What Causes Constant Hunger? Why Do We Get Hungry Often?

Hunger is a natural sign that the body needs more food. Some can go without eating for hours without getting hungry between meals. But this is not true for everyone. Some people can not tolerate even a few hours of hunger and eat constantly. So why? “What causes the constant feeling of hunger?” “Why do we get hungry so often?”

What causes a constant feeling of hunger?

constant feeling of hunger
What causes a constant feeling of hunger?

Not eating enough protein

  • Consuming adequate protein is important for appetite control. Proteinreduces hunger. If you are not eating enough protein, constant feeling of hunger you can be in.
  • Animal products such as meat, chicken, fish and eggs contain high amounts of protein. 
  • In addition to dairy products such as milk and yogurt, protein is also found in plant foods such as legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains.

Not getting enough sleep

  • Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and immune system. 
  • It also keeps the appetite under control.
  • Insomnia leads to increased levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. So when you sleep less, you may feel hungrier. 
  • Constant feeling of hungerIt is necessary to get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep at night to prevent the disease.

Eating refined carbohydrates

  • Refined carbohydrates Due to processing, fiber, vitamins and minerals are lost.
  • This carbohydrate does not contain fiber, so our body digests them quickly. 
  • Eating large amounts of refined carbohydrates constant feeling of hungeris an important reason.
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Consuming less fat

  • Fat keeps hunger under control. 
  • Eating fat leads to the release of hormones that promote a feeling of fullness. 
  • If you are consuming less fat, you may feel hungry often. 
  • Healthy, high-fat foods include avocado, olive oil, eggs, and full-fat yogurt.

Not drinking enough water

  • Water has the potential to keep you full and reduce appetite when drunk before meals. 
  • The feelings of hunger and thirst are managed from the same center of the brain. So when you're hungry, maybe you're thirsty. 
  • Always drink water when you're hungry to see if you're thirsty.

Not consuming enough fiber

  • If you are not eating enough fiber, constant feeling of hunger you can live. Consuming foods high in fiber is helpful in keeping hunger under control. 
  • With high fiber foodr slows the emptying rate of the stomach. It takes longer to digest than low-fiber foods.
  • Consume foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains to get enough fiber.

Exercising too much

  • People who exercise a lot burn a lot of calories. 
  • Studies have shown that those who regularly exercise vigorously have a faster metabolism. 
  • This causes extreme hunger. 

Consuming too much alcohol

  • Alcohol stimulates the appetite. 
  • Studies have shown that alcohol can suppress hormones that reduce appetite, such as leptin. 
  • Therefore, if you drink too much alcohol constant feeling of hunger you can experience.

Drinking calories

  • Liquid and solid foods affect appetite in different ways. 
  • If you consume a lot of liquid foods such as juices, smoothies and soups, you will feel hungry more often than if you consume solid foods.
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Being overly stressed

  • Excessive stress increases appetite. 
  • Because stress has an effect on cortisol. This also stimulates the appetite. If you experience stress frequently, you may find that you are always hungry.

Taking certain medications

  • Many drugs increase appetite as a side effect. 
  • Drugs that increase appetite include antipsychotics such as clozapine and olanzapine, as well as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, corticosteroids, and anti-seizure medications.
  • Some diabetes medications such as insulin, insulin secretagogue and thiazolidinedione are known to increase hunger and appetite.

Eating very fast

  • Studies have shown that fast eaters have a greater appetite than slow eaters.
  • Eating and chewing slowly activates the body's and brain's anti-hunger hormones. It gives the body more time to signal satiety.
  • Constant feeling of hunger if you live; Try eating slowly, putting the fork down between bites, breathing deeply before eating, and increasing the number of chews.

Certain medical conditions

  • Constant feeling of hungeris a symptom of several specific diseases. For example; Fasting is a classic sign of diabetes. 
  • Hyperthyroidism is also associated with increased hunger. This is because it leads to overproduction of thyroid hormones, which are known to increase appetite.
  • In addition, excessive hunger can cause depression, anxiety and premenstrual syndrome It can also be a symptom of other conditions, such as

References: 1

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