Is Coffee Bean Eat? Benefits and Harm

Coffee bean, usually coffee beans It is the seed of the coffee fruit, also known as. These bean-like seeds are dried, roasted and brewed to make coffee.

Drinking coffee has some health benefits, such as reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and liver disease. Eating coffee beans does it have the same effect?

In the article, "What is coffee bean", "coffee bean benefits", "coffee bean damages" Information on the subjects will be given.

What is bean coffee?

Bean It has been eaten for more than hundreds of years. Before coffee was developed as a beverage, the beans are thought to be mostly mixed with animal fat and consumed to increase energy levels.

Coffee beanprovides the same nutrients as a cup of coffee - but in a much more concentrated form.

Because regular coffee is filtered and diluted with water, you only get some caffeine and other substances found in the bean.

Compared to drinking a cup of coffee eating coffee beanscauses the caffeine to be absorbed faster in the inside of the mouth.

Chewing coffee beans or eating increases both its beneficial effects and negative effects. Therefore, a small amount of food is required.

Raw and green coffee bean, yemek not very nice for you. It has a bitter, woody flavor and is difficult to chew. The roasted it is a little softer. Chocolate covered, roasted coffee bean It is also sold.

weight loss with coffee beans

What Are the Benefits of Coffee Beans?

Although many studies have examined the benefits of coffee as a beverage, very few coffee bean investigated the effects of eating.  Even so, Benefits of chewing coffee beans probably the same as drinking your beverage.

It is an excellent source of antioxidants

Coffee beanIt is full of powerful antioxidants like chlorogenic acid, a family of polyphenols. Studies show that chlorogenic acid can reduce the risk of diabetes and fight inflammation.

Some trials also indicate that it may have cancer-fighting properties.

The amount of chlorogenic acid in beans varies depending on the bean type and roasting methods. Roasting the beans can cause 50–95% loss of chlorogenic acid.

It is an easily absorbed source of caffeine.

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in a variety of foods and beverages such as coffee and tea. On average, eight coffee bean It provides the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee.

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The body absorbs the caffeine in whole beans faster than liquid coffee. Caffeine affects the brain and central nervous system, which provides many benefits. For example, it energizes, improves alertness, mood, memory and performance.

One study found that drinking 200 cups of coffee containing 2 mg of caffeine - about 17 coffee beanwhat's equivalent - found it to be as effective as a 30-minute nap at reducing driving errors.

CaffeineIt works by inhibiting the hormone adenosine, which causes drowsiness and fatigue. This chemical also improves exercise performance and weight loss by boosting metabolism.

Regulates blood pressure

Coffee bean traps excess fat, excess fat can destroy blood vessels. People suffering from blood pressure coffee bean can eat. 

Has a detox effect

Eating coffee beanshelps remove toxic substances sticking to the intestinal lining. 

Suppresses appetite

Coffee bean eatersexperiences a severe decrease in appetite a few days after eating. This is especially beneficial for people who have trouble controlling their weight. 

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Beanimproves the health of blood vessels and arteries. It improves blood flow all over the body. It has a positive effect on improving blood flow, brain work, removal of harmful substances and good vision. Body functions improve and this leads to greater mental ability.

Keeps blood sugar stable

Coffee beancontains vital enzymes that maintain the sugar balance in the blood. The enzyme functions by catalyzing the processes in the pancreas that produce the hormones insulin and glucagon that regulate blood sugar. This helps lower blood sugar.

Other Potential Benefits of Coffee Beans

Observational studies have linked coffee with many health benefits, including reducing the following risks.

Death from all causes

Heart disease and stroke

Some cancers

Liver diseases including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, liver fibrosis and liver cirrhosis

Type 2 diabetes

Depression, Alzheimer's disease and brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease

What Are The Harm Of Coffee Bean?

Reasonable amount eating coffee beansWhile healthy, eating too much can cause some problems. Also, some people are sensitive to the substances in the beans, which can cause unwanted side effects.

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Heartburn and heartburn

Certain compounds in the beans can cause stomach upset in some people. This is because compounds called caffeine and catechol in the beans increase stomach acid.

This can lead to heartburn, an uncomfortable condition in which stomach acid pushes up the esophagus. It can also cause bloating, nausea, and stomach upset.

Some studies suggest that higher doses of green coffee bean extract are used in patients with a sensitive stomach. diarrhea and indicates that it causes stomach upset.

If you suffer from heartburn or other stomach problems, coffee and coffee bean You must be careful in its consumption.

Diarrhea effect

Drinking coffee is in some people laxative shows effect. It is not caffeine that causes this, because decaf coffee also increases bowel movements. Although rare, even low doses of caffeinated coffee can cause diarrhea.

People with intestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). coffee beanhe should consume ni carefully.

High cholesterol

There is some evidence that eating your bean instead of drinking coffee can lead to increased production of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), "bad" cholesterol.

This is due to the presence of two compounds, cafestol and kahweol, which are found in coffee beans 10-40 times more than brewed coffee.

The link between cholesterol and coffee is not well known, but if high cholesterol is a problem, it is advisable to avoid eating the bean.

Sleeping disorder

Coffee beanWhile the caffeine in it provides a needed boost of energy, it can also cause sleep problems, especially in people sensitive to caffeine.

Studies show that people who are sensitive to caffeine or who consume too much are more at risk of reduced sleep time, which can trigger daytime fatigue.

The effects of caffeine can last up to 9.5 hours after consumption. If your sleep is affected by caffeine, reduce the amount you consume during the day, especially not before going to bed.

High caffeine intake can cause other unpleasant and potentially dangerous side effects, including:

Increased anxiety symptoms such as palpitations, nausea, and feelings of stress

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- Stopping coffee symptoms - headaches, anxiety, fatigue, tremors and poor concentration if you are suddenly off coffee.

- Increased risk of pregnancy problems such as miscarriage, low birth weight and preterm delivery.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, have anxiety or are pregnant. coffee beanConsume very limitedly.

How Many Coffee Beans Can You Eat?

You can safely consume the number of coffee beans equates to a safe caffeine level. Although tolerance to caffeine varies, usage up to 200-400mg is considered safe for adults. More than that, it can negatively affect health.

There are currently insufficient data to determine safe caffeine levels for children and teens, and they are likely to be more sensitive to its effects.

The amount of caffeine in the beans depends on the size, shape and roasting time. For example, types of coffee beansRobusta usually contains about twice as much caffeine as Arabica beans.

On average, a chocolate covered coffee beanIt contains about 12 mg of caffeine per bean, including the caffeine in chocolate.

This is about 33 chocolate covered without exceeding the adults' recommended safe caffeine level coffee bean means they can eat. But if you eat that much, you'll get excessive calories, high amounts of fat, and added sugar.

What's more, if you get caffeine from other foods, drinks or supplements, to avoid unpleasant side effects coffee bean reduce your consumption.

As a result;

Coffee bean it is safe to eat - but should not be over-consumed. It contains antioxidants and caffeine, which can boost energy and reduce the risk of certain diseases. However, too much of it can cause unwanted side effects. Chocolate covered varieties also contain excess calories, sugar, and fat.

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