What is Biotin, Which Foods Is It Contained? Deficiency, Benefits, Harm

Biotinis a water-soluble B vitamin that helps convert food in our bodies into energy. Vitamin B7 or a Vitamin H also known as

It becomes much more important especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods. Hair and nails growth, skin shine and health are also asked from this vitamin.

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What is Biotin?

Performing very important functions in the body Vitamin B7 also known as one of the B vitamins. Coenzyme R or a Vitamin H It is also called.

This vitamin is not stored in the body and is soluble in water. It is an essential vitamin for many enzymes known as carboxylase to fulfill their functions.

What Does Biotin Do?

It has an important role in metabolism

Biotinis an important vitamin for energy production and for the proper functioning of certain enzymes by activating them. These enzymes are involved in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism and play a critical role in the metabolic process.

Also The Turkish biotin It plays an active role in the following processes:


This metabolic synthesis enables glucose production from sources other than carbohydrates such as amino acids. Biotin containing enzymes help initiate this process.

Fatty acid synthesis

Provides activation of fatty acid production.

Analysis of amino acids

Biotin-containing enzymestakes part in the metabolism of many important amino acids, including leucine.

Vitamin B7 Benefits

Prevents easy breakage of nails

Brittle and weak nails crack and crumble easily. This is a common situation that is estimated to affect about 20% of the world population.

Biotinhelps solve the problem of broken nails. In one study, 8 people with brittle nails received 6 mg a day for 15 to 2.5 months. biotin was given. In these 8 participants, the nail thickness increased by 25% and the grit on the nails decreased.

In yet another study, a group of 35 people received 1,5 mg per day for 7 to 2.5 months. biotin was given, and there was a 67% improvement in brittle nails.

Biotin benefits for hair

Biotinhelps hair to grow in a healthy way by strengthening it. There are many studies that support the loss of hair in the deficiency of this vitamin.

if really biotin deficiencySupplements of this vitamin may work if you are experiencing a rash caused by rash. But lack of biotin There is no clear evidence that it strengthens hair in people who do not.

It is one of the most important vitamins during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is a very important vitamin especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Mild in 50% of pregnant women lack of biotin It is estimated that the deficiency during pregnancy may affect the health of women somewhat, but is not severe enough to cause different symptoms or threaten their vital functions.

The deficiency that occurs during pregnancy is thought to be caused by the rapid work of the body. Animal studies have shown that an advanced degree occurring during pregnancy. lack of biotinhas shown that can cause birth defects.

Pregnant women should be careful about this, but biotin supplement Before taking it, they should definitely consult their doctor.

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It lowers blood sugar levels in diabetic patients

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease. It progresses with high blood sugar levels and impaired insulin function.

Type 2 diabetes, biotin and blood glucose levels have been studied and some conclusions have been drawn. Individuals with diabetes compared to healthy individuals biotin levels were low.

Chrome mineral given by biotin supplements It caused a decrease in blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Biotin benefits for skin

The role of this vitamin in skin health is not fully understood, but its deficiency results in red, scaly skin rashes.

As a result of some studies, lack of biotinIt is thought to cause a skin disorder called seborrheic dermatitis. Biotin There is no evidence that it improves skin health, but some skin disorders are seen in its deficiency.

Affects multiple sclerosis disease

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. In this disease, the nerve, brain, spinal cord fibers and the protective layer of the eyes are damaged.

Protective sheath called myelin biotin plays an important role in the production. High dose in a pilot study of 23 people with progressive MS biotin Clinical improvement was observed in 90% of the patients given.

Protects the heart

Biotincan reduce the thickness of the arteries, and this can lower blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. Vitamin B7 It also plays a role in preventing heart disease by fighting inflammation, atherosclerosis and stroke.

Biotin helps to lose weight

Obesity (and being overweight) has been associated with high triglyceride levels. Studies, biotin It has shown that combining it with chromium can reduce triglyceride levels and this can aid weight loss.

Some studies, biotin It has shown that resting metabolic rate increases and fat burning occurs much faster after consumption. Biotin It can help to lose weight by speeding up the metabolism.

Repairs tissue and muscles

Biotinhelp the body metabolize amino acids and protein B complex vitaminsIt is one of them. This is because muscle repair requires protein synthesis and the processing of amino acids.

Biotin It also plays a role in glucose metabolism. It provides the growing cells and tissues with the energy required to perform protein synthesis. It even heals the muscles, works to restore the strength of muscle and tissue when damaged.

Biotin It is also effective in reducing the inflammation that causes muscle or joint pain.

Increases immunity

Biotinis essential for the production of white blood cells that are essential for a robust immune system. Low biotin levelsis associated with reduced antibody synthesis and low amounts of spleen and T cells - all of which damage the immune system.

Fights inflammation

Research biotin deficiency It has shown that it can increase the production of proinflammatory cytokines and this can aggravate inflammatory conditions.

What does biotin contain?

What Is Biotin Found in?

Biotin-containing foodsThe variety is very high. That's why a true deficiency is rare. Foods rich in biotin It is as follows:


85 grams of beef liver contains 30.8 micrograms of biotin.

Beef liver also contains high amounts of protein. Other important nutrients include B vitamins and folate. Protein builds muscle mass and is important for cell function. While B vitamins maintain energy levels, folate improves heart health.


A whole cooked egg contains 10 micrograms of biotin.

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egg It is a complete protein with a broad amino acid profile. Protein helps muscle growth and energy production.

Eggs are also rich in zinc, iodine, selenium, vitamins A and D, which are beneficial for healthy thyroid function and the entire endocrine system.


85 grams of salmon contains 5 micrograms of biotin. 

Salmon, biotin Besides, it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are essential for overall health. It reduces inflammation caused by everyday situations, protects the heart, improves brain health, keeps hair and skin healthy.

Sweet potato 

Half a cup of cooked sweet potato contains 2.4 micrograms of biotin. 

Biotin Besides the sweet potatoIt is also rich in beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that improves the skin's appearance. Beta carotene and other carotenoids found in sweet potatoes are known to be important for eye health and prevent related diseases such as macular degeneration.


One quarter cup of roasted almonds contains 1.5 micrograms of biotin. 

AlmondIt is especially rich in magnesium and vitamin E. It is also rich in fiber, which supports satiety and aids weight loss.


85 grams of canned tuna contains 0.6 micrograms of biotin. 

Like salmon, tuna is rich in selenium and omega 3 fatty acids, which help reduce high cholesterol and triglycerides and have a powerful cardioprotective effect. 


Half a cup of boiled spinach contains 0.5 micrograms of biotin. 

Spinach It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, iron and chlorophyll. The antioxidants in spinach help keep you healthy, slow the aging process and protect against disease. 


Half a glass of fresh broccoli contains 0.4 micrograms of biotin. 

Broccoliis called a superfood because it is full of nutrients. It is rich in vitamin K that supports bone and skin health. Vitamin C and antioxidants contained in broccoli help prevent various types of cancer.

Cheddar cheese

28 grams of cheddar cheese contains 0.4 micrograms of biotin.

Cheddar cheese is also rich in protein and contains all the essential amino acids. Cheese is a good source of calcium and phosphorus - the first is essential for muscle function and bone development, the second is involved in kidney function and DNA production.


A glass of milk contains 0.3 micrograms of biotin. 

Milk is a great source of calcium, protein and minerals that help build healthy bones and teeth. The protein it contains helps build muscle and repair tissues, and potassium protects the heart by maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

Plain Yoghurt 

A glass of plain yogurt contains 0.2 micrograms of biotin. 

Yoghurt rich in calcium. Also, there is a good amount of vitamin D, whose deficiency is unfortunately common today. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to hair loss, weakness and other problems that can be exacerbated if ignored.

Rolled oats

One cup of oatmeal contains 0.2 micrograms of biotin.

A bowl Rolled oats It is one of the healthiest breakfast options. Oatmeal is basically whole grain, and whole grains reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Oatmeal also helps lower cholesterol levels and protects the heart.

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Half a cup of banana contains 0.2 micrograms of biotin. 

Bananais known for its potassium levels and its ability to offer a boost of energy. It also contains fiber that improves digestive health and regularity.

Small amounts of gut bacteria biotin produces. These are gout bacteria. 

Which foods contain vitamin B7?

Biotin Deficiency

Except for some special circumstances biotin deficiency It is a rare condition. Because you can get this vitamin from too many foods and it also produces some gut bacteria.

The recommended daily intake is 5 mcg (micrograms) in infants and 30 mcg in adults. This amount can go up to 35 mcg in pregnant women.

Maybe pregnant women lightly to biotin deficiency may be exposed. 

Also, consuming raw eggs lack of biotin can cause it to happen. But this requires a very long process. The white of the raw egg, biotin It contains a protein called avidin that prevents its uptake and absorption. Avidin becomes passive during cooking.

Biotin deficiencyThe situations where the is seen are as follows:

Long-term use of antibiotics

- Long-term depressive medication use

- Intestinal malabsorption problems

- Severe digestive disorders

- Crohn's and celiac disease 

Biotin deficiencyThe following symptoms are seen.

Dry and irritated skin

- Hair loss and breakage

- Chronic fatigue

- Muscle pains

- Nerve damage

- Mood swings

- Tingling in the legs

- Cognitive impairmentsWhich foods contain biotin?

How Much Biotin Is Needed Per Day?

Age / CategoryThe amount needed per day
Up to 6 months                                           5 mcg / day                                                          
7-12 months6 mcg / day
1-3 age8 mcg / day
4-8 age12 mcg / day
9-13 age20 mcg / day
14-18 age25 mcg / day
19 years and older30 mcg / day
Pregnant women30 mcg / day
Breastfeeding women35 mcg / day

Biotin Damage

It is a vitamin that you can take safely. Most per day biotin Multiple sclerosis patients who take it take 300 milligrams, and even this dose does not cause adverse side effects.

Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, the excess is excreted in the urine. However, high doses in thyroid tests biotinhas led to different consequences.

Therefore, if you have thyroid problems or if you are using a medication related to it, be sure to consult your doctor before using this vitamin.

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