What is bee pollen and how is it used? Benefits and Harm

Bee pollen; It is a mixture of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, honey, beeswax and bee secretions.

Foraging honey bees collect pollen from the plants and transport it to the hives where it is stored and used for the colony.

Bee pollen It should not be mixed with other bee products such as honey, royal jelly or honeycomb. These products do not contain pollen or may contain other ingredients.

Bee pollenContains nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, lipids and more than 250 active ingredients.

The German Federal Ministry of Health recognizes bee pollen as a medicine. Many studies bee pollenand found promising results.

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What is Bee Pollen?

Bees collect pollen from plant anthers, mix it with a small dose of secretion from salivary glands or nectar, and place it in special baskets (called corbiculars) located on the tibia of their hind legs called pollen burden.

After the pollen is collected, it is brought to the hive where it is packaged in honeycomb cells. Then the surface of the collected pollen is covered with a thin layer of honey and beeswax to form "bee bread".

Studies show that bee bread undergoes anaerobic fermentation and is protected by the resulting lactic acid. Bee bread acts as the main protein source for the bee colony.

PolandIts color varies from bright yellow to black. Bees are usually from the same plant pollen collects but sometimes it can also be collected from many different plant species. Pollen grains depend on the type of plant; They differ in shape, color, size and weight.

Bee pollen apitherapyIt is also used because it contains groups of chemical compounds made by bees and used for medicinal purposes.

It contains about 250 substances, including amino acids, lipids, vitamins, macro and micronutrients, and flavonoids.

Bee Pollen Nutritional Value

Bee pollen It has an impressive nutritional profile.

Contains more than 250 biologically active substances, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.

Bee pollen grains consists approximately of:

Carbohydrates: 40%

Protein: 35%

Water: 4--10%

Fats: 5%

Other ingredients: 5-15%

The last category includes vitamins, minerals, antibiotics and antioxidants. However, the pollen's nutritional content depends on the plant source and season collected.

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For example, studies collected from pine plants bee pollenIt has shown that, it has about 7% protein, and that collected from date trees contains nearly 35% protein.

Also, harvested in the spring bee pollenhas a significantly different amino acid composition from pollen collected over the summer.

What Are the Benefits of Bee Pollen?

High antioxidant content protects from free radicals and chronic diseases

Bee pollen, flavonoids, carotenoids, quercetin, kaempferol and glutathione It is loaded with a wide variety of antioxidants such as.

Antioxidants protect our body against potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. Neutralizing free radicals prevents chronic diseases such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Test tube, animal and some human studies, bee pollen It has shown that its antioxidants can reduce chronic inflammation, destroy harmful bacteria, fight infections, and combat the growth and spread of tumors.

However, bee pollenIts antioxidant content also depends on the plant source. Unless specifically stated on the label, bee pollenIt is difficult to determine which plant is from.

Reduces heart disease risk factors such as high blood lipids and cholesterol

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Both high blood lipids and high blood cholesterol cause an increased risk of heart disease. Interestingly, bee pollen this can reduce risk factors.

For example, animal studies, bee pollen extractshas been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels, especially "bad" LDL cholesterol.

In addition, bee pollenThe antioxidants in it protect lipids from oxidizing. When lipids oxidize, they can clump together, blood vessels can become constricted, and the risk of heart disease increases.

Protects the liver from toxic substances

The liver is a vital organ that separates and eliminates toxins from the blood.

Animal studies, bee pollenfound that the liver can enhance the detoxifying abilities.

Working with old animals, bee pollen It increased the antioxidant defenses of the liver and removed more waste products from the blood, such as malondialdehyde and urea.

Other animal studies, bee pollen shows that its antioxidants protect the liver from damage from a variety of toxic substances, including drug overdose. Bee pollen It also supports the recovery of the liver.

Contains a variety of compounds with anti-inflammatory properties

Bee pollen It has traditionally been used to reduce inflammation and swelling.

An animal study, bee pollen showed that the extract reduced the swelling of rats' paws by 75%.

Its anti-inflammatory effects have been compared to many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as phenylbutazone, indomethacin, analgin, and naproxen.

Bee pollenantioxidant, which reduces the production of inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid quercetin It creates various compounds that can reduce inflammation and swelling, including

Moreover, bee pollenThe plant compounds in it suppress biological processes that stimulate the production of inflammatory hormones such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF).

Protects from diseases by strengthening immunity

Bee pollencan strengthen the immune system, helping to avoid diseases and unwanted reactions.

Studies have shown that it can reduce the severity and onset of allergies. In a study, bee pollenhas been shown to significantly reduce the activation of mast cells.

Mast cells, when activated, release chemicals that trigger an allergic reaction.

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Also, a few test tube studies, bee pollenIt has confirmed that it has strong antimicrobial properties.

Bee pollen extractof, E. coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa It has been found to kill potentially harmful bacteria such as those that cause staph infections.

Helps heal wounds and prevent infections

Bee pollen has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can aid wound healing in our bodies.

For example, animal research, bee pollen extractfound that silver sulfadiazine was similarly effective in treating burn wounds and caused much less side effects.

Another animal study on burn bee pollen has shown that the application of a balm containing oil significantly accelerates healing compared to standard drugs.

Bee pollenIts antimicrobial properties can also prevent infections, which are an important risk factor for abrasions, cuts and burns that can compromise the healing process.

Has anticancer properties

Bee pollenhas applications for treating and preventing cancers caused by the abnormal proliferation of cells.

Test-tube studies, to inhibit tumor growth and stimulate apoptosis - programmed death of cells - in prostate, colon and leukemic cancers bee pollen extractshas found.

cistus ( Cistus incanusL. ) and white willow ( Salix Alba L. ) bee pollenIt may have anti-estrogen properties that can reduce the risk of breast, prostate, and uterine cancer.

However, more human-based research is needed.

Relieves menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes

Indicates that menstruation is over in women menopauseOften accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes and sleep disturbances.

Studies, bee pollenIt can alleviate a variety of menopausal symptoms.

In one study, 71% of women bee pollen stated that menopausal symptoms improved while taking it.

In another study, 65% of women who took a pollen supplement experienced less hot flashes. These women also noted other health improvements such as better sleep, reduced irritability, less joint pain, and better mood and energy.

In addition, a three-month study, bee pollen supplement showed that women who took it experienced less menopausal symptoms. Additionally, these supplements lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol and increased "good" HDL cholesterol.

It has positive effects on metabolism

Some evidence, bee pollenIt suggests that can improve the body's use of nutrients.

For example, iron-deficient mice absorbed 66% more iron when pollen was added to their diet. This change, pollen iron absorptionIt is due to the fact that it contains vitamin C and bioflavonoids that increase.

Additionally, healthy rats fed pollen absorbed more calcium and phosphorus from their diet. Pollen contains high quality proteins and amino acids that can aid this type of absorption.

Other animal studies, bee pollenhas shown that it can increase muscle growth, boost metabolism and support longevity.

Helps reduce stress

Bee pollen Due to its nutrient content and tonic properties, it improves blood flow to the nervous tissue, increases mental capacity and strengthens the nervous system that can be weakened by stress. This makes it one of the most effective natural stress relievers.

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It can be beneficial for people who lack energy, especially the elderly.

It also acts as a local analgesic, has the ability to relieve pain caused by stress or injury.

Bee Pollen and Weight Loss

PolandIt helps regulate hormones and has metabolic activity containing amino acids that help speed up metabolism by dissolving fat cells in the body. 

Also The Turkish pollenIt is known that it contains a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals and helps nourish the body of people with bad eating habits. 

Many manufacturers claim to aid rapid weight loss bee pollen pills or supplements, but there is little scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness.

Without scientific evidence bee pollenIt is difficult to promote Ni as a “miracle weight loss product”. 

How Is Bee Pollen Used?

Bee pollen It comes in granule or supplement form and is safe for most people.

You can buy it from health stores or places that sell bee products. Granules can be added to breakfast or drinks.

But pollen or Bee sting People with allergies should not use pollen and other bee products as they can cause symptoms such as itching, swelling, shortness of breath or anaphylaxis.

These products may interact adversely with blood thinners such as warfarin.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use bee products because there are too few studies to determine if it is completely safe for babies.

What are the harms of bee pollen?

Depending on the dose, most people bee pollenIt is safe to take it by mouth for a period of 30 to 60 days. Bee pollen A lower dose can be consumed with the mixture and is considered safer.

Biggest safety concerns could be an issue for people allergic to pollen bee pollen allergic reactions.

If you notice itching, swelling, shortness of breath, or dizziness after consuming pollen, you may have a bee allergy or sensitivity to bee products.

Bee pollenThere is some concern that the uterus can stimulate the uterus and threaten pregnancy, so pregnant women should avoid using pollen.

As a result;

Due to its nutrient content that provides vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids and fatty acids, enzymes, carotenoids and bioflavonoids bee pollenThe benefits of are impressive.

It has powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that strengthen capillaries, reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system and naturally lower cholesterol levels.

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