20 Foods and Drinks That Boost Blood Circulation

Foods and beverages that accelerate blood circulation include foods such as red pepper, beetroot and spinach, as well as beverages such as green tea and pomegranate juice. Eating habits are very important for healthy blood circulation.

Speed ​​up blood circulation, It is necessary for some medical problems. Because certain health conditions can cause blood circulation to slow down. For example; peripheral artery disease (PAD), diabetes, obesity and Raynaud's diseaseare some of the causes of circulatory disorders.

Disruption of blood flow causes unpleasant symptoms such as pain, muscle cramps, numbness, digestive problems, and sensitivity of the hands or feet to cold.

A healthy blood circulation directly affects our body's energy level and general health. However, modern lifestyle and wrong eating habits often slow down blood circulation. This reflects on us as low energy, fatigue and even various health problems. 

Know that; Blood circulation can be accelerated with natural foods and drinks. In this way, more oxygen and nutrients can be transported to all cells of our body. Here are 20 foods and drinks that accelerate blood circulation…

Foods That Accelerate Blood Circulation

foods that increase blood circulation


BlueberriesIt is a fruit rich in antioxidants. It is effective in accelerating blood circulation. The anthocyanins it contains accelerate blood flow by expanding blood vessels. You can consume blueberry fruit by mixing it with yoghurt or oatmeal for breakfast. You can also eat it directly fresh.

2.Red pepper

Red pepper is rich in vitamin C. The capsaicin compound it contains accelerates blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. You can add red pepper to salads or consume it as a grilled vegetable.

3.Red beet

Red beetThanks to its nitrate content, it widens blood vessels and accelerates blood flow. Additionally, the iron mineral it contains increases the production of blood cells. You can boil red beet and add it to salads. You can also drink beet juice.


SalmonIt is a fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids increase blood flow by expanding blood vessels. In this way, it supports heart health. You can consume salmon by grilling or baking it in the oven. Marinating it with lemon and spices will increase its flavor.

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SpinachIt is rich in nutrients such as iron, folic acid and vitamin C. These nutrients improve blood circulation by ensuring that the blood carries better oxygen. You can add spinach leaves raw to salads. You can also add it to your meals by lightly steaming it.


GingerIt is a natural anti-inflammatory food that improves blood circulation. It accelerates blood flow by expanding blood vessels. It also improves circulation. You can brew ginger as tea or add it to meals as a spice.

7. Oatmeal

Rolled oatsIt is a food rich in fiber and accelerates blood circulation. Fiber regulates the digestive system and ensures better blood circulation. You can consume oatmeal for breakfast by mixing it with hot milk or sweetening it with fruits.

8. Sgt

PomegranateIt is a fruit rich in antioxidants and increases blood circulation. The phytochemicals it contains accelerate blood flow by expanding blood vessels. You can consume pomegranate seeds directly or add them to fruit salads.


WalnutIt is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. These nutrients accelerate blood circulation and support the health of blood vessels. You can consume walnuts as a snack. You can also add it to salads and desserts.


BroccoliIt is a vegetable rich in vitamin C, iron and fibre. These nutrients help the body function better by improving blood circulation. You can steam broccoli or consume it raw in salads.


CloveIt has properties that increase blood circulation. The special compounds it contains accelerate blood flow by expanding blood vessels. You can add cloves as a spice to tea or use them in meat dishes.


eggIt is a food rich in protein and B vitamins. These nutrients increase blood circulation and support the production of blood cells. You can consume eggs by boiling them or making an omelette.


AlmondIt is rich in antioxidants and minerals such as vitamin E, manganese and magnesium. These nutrients expand blood vessels, increase blood flow and improve blood circulation. You can eat a small handful of almonds during the day. Adding a handful of almonds to oatmeal at breakfast will give you an energetic start to the day. By adding almonds to your smoothies, you can make your drinks more satisfying and nutritious.

Drinks That Accelerate Blood Circulation


Water, one of the body's most basic needs, is the most effective way to accelerate blood circulation. Drinking adequate amounts of water helps the blood become more fluid and improve circulation. Make sure to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning revitalizes the body and provides a good start for hydration throughout the day.

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15.Green tea

Rich in antioxidants green teaIt accelerates blood circulation by expanding blood vessels. Additionally, the caffeine contained in green tea promotes circulation by increasing blood pressure. Consuming 2-3 cups of green tea a day is sufficient. Drinking it after meals supports digestion. It will also help maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

16.Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juiceIt increases blood circulation thanks to the antioxidants and phytochemicals it contains. Additionally, consumption of pomegranate juice helps dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood flow. You can consume freshly squeezed pomegranate juice for breakfast or as an energy boost in the afternoon. Be careful not to add sugar.

17.Lemon water

Drinking lemon water is an effective method to accelerate blood circulation. Lemon, rich in vitamin C, strengthens and widens blood vessels. Drinking a glass of warm lemon water in the morning will help you start the day fresh and activate your digestive system.

18.Red beet juice

Red beet juiceBy increasing nitric oxide production, it expands blood vessels and accelerates blood flow. This supports heart health by improving blood circulation. Drinking a glass of red beet juice before exercise accelerates blood circulation during exercise. It is also beneficial to consume it before dinner.

19.Ginger tea

Ginger tea Drinking accelerates blood flow by dilating blood vessels. It also improves circulation. You can drink ginger tea between meals. You can increase its flavor by adding honey or lemon.

20.Fruit and vegetable juices

Fruit and vegetable juices, rich in antioxidants, increase blood circulation. In particular, consuming the juice of vegetables such as carrots, spinach and red pepper positively affects blood circulation. Consuming fruit and vegetable juices in the morning or between meals will accelerate blood circulation and keep your energy level high throughout the day. If possible, choose freshly squeezed water at home.

What Should You Do to Accelerate Blood Circulation Naturally?

  • Eat well: A healthy and balanced eating habit improves blood circulation. A diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, healthy fats and sufficient protein will support blood circulation.
  • Exercise: Exercising regularly is one of the most effective ways to accelerate blood circulation. Aerobic exercises strengthen the circulatory system by accelerating blood flow. Activities such as walking, running, swimming, cycling and dancing are exercises that can be done to increase blood circulation.
  • Hydration: Drinking sufficient amounts of water supports blood circulation. Water improves circulation by making the blood more fluid. You should make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Stress management: Stress causes blood vessels to narrow and blood circulation to decrease. Stress management techniques include activities such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises or daily relaxation. Doing these regularly will increase blood circulation.
  • Regular rest: Getting enough sleep improves blood circulation. During sleep, the body rests and recovers. This helps blood circulation to be more effective. You should try to sleep at least 7-8 hours at night.
  • Massage: Massages to increase circulation help blood flow better to certain parts of the body. Massage, especially on extremities such as hands, feet and legs, accelerates blood circulation.
  • Healthy oils: Healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, increase blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. It is important to consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds.
  • Hot and cold treatments: Taking a hot bath or using a hot water bottle increases blood flow by dilating blood vessels. Applying cold water narrows blood vessels and reduces inflammation. This improves blood circulation.
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