What Are Amino Acids? Types and Benefits

Amino acidsOften referred to as the building blocks of proteins, they are compounds that play many critical roles in our body.

Depending on several factors, they are categorized as mandatory, conditional, or non-mandatory.

For vital processes such as building proteins and synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters essential amino acids is necessary.

They can also be taken in supplement form as a natural way to improve athletic performance and improve mood.

In the article "What does amino acid do?", "What foods are amino acids found in", "How is amino acid classified", "what are the benefits of amino acids", "what are the types of amino acids" Questions that are curious about the subject will be answered.

What Are Amino Acids?

Amino acidincludes any organic compound containing both a carboxyl and amino group. Simply put, they are considered the building blocks of proteins. 

For example, they make up most of the muscles and tissues and are foods that provide protein It consists of many different types of amino acids.

There are a total of 20 amino acids, each of which plays a very specific role in the body and is distinguished by their respective amino acid side chains.

These amino acids are involved in almost every biological process and aid wound healing, hormone production, immune function, muscle growth, energy production.

Our bodies need all amino acids to function and develop, but some can be produced in the body, while others need to be obtained from food. 

Getting enough with food or supplements can help you lose weight, maintain muscle mass, improve exercise performance, boost mood, and sleep better.

Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids

20 that our body needs amino acidcan be divided into two different categories: essential amino acids (essential amino acids) ve non-essential amino acids (non-essential amino acids).

Essential amino acids They cannot be synthesized by the body, which means you have to get them from food sources to help meet the body's needs.

The nine we should get through nutrients, including essential amino acid has:


Lizin It plays an important role in protein synthesis, hormone and enzyme production, and calcium absorption. It is also important for energy production, immune function, and collagen and elastin production.


It is a branched chain amino acid critical for protein synthesis and muscle repair. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, stimulates wound healing, and produces growth hormones.


Isoleucine, the last of the three branched chain amino acids, is involved in muscle metabolism and is concentrated in muscle tissue. It is also important for immune function, hemoglobin production and energy regulation.


Although it usually causes drowsiness, tryptophan has many other functions. It is necessary to maintain proper nitrogen balance and is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates appetite, sleep, and mood.


Other amino acidsIn addition, it helps to produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. phenylalanineIt is a precursor to the neurotransmitters tyrosine, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It plays an integral role in the structure and function of proteins and enzymes, and in the production of other amino acids.

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Threonine is a major part of structural proteins such as collagen and elastin, which are important components of skin and connective tissue. It also plays a role in fat metabolism and immune function.


It supports brain function, muscle coordination and calmness. Valine is one of three branched chain amino acids, meaning it has a branched chain on one side of its molecular structure. Valine helps stimulate muscle growth and regeneration and takes a role in energy production.


Histidine is used to produce histamine, a vital neurotransmitter for immune response, digestion, sexual function, and sleep-wake cycles. It is very important to protect the myelin sheath, which is a protective barrier that surrounds nerve cells.


It keeps the skin supple and helps strengthen hair and nails. methionineplays an important role in metabolism and detoxification. It is also essential for tissue growth and the absorption of zinc and selenium, minerals vital to health.

Wide variety through nutrients amino acids taking is very important for maintaining overall health. 

This is the basis essential amino acidsDeficiency in any of them can cause serious side effects that affect almost every aspect of health, including immune function, muscle mass, appetite, and more.

Unlike, non-essential amino acids It can be produced by our body, so getting them from the food we eat is not so important. 

List of non-essential amino acidsThere are a total of 11 amino acids that make up:


It stimulates immune function, fights fatigue and optimizes heart health.


It helps metabolism and provides energy for the muscles, brain and central nervous system.


Cysteine, the main type of protein found in hair, skin and nails, is very important for collagen production and skin health.


It acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.


Asparagine, arginine and lysine many other, including amino acidIt helps to produce.


It functions as a neurotransmitter to support brain health.


collagende and helps improve joint health, metabolism and skin elasticity.


It is essential for fat metabolism, immune function, and muscle growth.


It helps synthesize thyroid hormones, melanin and epinephrine.


It supports many metabolic processes and provides energy to cells in the body.


It acts as a diuretic and optimizes brain and nerve cell function.

Amino acid listSome compounds in "conditional essential amino acids" It is considered. This means that they are not usually necessary for the body but may become necessary under certain conditions such as extreme illness or stress.

For example, arginine essential amino acid Although it is not, the body cannot meet the demands while fighting some diseases such as cancer.

For this reason, we must supplement arginine through foods to meet the needs of our body in certain situations.

Amino acids also according to their structure and side chains, with polar amino acids, aromatic amino acids, hydrophobic amino acids, ketogenic amino acids, basic amino acids and acidic amino acidsIt can also be classified into other groups, including r.

What Are the Benefits of Amino Acids?

Essential amino acids While it is found in a wide range of foods, taking concentrated doses in supplement form has been associated with a variety of health benefits.

Helps improve mood and sleep quality

tryptophanis necessary for the production of serotonin, a chemical in our body that acts like a neurotransmitter. Serotonin is an important regulator of mood, sleep and behavior.

While low serotonin levels have been associated with depressed mood and sleep disturbance, many studies have shown that tryptophan supplementation can reduce symptoms of depression, increase mood, and improve sleep.

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One 60-day study in 19 older women found that 1 gram of tryptophan per day provided greater energy and happiness gains compared to a placebo.

Improves exercise performance

Three branched chain essential amino acidsis widely used to relieve fatigue, improve athletic performance, and improve muscle recovery after exercise.

In a study done on 16 resistance-trained athletes, branched chain amino acid supplements showed better performance and muscle recovery and reduced muscle soreness than a placebo.

A recent review of eight studies, with branched chain amino acids found that the support was superior in promoting muscle recovery and in reducing pain after extreme exercise.

Additionally, taking 12 grams of leucine per day for 4 weeks increased strength performance in men who did not exercise, which means essential amino acidsshowed that non-athletes can also benefit.

Prevents muscle loss

Muscle wasting is a common side effect of long-term illness and bed rest, especially in older adults.

Essential amino acidsIt has been found to prevent muscle breakdown and preserve lean body mass.

A 22-day study in 10 older adults with bed rest, 15 grams mixed essential amino acid showed that those who received it preserved muscle protein synthesis, while in the placebo group, the process decreased by 30%.

Essential amino acid supplementshas been found to be effective in maintaining lean body mass in elderly people and athletes.

Helps to lose weight

Some human and animal studies, branched chain essential amino acidsIt has shown that in can be effective in stimulating fat loss.

For example, an eight-week study of 36 men who played sports found that supplementing with 14 grams of branched-chain amino acids daily significantly reduced the percentage of body fat compared to whey protein or a sports drink.

In a study in rats, a diet containing 4% supplemental leucine was shown to reduce body weight and fat.

However, branched chain amino acids Other studies investigating the potential link between weight loss and weight loss are inconsistent. More studies are needed to determine whether these amino acids support weight loss.

What is Amino Acid Deficiency?

Protein deficiency also known as this condition, it is enough to meet daily needs. amino acid It is a serious condition that occurs when not consumed. 

It can cause a long list of negative symptoms that range from reduction of muscle mass to bone loss and beyond.

Amino acid deficiencySome of the most important symptoms are:

Dry skin

- split ends of the hair

Hair loss

Brittle nails

Thinning hair

Reduced muscle mass

Growth disturbance in children

Increased appetite

Reduced immune function

Bone loss


Protein deficiency, enough from nutrients amino acid It can affect anyone who doesn't. Older adults and people with chronic conditions such as cancer are at particularly high risk of protein deficiency because they often have increased protein needs and decreased food intake.

What Are Amino Acids?

Our body, essential amino acids Since it cannot produce, it must be provided through nutrients.

Nine essential amino acids The recommended daily dose per 1 kg of body weight for:

Histidine: 14 mg

Isoleucine: 19 mg

Leucine: 42 mg

Lysine: 38 mg

Methionine (+ non-essential amino acid cysteine): 19 mg

Phenylalanine (+ non-essential amino acid tyrosine): 33 mg

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Threonine: 20 mg

Tryptophan: 5 mg

Valine: 24 mg

Foods containing nine essential amino acidsare called complete proteins. Complete protein sources include:

- Meat

- Sea products

- Poultry

- Egg

Soy, quinoa ve buckwheatare plant-based foods that contain nine essential amino acids.

Amino Acid Supplements

Amino acids Although widely found in a variety of different food sources, amino acidsYou can also choose to take supplements to increase the benefits of in a fast and concentrated way.

There are many different types of supplements that differ based on the type offered, as well as their potential health benefits.

Whey protein, hemp protein powder or protein powder supplements like brown rice protein offer many essential amino acids the body needs while delivering a satisfying dose of protein.

Collagen or protein powder made from bone broth provides a good amount of protein and a host of essential amino acids.

You can also opt for isolated amino acid supplements such as tryptophan, leucine or lysine. 

Each of these has been associated with specific health benefits, and they are all commonly used as natural treatments for conditions such as cold sores, depression, or insomnia.

Whichever type of amino acid supplement you choose, carefully follow the recommended dosage to avoid unwanted side effects. 

Risks and Side Effects

Essential amino acidsis essential for many aspects of health, and a deficiency can result in a long list of serious side effects and symptoms. 

A versatile diet with plenty of essential nutrients and protein foods is sufficient to prevent deficiency and be adequate.

Consuming high amounts of protein from protein-rich food sources is unlikely to cause any negative side effects. 

However, it is possible to overdo it and consume too much protein, especially from protein supplements. Some of the possible side effects of consuming too much protein are weight gain, kidney problems, constipation, and bad breath.

As a result;

Amino acids It functions as the building blocks of protein molecules and makes up a large part of the cells and tissues in our body.

Essential and non-essential amino acids are separated. Essential amino acidcontains any amino acid that the body cannot produce on its own, meaning it must be obtained from food sources.

Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized by our body and does not need to be consumed through food.

Nine different ingredients, including lysine, leucine, isoleucine, valine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, threonine, histidine, and methionine essential amino acid vardır.

Considered not necessary amino acids The list includes arginine, alanine, cysteine, glutamate, aspartate, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine, glutamine and asparagine.

Essential amino acids It can help to lose weight, maintain muscle mass, improve exercise performance, sleep better, and improve mood.

What the body needs amino acids Eat a balanced and healthy diet rich in protein foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds.

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