What are the Benefits, Harms and Nutritional Value of Sumac?

SumacWith its granular and vibrant red color, it adds flavor and color to the dishes. In addition, it has many benefits for our health, which we can list as a long list.

Rich polyphenol and flavonoid content, it lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugar and reduces bone loss. What other benefits does it have? sumac

What are the benefits of sumac?

Now if you are asking sumacLet me start by telling you what you need to know about it.

What is sumac?

Sumac, rhu type or Anacardiaceae It is a flowering plant belonging to the family. Most of these plants produce bright red fruits in the form of small bushes. sumac treesIt consists of.

These plants are grown worldwide. It is particularly common in East Asia, Africa, and North America.

Sumac spiceis a specific species sumac Rhus coriaria derived from dried and ground fruits. In Middle Eastern cuisine, it is used in everything from meat dishes to salads.

It has a unique flavor that has been described as slightly tangy and slightly fruity, like lemon. In addition to adding a distinct taste to meals, it also offers impressive benefits.

What are the harms of sumac?

What is the nutritional value of sumac?

  • Like other herbs and spices, sumac spiceIt is also low in calories.  
  • C vitamin in terms of high. 
  • It provides important antioxidants that help fight disease.
  • Sumac, gallic acid, methyl gallate, kaempferol and quercetin It is high in polyphenols and flavonoids such as 
  • It acts as an antioxidant and even has anti-cancer properties. tannins It contains.
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What are the Benefits of Sumac?

What does sumac do?

Balancing blood sugar

  • High blood sugar levels adversely affect health. short-term fatigue headachecauses symptoms such as frequent urination and thirst.
  • Consistently high blood sugar causes more serious consequences such as nerve damage, kidney problems and delayed wound healing.
  • Researches, sumac It shows that it helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. 
  • Insulin resistanceIt also helps prevent Insulin is the hormone responsible for transporting sugar from the bloodstream to the tissues. So when blood sugar levels are consistently high, insulin levels rise.

Lower cholesterol

  • High cholesterol is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease. 
  • Cholesterol builds up inside the arteries, causing narrowing and hardening, putting pressure on the heart muscle and making blood flow more difficult.
  • Research sumac by lowering cholesterol shows that it benefits heart health.

Antioxidant content

  • Antioxidants are powerful compounds that fight free radicals to prevent cell damage and protect against chronic disease.
  • Antioxidants reduce the risk of serious ailments such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
  • Sumacis a concentrated product that helps neutralize free radicals and keep the body healthy. antioxidant is the source.

Reducing bone loss

  • Osteoporosis causes bone loss. The risk of developing osteoporosis increases with age. Women are most at risk.
  • sumac extractIt reduces bone loss by changing the balance of some specific proteins that play a role in bone metabolism.

Sumac nutritional content

Relieving muscle pain

  • A study, sumac spice obtained from the same plant as sumac juiceIt has been shown to help reduce muscle soreness during aerobic exercise in healthy adults.
  • Due to its rich antioxidant content, it relieved pain and reduced inflammation.
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support digestion

  • Sumacstomach upset, acid reflux, It is useful in the treatment of common digestive disorders such as constipation and irregular bowel movements.

Fight against cancer

  • Some studies sumachas shown to have anti-cancer properties. 
  • It is thought to protect healthy cells during the treatment of breast cancer.

Relieve respiratory problems

  • Sumac, coughchest congestion and bronchitis It is used for chest and respiratory problems such as
  • This is due to the powerful essential oils (thymol, carvacrol, Borneo and geraniol) in its content.

What is sumac used for?

What are the harms of sumac?

  • Sumac spice, a plant closely related to poison ivy poison sumacis different from
  • Poison sumacContains a compound called urushiol, which can irritate the skin and cause serious side effects that can even be fatal.
  • Sumac spice On the other hand, it belongs to a different plant species and is safely consumed by most people.

Sumac consumptionAlthough adverse side effects are very rare, they can be seen in some people.

  • Sumac, cashew ve mango It belongs to the same plant family as If you have a food allergy to one of these herbs, sumac spiceit could be either.
  • Sumac if you experience any adverse symptoms such as itching, swelling or hives after eating, sumac stop consuming.
  • If you are taking any medication to lower blood sugar or cholesterol levels. use sumacpay attention to me. 
  • Sumac Because it lowers blood sugar and cholesterol, it can interact with these medications.
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