Benefits and Harms of Agave Syrup – How is it made?

The benefits of agave syrup are due to its low glycemic index and low effect on blood sugar. Agave syrup is a type of sweetener obtained from the agave plant. It's quite sweet. It is generally fermented and used to make tequila. It is also a preferred sweetener in making desserts, crepes and cold drinks. While agave syrup has benefits, it also has serious harms such as causing cardiovascular diseases.

benefits of agave syrup

Agave syrup is a sweet gift of nature; But there are truths hidden behind every delicious drop. This exotic sweetener has been the subject of both praise and criticism in the health world. While this fructose-rich syrup attracts attention with its low glycemic index, the potential effects of high fructose rate create controversy among health professionals. In our article, we will examine in depth the dual effects of this controversial sweet liquid on health.

What Is Agave Syrup?

Agave syrup is obtained from the agave plant. South America and Latin America are the homeland of the agave plant. It is a product that has been used in Mexico for centuries and has also been used in traditional medicine in this region. 

Agave syrup is quite sweet. Since this syrup dissolves quickly, it is used as a sweetener in cold drinks. The agave plant is also fermented and used to make tequila. It is a product high in fructose. Agave syrup is suitable for a vegan diet because it is produced entirely from plant sources. For this reason, it is also used instead of honey. 

Agave syrup is low in glucose and therefore does not raise blood sugar levels too much. This ensures that the sweetener has a low glycemic index.

Benefits of Agave Syrup

The benefits of agave syrup, a natural sweetener, are as follows:

1.It has a low glycemic index

Agave syrup has a lower content than granulated sugar (sucrose). glycemic indexIt has . Therefore, it affects blood sugar levels less.

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2. It is effective in relieving constipation

Agave syrup, which has a fibrous structure, is effective in relieving constipation by helping relax the intestines.

3.It is low in calories

Agave syrup is 25% sweeter than honey and table sugar. However, it contains fewer calories. In this way, it provides more sweetness while consuming fewer calories.

4. It has antioxidant potential

Agave syrup is rich in phytochemicals and contains natural compounds that show antioxidant activity.

5.It is a vegan product

Since it is produced entirely from plant sources, it is a suitable alternative to a vegan diet.

How Is Agave Syrup Made?

Agave syrup is made using the traditional method as follows:

  • The leaves of ten-year-old agave plants are cut and the sap is extracted from the cut leaves.
  • The sap of the plant is obtained by applying the separation method.
  • The sap of the plant is boiled and the water in it is evaporated.
  • The remaining part is agave syrup.

Where is Agave Syrup Used?

Agave syrup is added to desserts, stews, jams, tea and coffee. You can use this sweet syrup as follows:

1. Desserts and crepe recipes: Agave syrup is slightly sweeter than regular sugar. You can use it to flavor desserts and pancakes.

2.Cold drinks: Agave syrup is preferred as a sweetener in cold drinks because it dissolves quickly. 

3.Coffee and tea: You can sweeten your drinks by adding a few drops of agave syrup to coffee or tea.

4.Vegan diet: Agave syrup can be used instead of honey or sugar for vegans.

It is important to pay attention to the amount when using agave syrup. In terms of healthy nutrition, you should be careful not to consume more than 4 teaspoons per day.

Harms of Agave Syrup

We talked about the benefits of agave syrup, which is used as an alternative to sugar. So, is there any harm in agave syrup? Agave syrup has some potential harms:

1.Liver damage: Excessive consumption can cause liver damage. High fructose content can impair liver function.

2.Obesity risk: Although agave syrup is low in calories, its fructose content is high. Therefore, it can trigger the risk of obesity by increasing insulin resistance.

3. Cardiovascular diseases: Agave syrup, which contains synthetic fructose, can trigger cardiovascular diseases.

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4. Distorting the perception of taste: Agave syrup can disrupt taste perception and lead to the need for more sugar.

5.Do not become addictive: It can be addictive due to its fructose content.

Agave syrup is a sweetener that should be consumed with caution due to the situations we have mentioned.

Nutritional Value of Agave Syrup

1 teaspoon of agave nectar, which is high in calories, carbohydrates and sugar, contains approximately 21 calories. 1 tablespoon is approximately 60 calories. It contains about 85% fructose, a type of simple sugar found in many plant species.

However, unlike the fructose found naturally in fruits, agave syrup contains a highly concentrated amount of fructose. It lacks other important nutrients, including fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

What Can Be Used Instead of Agave Syrup?

For those who do not want to consume this sweetener due to its potential harms, sweeteners that can be used as alternatives to agave syrup are as follows:


Stevia, is an herbal sweetener and a natural option like agave syrup. It is calorie-free and does not contain sugar. It is suitable for diabetic individuals. The sweetness level is high. Therefore, using a small amount is sufficient.

2.Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar is obtained from the flowers of the coconut tree. It is a sweetener with a low glycemic index. It gives a natural flavor and its sweetness level is moderate. It can be used in cooking and dessert making.

3.Maple syrup

Maple syrup is obtained from maple trees in North America. It is a natural sweetener and has a pleasant aroma. It has vitamin and mineral content. It can be used for breakfast, on pancakes and waffles.


Honey is a natural sweetener and source of nutrients. It has antibacterial properties. It contains various vitamins and minerals. It can be used in hot drinks, yogurt or on cereal.


Erythritol belongs to the sugar alcohols class and is a low-calorie sweetener. It is suitable for diabetic individuals. It tastes like sugar and can be mixed with other sweeteners.

Remember that each individual's taste preferences are different. You can try these alternatives and choose the one that best suits your needs. It is important to use sweeteners in a healthy and balanced way!


Maple Syrup or Agave?

Maple syrup and agave syrup are popular choices among natural sweeteners. Both provide sweetness. However, it has different features. Here's how these two sweeteners compare:

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Maple Syrup

  • Maple syrupIt is a natural sweetener produced from the maple tree.
  • It does not contain refined sugar or other additions.
  • It does not contain glucose or fructose; Instead, it contains a natural sugar called sucrose.
  • It has a lower glycemic index, meaning it raises blood sugar more slowly.
  • It contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Agave Syrup

  • Agave syrup is a sweetener obtained from the agave plant.
  • It is high in fructose, so it is sweeter and lower in calories.
  • It is 25% sweeter than white sugar.
  • It is also preferred by vegans.
  • However, it should be used with caution due to its high fructose content.

While maple syrup stands out as a more natural and nutritious option, agave syrup can be considered a sweeter and lower-calorie alternative. Which one you use depends on personal preference, but both should be used in moderation.

As a result;

The benefits of agave syrup attract attention because it affects blood sugar greatly due to its low glycemic index. Additionally, due to its fructose content, it does not affect insulin levels like other sweeteners. However, its high calorie content should be taken into account when consumed excessively. Additionally, some agave syrups can be high in fructose. This means it can harm liver health.

Agave syrup is an alternative that can meet the need for sweetener when consumed in moderation.





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