use this oil to massage your hands regularly every night before going to bed. You will see dramatic changes in a few days.

As bath salt

For making bath salt at home epsom saltna lavender oil add and mix the two. You can store it in an airtight jar in the bathroom cabinet.

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