What Is Palm Oil, What Does It Do? Benefits and Harm

Recently appeared as a controversial food palm oilconsumption is increasing rapidly in the world.

While it is said to have health benefits, it is also stated that it will pose a risk for heart diseases.

In addition, there are environmental concerns that occur in its production. In the article "Is palm oil harmful", "in which products palm oil is available", "how and from what is palm oil obtained" You will find the answers to the questions.

What is Palm Oil?

Palm oilaka palm oil, It is obtained from the red, fleshy fruit of the palm.

The main source of this oil is the Elaeis guineensis tree native to Western and Southwest Africa. It has a 5000-year history of use in this region.

Son yıllarda palm oil productionHas spread to Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and Indonesia. These two countries are already in the world palm oil meets more than 80% of its supply.

Coconut oil comic palm oil It is semi-solid at room temperature. However, the melting point of coconut oil is 24 ° C, palm oilis 35 ° C. This rate is quite high. The difference between these two oils is due to their fatty acid composition.

Palm oilis one of the cheapest and most popular oils around the world. It accounts for one third of the world's vegetable oil production.

Palm oil, usually palm kernel oil mixed with. While both are from the same plant, palm kernel oilis extracted from the fruit seed. It is white, not red, and has different health benefits.

How and Where Is Palm Oil Used?

Palm oil It is used for cooking and is added to many convenience foods you see in grocery stores.

This oil is a staple ingredient in West African and tropical cuisines, and it especially adds flavor to curry and spicy dishes.

It is often used for sautéing and frying because it melts only at high temperatures and remains stable.

Palm oilIt is also sometimes added to peanut butter and other spreads to keep the oil from accumulating on the jar. Palm oil In addition, it can be added to the following foods.

Products Containing Palm Oil

- Cereal foods

- Cereals

- Baked goods such as bread, cookies and cakes

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- Protein and diet bars

- Chocolate

- Coffee cream

- Margarine

Concern in the 1980s that consuming tropical oils could endanger heart health, palm oilreplaced it with trans fats in many products.

Studies, trans fatsFood producers after revealing the health risks of palm oil They continued to use.

This oil is also found in many non-food products such as toothpaste, soap, and cosmetics. It is also used to produce biodiesel fuel that acts as an alternative energy source. 

Nutritional Value of Palm Oil

One tablespoon (14 grams) the nutritional content of palm oil is as follows:

Calories: 114

Fat: 14 grams

Saturated fat: 7 grams

Monounsaturated fat: 5 grams

Polyunsaturated fat: 1,5 grams

Vitamin E: 11% of the RDI

Calories in palm oilIts height comes from fatty acid. Fatty acid breakdown is in the form of 50% saturated fatty acids, 40% mono-unsaturated fatty acids and 10% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Palm oilThe main type of saturated fat in it is palmitic acid, which contributes 44% of its calories. It also contains small amounts of stearic acid, myristic acid, and lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid.

Palm oilthe body can convert to vitamin A beta carotene It is rich in antioxidants known as carotenoids, including

Fractionated palm oilThe liquid part in is removed by a crystallization and filtration process. The remaining solid part is higher in saturated fat and its melting temperature is also higher.

What Are The Benefits Of Palm Oil?

According to some researchers palm oilof; It has several health benefits, such as preserving brain function, reducing heart disease risk factor, and improving vitamin A levels.

It is beneficial for brain health

Palm oilpossess powerful antioxidant properties that support brain health Vitamin EIt is an excellent source of tocotrienes, a type of.

Animal and human studies, palm oilIt suggests that the tocotriols in the brain may help protect the delicate polyunsaturated fats in the brain, slow stroke, reduce the risk of stroke, and prevent the growth of brain lesions.

Heart health benefits

Palm oilis thought to provide protection against heart disease. Although study results are mixed, this oil has positive effects on risk factors for heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol and raising HDL cholesterol.

However, it should be noted that an increase or decrease in cholesterol levels alone will not eliminate risk factors. There are many other factors that affect this.

Improving vitamin A levels

Palm oil, inadequate or at risk of deficiency Vitamin A It can help improve the level.

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Research on pregnant women in developing countries, palm oil has shown that its consumption increases the level of vitamin A in the blood of babies.

One study found that cystic fibrosis patients who are difficult to absorb fat-soluble vitamins found two to three tablespoons a day for eight weeks. red palm oil It has been found that after taking it, there is an increase in vitamin A in blood levels.

Reduces oxidative stress

Free radicalsThey are highly reactive compounds that form in our bodies as a result of factors such as stress, poor diet, exposure to pollutants and pesticides.

Accumulating in the body over time oxidative stressThey can lead to inflammation, cell damage, and even chronic disease. On the other hand, antioxidants are compounds that can neutralize harmful free radicals in order not to damage our cells.

Palm oil It is high in beneficial antioxidants and also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

To eliminate oxidative stress palm oilIt will be more beneficial to pair it with a balanced diet with other high antioxidant capacity foods such as turmeric, ginger, dark chocolate and walnuts.

Palm Oil Benefits for Hair and Skin

What we eat has a huge impact on skin and hair health. Palm oilcan be effective in improving the appearance of scars and fighting acne. This is because it is rich in vitamin E, an essential nutrient that plays a central role in skin health.

In the Medical Sciences Research Journal A published study found that taking vitamin E orally for four months compared to a placebo atopic dermatitis reported significantly improved symptoms.

Other research has shown that vitamin E can help wounds, ulcers and psoriasis states that it may be beneficial in the treatment.

For hair health and growth thanks to its rich tocotrienol content palm oil widely used. in 2010 hair loss A study of 37 participants found that taking tocotrienol for eight months increased their hair count by 34,5 percent. Meanwhile, the placebo group experienced a 0.1 percent reduction in hair count by the end of the study.

What are the Harms of Palm Oil?

In some studies palm oil Although it has a protective effect on heart health, some have conflicting results.

An animal study found that fat consumed by repeatedly reheating can cause plaque buildup in the arteries due to a decrease in antioxidant activity.

The rats were warmed up to 10 times. palm oil foods when they ate, they developed large arthelial plaques and other signs of heart disease for six months but fresh palm oil This was not seen in those who ate.

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Palm oil It may increase heart disease risk factors in some people. Repeatedly heating the oil lowers its antioxidant capacity and contributes to the development of heart disease.

Also, available on the market today palm oilMost of it is heavily processed and oxidized for culinary use.

This can cause adverse health effects. Unrefined and cold pressed to reduce adverse health effects palm oil must use.

Controversies about palm oil

Palm oil There are various ethical issues related to the effects of its production on the environment, wildlife and communities.

Increased demand over the past decades has been unprecedented in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. palm oil productioncaused the spread of.

These countries have humid and tropical climates that are ideal for growing oil palm trees. In this region, tropical forests are being destroyed to grow palm trees.

Deforestation is predicted to have detrimental effects on global warming, as the existence of forests plays an important role in reducing greenhouse gases by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.

In addition, the destruction of native landscapes causes changes in the ecosystem as it threatens the health and diversity of wildlife.

It is particularly effective on endangered species such as Bornean orangutans, which are endangered due to habitat loss.

As a result;

Palm oilAlthough it is the most widely used oil in the world, environmentalists who are concerned about the environmental impact of its production, the health of wild animals and the lives of indigenous people insist on not using this oil.

if palm oil If you want to use it, buy RSPO certified brands. RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certification aims to ensure the sustainability of the grown palm nurseries and less damage to the rainforests and the products that have been awarded this certificate were produced in this way.

Additionally, it's better to use other sources of fat for most of your daily needs, as you can get similar health benefits from other fats and foods.

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