Natural Solutions for Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the happiest moments in a woman's life, but the stretch marks that come with her are not something to be happy about. 

Stretch marks occur when our body suddenly gains or loses excess weight. During pregnancy, as the baby grows in the uterus, the skin extends beyond its capacity and causes unsightly cracks. It is always better to intervene in them as early as possible. This is because when stretch marks are at an early stage, they respond best to every treatment.

There are many chemical and surgical treatments to remove cracks such as vascular laser, fractional laser treatment, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). However, these treatments have many risks and are expensive. 

It is always necessary to turn to safe natural remedies that are equally effective and much cheaper. In the article "The oils that are good for stretch marks during pregnancy", "herbal solution for abdominal stretch marks during pregnancy", "pregnancy stretch marks treatment" Information about will be given.

Natural Solution for Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnant women think that their stretch marks will never go away. In fact, this is possible with natural and herbal solutions. Don't expect a change overnight, though. You need to follow these natural remedies regularly to see the difference.

Which Oil Should Be Used For Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

Carrier Oil Options

  • Almond oil
  • Argan oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Mustard oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Indian Oil

Essential Oil Options

  • Grape seed oil
  • Hemp Oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Rosehip Oil
  • Evening primrose oil

How to use oils for stretch marks?

Make a moisturizer by mixing a few drops of essential oils with a carrier oil. Some suggested combinations are:

Almond oil or coconut oil with grape seed and rosehip oil

- Evening primrose, hemp seed and lavender essential oils, as well as castor oil or jojoba oil

Massage the affected area with this oil for a few minutes.

- Leave the oil on for as long as possible.

Apply this oil mixture regularly twice a day.

Oil massage will moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity and help the scars to heal quickly.

Carrier oils provide nutrition and hydration, while essential oils provide antioxidants and healing compounds. Damage caused by stretching can be reversed if this remedy is used without fail, twice a day.

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red stretch marks during pregnancy

Cocoa Butter


  • Organic cocoa butter or shea butter


Massage the affected area (such as your stomach, chest and thighs) with organic cocoa butter.

Apply any of these oils twice a day.

Both cocoa butter and shea butter are rich sources of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids that are easily absorbed by the skin.

It moisturizes the skin and regenerates skin cells. Shea butter also contains vitamins A and E, which increase skin elasticity and prevent dryness. The combination of these two oils at the same time pregnancy stretch marks works for

Aloe vera


  • Aloe vera leaf


Cut the aloe vera leaf and extract the gel.

Apply on the affected area and massage until absorbed by the skin.

- Do not rinse.

- This should be applied twice a day.

Aloe veraIt is one of the best natural remedies to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Aloe vera gel promotes healing and produces visible results within a few days.

It also soothes the skin and keeps it moist. However, this remedy only works for early breakouts.

Dry Brushing


  • Body brush (soft, natural bristle)


Gently scrub the affected area with the dry brush in a circular upward motion.

Continue brushing for 5-6 minutes.

Shower as usual and apply a good moisturizer.

Repeat this every day before taking a bath.

Dry brushing stimulates blood and lymph circulation. This helps enough nutrients reach the cracks. It also provides an easier and better disposal of toxins in the area.

Dry brushing increases the functionality of the oil and sweat glands and removes dead skin cells. This provides you with a smooth, soft and blemish-free skin.

Egg whites


  • 1-2 egg whites
  • Pastry brush


Gently whisk the egg whites and apply with a brush to the affected areas.

Let it dry naturally.

Rinse with cold water and moisten.

Add a few drops of coconut oil or almond oil to the egg white for added benefits.

- Do this practice every day for best results.

Enzymes in egg white increase the elasticity of the skin and help the cracks disappear over time.

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Coffee Beans


  • 1/2 cup ground coffee beans
  • 2 tablespoons of olive or coconut oil


- Mix the coffee grounds and oil.

Rub the affected areas with this mixture. Gently massage in circular motions for best results.

Let it sit for five minutes and then rinse it off with water.

It can be used 2-3 times a week.

Caffeine from coffee grounds can easily penetrate your skin and stimulate circulation, revitalizing skin cells.

This, along with olive oil, ensures that ample nourishment is delivered to the affected area to heal stretch marks. Coffee also contains antioxidants that reverse damage and provide protection from light.

Apple Cider Vinegar


  • 1 glass of apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • Spray bottle


Dilute the vinegar with water and pour it into a spray bottle.

- Spray on the cracks and let it dry naturally.

- Leave it overnight.

Take a shower in the morning and use a good moisturizer.

Repeat this every night before going to bed.

Apple cider vinegargood for healing scars and imperfections. It works on cracks and lightens them.


If you have sensitive skin, add a glass of water to a cup of apple cider vinegar. Further dilution will reduce the strength of the vinegar.

Post-Pregnancy Treatments

Retinol is the main ingredient in over-the-counter ointments for stretch marks. It promotes collagen production. However, it can be used after pregnancy.

This is because retinol can cause birth defects when used during pregnancy. It may take up to six weeks to see results from retinol. Do not expose your skin to the sun while treating with retinol because it can cause a burn.

Important Tips for Healing Stretch Marks

Research has shown that people who use a good moisturizer show a lot of improvement in skin elasticity and appearance.

If your skin is well hydrated, it is less prone to wear and tear. Use moisturizing lotions on stretch marks or areas you think might be cracked.

Using a lotion on old stretch marks may improve their appearance, but it won't be as effective as using it on new ones.

Add vitamin E oil to any unscented moisturizer and apply it to reduce stretch marks.

C vitamin Increase intake. Dermatologists recommend that 500mg of vitamin C should be taken as an oral supplement (s) to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Vitamin C helps collagen production and removes early stretch marks. Always consult your gynecologist before using any medication or oral supplements during pregnancy. It is important to know what is right for you or not.

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Exercises such as stretching and kegel exercises during pregnancy can improve blood circulation. You can also try the combination of pregnancy yoga and pilates to maintain your healthy weight. Also, avoid sudden increases in body weight. Try to gradually increase the weight.

Exercise and reduce your weight after pregnancy so stretch marks become less visible. However, do not substantially lose excess weight after giving birth. Pay attention to gradual and slow weight loss. 

Foods containing vitamin A helps to repair skin tissues. Consume carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, zucchini and red peppers.

Foods containing omega 3 fatty acids It keeps the cell membranes healthy and this makes your skin glow. Eat fish oil, walnuts, eggs, and oysters.

Consume fruits and vegetables with a high water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, fresh bell peppers and celery.

Drink enough water. This helps increase the elasticity of the skin. Drinking 8-12 glasses of water every day will help hydrate the body. 

Do not use harsh chemicals on your skin. Many trademarks contain sulfates that dry the skin and reduce its elasticity. Therefore, choose a cleanser that contains natural oils that can moisturize your skin.

Coconut oil can act as a healthy skin cleanser. Apply to your skin and rinse with lukewarm water. Dry your skin. If your skin tends to get dry, avoid cleanser. Wash your skin with lukewarm water and pat dry.

You can use Vaseline daily to soothe itching and redness caused by stretch marks. 

Considerations in Fracture Treatment

  • Always check the ingredients list before applying a new product. This is very important when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Some treatments, such as cream solutions, may not be hypoallergenic and may cause allergies.
  • Most treatments are only partially effective. Set realistic expectations as cracks are permanent.
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