Does Senna Weaken? Senna Tea Benefits and Harm

Sennais a plant with powerful properties. Its leaves and fruits are used in medicine production. It acts as a laxative, and some research shows that it can help treat constipation when used in the right dosage.

Sennais a flowering plant belonging to the broad bean family Fabaceae. It has yellow, white and pink flowers. It is found in North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. It grows in Asia, mostly in temperate regions of India and China.

It is considered a potent laxative due to the presence of compounds called anthraquinones. Glycosides are anthraquinone derivatives. Various forms of these glycosides are referred to as A, B, C and D. Almost all of its parts are of medicinal value and have been used in herbal medicine in India for thousands of years.

Its leaves have been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an herbal laxative. Sennais available commercially in the form of capsules and tablets, tea, tea bags, and liquid extracts.

The undiluted dry root of this herb is also available for sale. Its seeds also have a laxative effect but are less effective than the leaves.

In the article “Benefits of senna tea "," harms of senna "," use of senna "," senna herb slimming "," senna tea preparation " will be mentioned.

What Are the Benefits of Senna?

How to use senna for constipation?

As a laxative sennais effective in relieving constipation. Sennaencourages the colon muscles to push stool more quickly.

Senna leaf It affects the intestinal walls and causes contractions that lead to bowel movements. It softens the stool by allowing the colon to absorb water. The most violent constipation can effectively treat cases. The glycosides in it facilitate electrolyte transport and cause bowel movements within 6 to 12 hours of intake.

May treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome or disease (IBS or IBD) characterized by chronic stomach pain. The disease is accompanied by abnormal bowel problems (diarrhea, constipation, or both). The pain usually begins after eating and decreases after a bowel movement. Symptoms of IBS are bloating, passage of mucus, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines.

Because of its laxative properties sennacan help manage irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. Some experts think the herb may force stool to pass out because it causes colonic contractions.

However, senna It is a stimulant laxative and can damage the intestines if taken for a long time. Therefore senna Please consult the doctor before using it.

Cleans the intestines

Senna leafis used in traditional Chinese medicine to get rid of stagnant foods accumulated in the stomach and to remove toxins accumulated in the large intestine.

Today it is widely used for colon cleansing before colonoscopy and other types of colon surgery.

Helps treat hemorrhoids

Helps reduce swelling and facilitate quick recovery sennaanal rupture and hemorrhoid It was found to be effective in the treatment. Moreover, as it softens the stool, it helps easy defecation in pathological conditions such as anal fissure.

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This is because after oral administration, senna Its compounds are absorbed in the intestinal tract and thus lead to the decomposition of non-sugar parts in the colon.

These non-sugar ingredients increase peristaltic movements by irritating and stimulating the intestinal tract. In this way, it accelerates the passage of stool in the intestinal tract.

Effective in the treatment of intestinal worms

SennaThe laxative properties of the drug have been found to be useful in the treatment of worms in the stomach and colon.

Helps to lose weight

Effective in slimming sennaIt is brewed as tea. Low calorie and tasty senna teahelps increase fluid intake.

Drinking more fluids leads to less eating. It helps to eliminate toxins and undigested food in the large intestine.

This cleansing and detoxification promotes proper nutrient absorption and optimum metabolism and thus ensures weight loss.

It has antibacterial properties

SennaEssential oils, tannins and other compounds in have antibacterial properties. These can prevent the growth and reproduction of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Chewing senna leavesmouth infections and gingivitisIt can cure.

Helps treat indigestion

Sennahas been found to be effective in relieving heartburn, nausea, gas, bloating associated with dyspepsia.

Skin Benefits of Senna

This wonderful herb is really beneficial for the skin. As a result of exposure to radiation, environmental pollutants and harsh chemicals, the health of our skin is negatively affected and causes some skin disorders.

Natural herbs are an effective and inexpensive way to get radiant skin and to alleviate skin problems. Senna The benefits for the skin are as follows:

Treatment of various skin conditions

SennaEssential oils, such as resin and tannins in, relieve inflammation on the skin.

Treatment of skin infections

SennaIts antibacterial properties help treat dermatological or skin conditions. Senna leavesThe paste made from it is effective in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as eczema as well as skin infections such as acne. SennaAlso, acetone and ethanol fight microorganisms that cause acne.

Benefits of Senna for Hair

SennaIt can be used as henna to treat healthy hair strands and hair loss. The benefits to the hair are as follows;

Provides strong hair

To get straight, shiny and strong hair strands senna It can be applied topically. Senna powderYou can prepare a hair mask by mixing it with water and yogurt.

Citrus juice, essential oils and herbal teas, spices etc. for greater effect. You can also add other materials such as.

Take small sections at once and apply to your hair. Wait for the paste to penetrate the scalp. Cover your head with a plastic bag and let it dry. Rinse off after a few hours.

Hair conditioner

Sennacan be used as a cream to strengthen and densify hair as well as add shine.

It is a great option for minimizing the negative effects of chemicals. Initially, your hair may look rough and dry, but the benefits show up after a few days.

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Natural color highlighter

Sennais a great option to give hair natural highlights of ash blonde or lighter hues. Also, it creates a more subtle shade. It contains an anthraquinone derivative called chlorsophanic acid, which imparts a slightly yellow color. 

Hair loss

Senna It not only beautifies the hair but also heals the scalp and treats dandruff. It gives shine to the hair. Since it is an excellent conditioning herb hair lossne also fights against.

Slimming with Senna Tea

Can be used for slimming benefits senna tea There is no large-scale scientific study done for. For this reason, it is not approved by healthcare professionals as an active weight loss supplement.

However, use of sennaIt can aid in waste elimination, which is part of healthy metabolism.

The accumulation of toxins in the body leads to weight gain. Toxin elimination can help prevent obesity. So drinking senna tea, It can aid the weight loss process.

How to Use Senna Tea for Weight Loss?

To support the slimming process senna tea available. Today senna tea leavesYou can find many variations of. SennaIt is also available in capsule form, but the form of tea is easily absorbed by the body.

At first, boil some water. Senna put the containing tea bag in boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. You can use a few drops of lemon or honey to flavor it. Twice a day for effective results senna tea you can drink

Senna tea When you drink, eat the right foods for their maximum effect. You should eat foods such as chicken, fish, green salad and fruits. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water all day. This will facilitate digestion.

Senna tea Exercise is recommended while drinking. There is no fixed formula, but 30 minutes of daily exercise can be effective. You can choose a form of exercise that will make you feel comfortable.

How to Make Senna Tea at Home?

Senna teaIt is said to have a mild flavor. Unlike many other herbal teas, it is not very aromatic on its own.

Many commercial teas, sennaBy combining it with other herbs, it can change its aroma and flavor. If you are using tea bags or a mixture, follow the package directions.

Senna teaIf you are going to prepare yourself, 1-2 grams of dried senna leafSoak in hot water for 10 minutes. Do not drink more than 2 servings a day.

You can also add a sweetener such as honey or stevia.

What Are the Harms of Senna?

Senna leavesChronic use of can lead to acute conditions such as abdominal cramps and electrolyte disturbances. However, senna As a result of prolonged use of stimulant laxatives such as:


- Nausea

- Diarrhea

Sudden weight loss


Liver damage

Hypokalaemia (potassium deficiency)

Pigmentation of the colonic mucosa and urine

Potassium loss or deficiency has a large ripple effect. Muscle weakness and arrhythmia(dangerous changes in heart rhythm).

SennaSome points to pay attention to while using are as follows:

- SennaNot much is known about the safety profile of. Since long-term use is associated with a few side effects, a short use is recommended.

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- It can cause diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

- Some people, senna leavesmay be allergic, causing the urine to discolour. If this happens, use should be stopped immediately to return to normal.

Long-term use of anthraquinones is associated with colorectal growths and cancer development. Other less common side effects include nausea or vomiting.

Long-term use can also increase the risk of muscle weakness, heart dysfunction and liver damage.

- Senna teaExcessive consumption may be toxic to the liver.

Even short-term use can trigger side effects such as stomach upset, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.

- National Institutes of Health, sennaHe says that it should not be used for more than two weeks and this can disrupt the normal function of the colon.

- In the case of pregnancy, it should be used after consulting a physician.

- Senna teaLong-term use of can cause overactivity in the intestines.

Other possible side effects may include muscle weakness, heart function disorders and liver damage. These symptoms can last for a long time. senna tea occurs when used.

- Stop drinking immediately if any side effects occur. Do not neglect to consult a doctor just in case.

- Pregnant women should not drink this tea without approval for safety reasons. The same is true for women who are breastfeeding.

- Children under the age of twelve senna avoid giving.

People with intestinal obstruction, IBD, intestinal ulcer, undiagnosed stomach pain or appendicitis sennashould avoid.

- Senna may also interact with some medications. If you are on medication, you need to be careful.

Drug Interactions of Senna

Sennabelongs to the genus cassia, and most plants from this species can interact with certain classes of drugs.

Do not use blood thinners, anticoagulants, corticosteroids and heart health drugs while using senna. These medications (such as Warfarin and Digoxin) can increase potassium loss.

Analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and steroidal drugs (Paracetamol, Ketoprofen, Estradiol, etc.) may also interact with senna leaves. It increases or decreases the absorption of these drugs.

Senna dosage

Typical senna dose It is about 15-30 mg twice a day. It is recommended to use it for less than a week. Although there is no clear information in this respect sennaIt may not be safe to take daily.

Your doctor will guide you better. You can use it in the morning or evening, but this depends on your doctor's advice.

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