Sweet Potato What Is The Difference From Normal Potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are vegetables that differ from normal potatoes. Both are root vegetables, but they differ in appearance and flavor. They come from separate plant families. As they have different nutritional content, they also affect blood sugar differently.

Sweet potato difference from normal potato

Sweet potato difference from normal potato
Sweet potato difference from normal potato

They belong to different plant families

By normal potato we mean white potato. sweet and white potatoesBoth are root vegetables, but only their names are similar.

Sweet potato is from Convolvulaceae and white potato is from Solanaceae. These are tubers that grow on the edible roots of plants. 

Sweet potatoes have brown skin and orange flesh, but there are also purple, yellow, and red varieties. Normal potatoes come in shades of brown, yellow and red. It has white or yellow flesh.

Both are nutritious

Sweet potatoes are often touted as healthier than white potatoes, but in reality both types are highly nutritious. 

Below is a nutritional comparison of 100 grams of shelled white and sweet potatoes:

 White potatoesSweet potato
Calorie                           92                                                     90                                      
Protein2 gram2 gram
Fat0,15 gram0,15 gram
Carbohydrate21 gram21 gram
Lif2,1 gram3,3 gram
Vitamin A0.1% of the Daily Value (DV)107% of the DV
Vitamin B612% of the DV17% of the DV
C vitamin14% of the DV22% of the DV
Potassium17% of the DV10% of the DV
Calcium1% of the DV3% of the DV
Magnesium6% of the DV6% of the DV

White and sweet potatoes; similar in calories, protein and carbohydrate content, while white potatoes are more potassium Sweet potatoes are incredibly high in vitamin A.

Both types of potatoes contain other beneficial plant compounds.

Sweet potatoes, including the red and purple varieties, are rich in antioxidants that help fight cell damage caused by free radicals in our body.

White potatoes contain compounds called glycoalkaloids that have been shown to have anticancer and other beneficial effects in test-tube studies.

They have different glycemic indexes

Different types of potatoes glycemic indexes (GI) also differs.

Foods with a glycemic index of 70 or higher cause a faster rise in blood sugar than foods with a medium GI of 56-69 or a low GI of 55 or lower.

Depending on the type and cooking process, the glycemic index value of sweet potatoes ranges from 44–94.

The glycemic index value of the regular potato also changes. For example, a boiled red potato has a glycemic index value of 89, while a baked Russian potato has a glycemic index of 111. 

People with diabetes or other blood sugar problems should avoid foods with a high glycemic index value. Since sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic value, it is considered healthier to consume instead of white potatoes.

Preparing the potato in a healthy way

Both sweet and regular potatoes contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and energy-giving carbohydrates. Potatoes, although very nutritious, are often prepared in an unhealthy way.

For example, white potatoes are fried, mashed with butter, or baked. It is decorated with high-calorie ingredients.

To prepare sweet or regular potatoes the healthy way, boil or cook them and serve them with fresh herbs or spices instead of cheese, butter and salt.

Those who have problems with blood sugar should eat potato varieties by boiling them.

References: 1

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