Sleep Deprivation Foods – Insomnia Foods

We like to eat foods like chocolate, dessert and ice cream. Undoubtedly, these foods have a positive effect on mood and give us instant happiness. However, these foods with high carbohydrate content can be sleep-inducing foods.

Insomnia It is a common ailment that affects the lives of many people. Insomnia is the root cause of many diseases. To understand the cause of insomnia, we need to take a closer look at our lifestyle.

A person needs at least 8 hours of sleep to live a balanced life. Less than 8 hours or more can cause a bad day.

What we eat directly affects our sleep patterns. Caffeine It is one of the things that cause insomnia. In order not to be a victim of insomnia, it is necessary to stay away from sleep-inducing foods. Now let's take a look at the sleep-inducing foods.

What are sleep deprivation foods?

sleep deprivation food
sleep deprivation foods

Foods high in caffeine

Caffeine consumption has become part of our daily diet. Tea, coffee, chocolate and energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine. Excessive caffeine consumption triggers insomnia.


Alcohol is responsible for dehydration, which leads to the disruption of serotonin levels leading to insomnia.

High protein foods

Protein-rich foods, especially red meat, are difficult to digest. It can cause insomnia by inhibiting the production of serotonin, which keeps you awake all night.

gas producing foods

Gas-producing foods cause discomfort in the person. Peas, beans and beans for a good sleep broccoli Avoid foods that cause gas.

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high sugar foods

Sugar gives energy. Therefore, it leads to an imbalance in sleep patterns. Sugary foods such as cake, chocolate and dessert are the main cause of insomnia, especially when consumed at night.

Dairy products

Foods containing fatty milk, curd, cheese and butter are difficult to digest. It leaves a feeling of heaviness that causes heartburn. Therefore, it triggers insomnia.

Fast food

Such foods undoubtedly have the potential to cause insomnia. It has a high fat content but is also spicy.


Smoking stimulates the mood and helps provide instant relief. But it is not only harmful to health, but also leads to insomnia.

Drinking water

Drinking enough water is helpful. However, at night, drinking water after a certain time can cause insomnia, as it will leave a feeling of bloating and cause the urge to go to the toilet.

Packaged foods

Eating packaged, processed foods at night can cause heartburn, as they contain high fat. This can cause stomach upset and therefore insomnia.

For a healthy sleep, it is necessary to stay away from the sleep-inducing foods listed above.

References: 1

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