Is Moldy Food Dangerous? What is Mold?

Mold is often the cause of food spoilage. Moldy food It has an unpleasant odor and texture. It has green and white fuzzy spots on it. Some types of mold produce harmful toxins.

What is mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that forms multicellular, thread-like structures. As it grows on food, it becomes visible to the human eye. It changes the color of the food.

It produces spores that give their color as green, white, black or gray. Moldy foodin It tastes quite different, a little like wet dirt. It also has a bad smell ...

Although mold is only visible on the surface, its roots can be deep in the food. There are thousands of different types of mold. They are almost ubiquitous. We can say that mold is “nature's way of recycling”.

In addition to being found in food, it occurs in humid conditions and indoors.

moldy food
Is moldy food dangerous?

Which foods cause mold?

Mold can form on almost any food. It is more prone to multiply in some types of food than others.

Fresh foods that contain high amounts of water are particularly vulnerable to mold. Preservatives reduce the likelihood of mold growth and the growth of microorganisms.

Mold doesn't just form on food at home. It can be formed and multiplied throughout the food production process such as growing, harvesting, storage, processing.

Foods that mold likes to grow and are prone to mold growth include:

Fruits: Strawberry, oranges, grapes, apples and raspberries

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Vegetables: Tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, and carrots

Bread: Mold grows easily, especially when it does not contain preservatives.

Cheese: Soft and hard varieties

Mold; It can also occur in other foods, such as meat, nuts, dairy, and processed foods. Most molds need oxygen to live, so they don't usually form where oxygen is limited. 

Mold can produce mycotoxins

Mold can produce a toxic chemical called mycotoxin. This can cause illness or even death, depending on the amount consumed, the duration of exposure, the age and health of the individual.

Prolonged low levels of mycotoxins suppress the immune system. It can even cause cancer.

While mold growth is usually quite obvious, mycotoxins are invisible to the human eye. One of the most common, most toxic and most studied mycotoxins is aflatoxin. It is a carcinogen. It can cause death if taken in large amounts. 

Aflatoxin and many other mycotoxins are heat stable. Therefore, it can remain intact during food processing. It is found in processed foods such as peanut butter.

MisirDifferent plant varieties such as oats, rice, nuts, spices, fruits and vegetables may also be contaminated with mycotoxins.

Animal products such as meat, milk and eggs can contain mycotoxins if the animal has eaten contaminated food. If the storage environment is relatively warm and humid, the food may be contaminated with mycotoxins.

Moldy foods can cause allergic reactions

Some people have respiratory allergies. Moldy food consumption may cause these people to have an allergic reaction.

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How to prevent food from becoming moldy?

There are some ways to prevent food from going bad due to mold growth. Moldy foodIt's important to keep food storage areas clean, as spores from food can accumulate in refrigerators or other common storage areas. 

To prevent food from becoming moldy, consider the following:

Clean your refrigerator regularly: Wipe the inside of the refrigerator once a month.

Keep cleaning supplies clean: It is also important to clean the dish cloth, sponge and other cleaning materials.

Do not let it rot: Fresh food has a limited shelf life. Buy few at a time. Consume within a few days.

Refrigerate perishable foods: Store foods with limited shelf life, such as vegetables, in the refrigerator.

Storage containers must be clean and well-sealed: Use clean containers when storing food. Seal containers tightly to avoid exposure to airborne mold spores.

Use leftover food quickly: Consume the leftovers within three or four days.

Freeze for longer storage: If you are not going to consume the food immediately, put it in the freezer.

What should you do if you find mold in food?

  • If you find mold in softened food, throw it away. Soft foods have a high moisture content, so mold can easily multiply below the surface, which is difficult to detect. Bacteria can also multiply with it.
  • Mold on foods like hard cheese is easier to get rid of. Cut only the moldy part. Generally, mold cannot easily penetrate hard or dense food.
  • If the food is completely covered with mold, discard it. 
  • Do not smell the mold because it can cause respiratory distress.
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Foods you can save from mold

It can be used if the mold on the following foodstuffs is cut.

  • Hard fruits and vegetables: Like apples, carrots and peppers
  • Hard cheese: Like cheddar
  • Salami: When removing mold from food, cut it deeply and also be careful not to touch the mold with a knife.

Foods you should throw away

If you find mold on these foods, throw them away:

  • Soft fruits and vegetables: Like strawberries, cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Soft cheese: It's like cream cheese.
  • Bread and baked goods: Mold can easily grow beneath the surface.
  • Cooked foods: Meat, pasta and grains
  • Jams and jellies: If these products are moldy, they may contain mycotoxins.
  • Peanut butter, legumes and nuts: Non-preservative processed products are at higher risk for mold growth.
  • Grilled meats, hot dogs
  • Yogurt and sour cream

References: 1

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