How to Lose Weight with the Mayo Clinic Diet?

Mayo Clinic Dietis more of a diet that you can follow for a lifetime than a diet. It focuses on changing behavior rather than banning certain foods.

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What is the Mayo Clinic Diet?

Mayo Clinic DietIs developed by weight loss experts at the Mayo Clinic, one of the best hospital systems in the USA.

Original, first released in 1949 and most recently updated in 2017 Mayo Clinic Diet bookbased on. There is also a separate magazine and membership website.

Mayo Clinic Dietuses a pyramid to encourage exercise and show the specific amounts of food that should be eaten during the diet.

Fruits, vegetables, and physical activity form the basis of the pyramid. Carbohydrates contain the next layer, then protein, fats, and finally sweets.

While the pyramid defines carbohydrates as bread and grains, some starchy vegetables such as corn and potatoes are considered carbohydrates in this diet.

The diet tells you to limit your portion sizes and shows you how to plan your meals around the food pyramid.

Mayo Clinic Diet Stages

Mayo Clinic DietThere are two stages in:

"Lose it! ” - The first two weeks are designed to increase weight loss.

"Live it!" - The second stage is to be followed for a lifetime.

According to the first phase of the diet, there are 5 new habits you need to change, 5 new habits you need to create and 5 “bonus” habits to see results. It is stated that to change some habits you must do the following:

  1. Avoid eating added sugar.
  2. Avoid snacks, except fruits and vegetables.
  3. Do not eat too much meat and drink whole milk.
  4. Never eat while watching TV.
  5. Avoid eating out - if the food you order doesn't follow the dietary guidelines.

It is recommended that you develop these habits:

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast.
  2. Consume at least four servings of fruit and vegetables a day.
  3. Eat whole grains like brown rice and barley.
  4. Consume healthy oils like olive oil. Limit saturated fats and stay away from trans fats.
  5. Walk or exercise for 30 minutes or more every day.

Bonus habits to be considered include keeping food and activity magazines, exercising 60 minutes or more a day, and avoiding processed foods.

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The Logic of the Mayo Clinic Diet

The first phase, which lasts for two weeks, is designed to result in a weight loss of 3–5 kg. You then move on to the second stage where you apply the same rules.

Proponents of the diet claim that you don't need to count calories, but still Mayo Clinic Diet calorie restriction. Your calorie needs are determined by your starting weight and range from 1.200-1.600 calories per day for women and 1.400-1.800 for men.

Next, the diet suggests how many servings of vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, protein, milk, and fat you should consume based on your calorie goals.

For example, in a 1.400 calorie plan, 4 servings of vegetables and fruits, 5 portions of carbohydrates, 4 servings of protein or milk and 3 servings of fat are consumed.

This diet defines the serving of fruits as tennis ball size, and protein serving as approximately 85 grams.

The diet is designed to reduce calorie intake by 500-1.000 calories per day in the second phase, so you lose 0.5-1 kg per week.

If you want to lose weight very quickly, you should eat fewer calories. When you reach the weight you want, you should eat the amount of calories that allows you to maintain your weight.

Is Weight Loss With Mayo Clinic Diet?

Those who do the Mayo Clinic DietEats healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains that can aid weight loss, as well as focus on exercise.

Eating high-fiber foods provides weight loss by reducing hunger and making you feel fuller.

Additionally, studies show that exercising during a low-calorie diet is more effective at achieving weight loss than dieting alone.

Also, simultaneous diet and exercise help preserve more muscle mass, which in turn boosts weight loss by boosting metabolism.

What to Eat in a Diet?

Mayo Clinic Diets food pyramid allows you to get a certain number of servings from various food groups. While each food is absolutely unlimited, some foods are recommended over others. Recommended foods in the diet are as follows:


Fresh, frozen or juice – it will be 100% juice and 120 ml can be consumed per day.


Fresh or frozen

Whole grains

Cereal, oatmeal, whole grain bread, pasta and brown rice


Canned Beans, tuna, other fish, skinless poultry, egg whites,


Low-fat or non-fat yogurt, cheese, and milk


Unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts


Up to 75 calories of dessert per day, including cookies, pastries, table sugar and alcohol (in the second phase of the diet only)

Foods to avoid

Mayo Clinic Diet no food is completely forbidden in the plan.

"Lose it!" During the first two weeks alcohol and added sugar are forbidden, but after the first two weeks you can get a maximum of 75 calories of sugar or alcoholic beverage per day

Foods that you should limit or avoid on this diet include:


Syrup canned fruit, 100% non-fruit juice products


Misir ve potato Starchy vegetables such as - the carbohydrate choice counts.


Refined sugars, such as white flour and table sugar


Meats high in saturated fat, such as pepperoni and sausage


Whole milk, cheese, and yogurt


Saturated fats such as egg yolk, butter, coconut oil and red meat, as well as trans fats found in processed foods.


More than 75 calories of sugar, pastry, cookies, cake or alcoholic beverage per day.

Mayo Clinic Diet List

1.200-day sample menu for the 3-calorie plan. Higher calorie plans will include more carbohydrate, protein, milk and fat servings.

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Breakfast: 3/4 cup (68 grams) of oatmeal, 1 apple, and tea

Lunch: 85 grams of tuna, two cups (472 grams) of mixed greens, 1/2 cup (43 grams) of low-fat shredded cheese, one slice of whole wheat toast, half a cup (75 grams) of blueberries

Dinner: 1 and a half teaspoons (7 ml) olive oil, half a cup (75 grams of roasted potatoes) and 1/2 cup (75 grams) of fish with vegetables.

Snacks: 8 whole-grain crackers with 1 orange and 125 cup (XNUMX grams) of baby carrots

2 days

Breakfast: 7 slice of wholemeal toast made with one-half teaspoon (3 grams) of oil, 1 egg whites, 1 pear, and tea.

Lunch: 85 grams of grilled chicken, one cup (180 grams) of steamed asparagus, 170 grams of low-fat yogurt, and 1/2 cup (75 grams) of raspberries

Dinner: One-half teaspoon (7 grams) of olive oil, 75 grams of brown rice cooked with and 85 grams of fish with vegetables.

Snacks: Half a banana and 1 bowl of sliced ​​cucumber

3 days

Breakfast: 3/4 cup (30 grams) of oat bran flakes, one cup (240 ml) of skim milk, half a banana and tea.

Lunch: 85 grams of sliced ​​chicken breast, 1 slice of whole wheat toast.

Dinner: One cup (100 grams) of cooked whole wheat pasta, green beans with olive oil.

Snacks: One pear and ten cherry tomatoes

As a result;

Mayo Clinic Dietis a balanced meal plan that focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. Diet helps to lose weight.

Although it does not require you to count calories, servings of various food groups are taken into account depending on the target calorie level.

If you are looking for a diet that can be sustained for life, this diet is a well-balanced option.

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