What is D-Aspartic Acid? Foods Containing D-Aspartic Acid

What is D-aspartic acid? When proteins are digested, they are broken down into amino acids that help the body break down food, repair body tissue, grow, and perform many other functions. Amino acids are also a source of energy. D-aspartic acid is also an amino acid.

What is D-aspartic acid?

The amino acid D-aspartic acid, known as aspartic acid, helps every cell in the body function properly. Other functions include aiding in hormone production, releasing and protecting the nervous system. A study shows that in both animals and humans, it plays a role in the development of the nervous system and may help regulate hormones.

What is D Aspartic Acid
Effect of D-aspartic acid on testosterone

It is a non-essential amino acid. So even if we don't get enough from the food we eat, our body produces it.

D-aspartic acid increases the release of a hormone that causes testosterone production in the brain. It also plays a role in increasing the production and release of testosterone in the testicles. For this reason, D-aspartic acid is also sold as a supplement that increases the secretion of the testosterone hormone. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for muscle building and libido.

What is the effect of D-aspartic acid on testosterone?

D-aspartic acid supplement The results of studies on the effects of testosterone on testosterone are not clear. Some studies have shown that D-aspartic acid can increase testosterone levels, while other studies have shown that it does not affect testosterone levels.

Because some effects of D-aspartic acid are testicular specific, similar studies in women are not yet available.

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Is it effective for erectile dysfunction? 

It is claimed that because D-aspartic acid increases testosterone levels, it can be a treatment for erectile dysfunction. But the relationship between erectile dysfunction and testosterone is not clear. Even many people with normal testosterone levels have erectile dysfunction.

Most people with erectile dysfunction have reduced blood flow to the penis, often due to cardiovascular health issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol. Testosterone will not treat these conditions.

No effect on exercise

Various studies have examined whether D-aspartic acid improves response to exercise, particularly weight training. Some think it can increase muscle or strength because it increases testosterone levels.

But studies have determined that men don't experience any increases in testosterone, strength, or muscle mass when they take D-aspartic acid supplements.

D-aspartic acid affects fertility

Although research is limited, D-aspartic acid is claimed to help men experiencing infertility. One study in 60 men with fertility problems found that taking D-aspartic acid supplements for three months significantly increased the number of sperm they produced. Moreover, the motility of their sperm has improved. It was concluded from these studies that it may have a positive effect on male fertility.

What are the side effects of D-aspartic acid?

In a study that examined the effects of taking 90 grams of D-aspartic acid daily for 2.6 days, researchers performed an in-depth blood test to see if any side effects were observed.

They found no safety concerns and concluded that this supplement is safe to consume for at least 90 days.

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Most studies using D-aspartic acid supplements did not report whether side effects occurred. Therefore, more research is needed to confirm its safety.

What foods contain D-aspartic acid?

Foods containing D-aspartic acid and their amounts are as follows:

  • Beef: 2.809 mg
  • Chicken breast: 2.563 mg
  • Nectarine: 886 mg
  • Oyster: 775 mg
  • Egg: 632 mg
  • Asparagus: 500mg
  • Avocado: 474 mg

References: 1, 2

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