What Are the Naturally Found Toxins in Food?

Natural foods provide essential nutrients such as protein, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates for our body. In addition to healthy foods, naturally occurring in these foods chemical toxins is also found.

natural food toxinsIt is impossible for us to stay away from it. As long as we do not consume natural foods excessively, natural toxins do not cause significant harm to the body.

  • So what is this natural toxins
  • Which foods are there? 
  • Can we reduce their impact?

Here are the answers to your questions about this… 

What are natural toxins? 

natural toxinsare toxic (poisonous) compounds that occur naturally in living organisms. 

Everything has toxicity. It is the dose that distinguishes the toxic from the non-toxic. Even drinking large amounts of water (4-5 liters) leads to hyponatremia and cerebral edema. Therefore, it is considered toxic.

Almost all fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, seafood and fish contain toxic compounds that can be dangerous if consumed in excess. 

In plants and other living things naturally occurring toxins It doesn't actually harm them. This is because the plants of toxins It is produced as a natural defense system against predators and insects. The fish in other organisms such as toxic substances acts as food. 

But this toxic substances It carries a risk of disease when consumed by humans or other living things. 

What Are Commonly Found Natural Toxins?

  • Cyanogenic glycoside

It has been determined that more than 2500 plant species are cyanogenic glycosides. It acts as a defense against herbivores. Apple, pear seed, apricot kernel and almond It is a plant containing glycosides. 

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When consumed in excess, dizziness, stomach pain, gastrointestinal problems, cyanosis, brain fogcauses symptoms such as low blood pressure and headache. 

  • biotoxins in water 

Among the thousands of microalgae species found in nature, about 300 are considered harmful. More than 100 of them can cause death of people and animals. natural toxins It contains. 

Oyster and shellfish, such as mussels, are aquatic because they feed on algae. toxins includes. Sometimes even after cooking or freezing, algae toxins do not disappear. 

The excess of biotoxins in the water causes vomiting, paralysis, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems. 

  • Lectin

Lectin; are carbohydrate-binding proteins found in foods such as grains, dried beans, potatoes, and nuts. 

Toxic and inflamed. It is resistant to cooking and digestive enzymes. 

lectin, celiac diseaseIt causes rheumatoid arthritis, some autoimmune diseases, and problems with the small intestines. 

amount of mercury in fish

  • Mercury

Some fish, such as shark and swordfish, contain large amounts of mercury. Overeating these fish increases the risk of poisoning. It causes disorders related to the central nervous system, lungs and kidneys. 

Pregnant women, lactating women and children are not recommended to eat this fish. Mercury accumulation in the body, hypertension and causes tachycardia.

  • Furcoumarine

Furocoumarin is a phytochemical with antioxidant, antidepressant and anti-cancer properties. It helps plants defend against insects and predators. 

Among plants containing furocoumarin celery, lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, carrot and parsley is found. If these herbs are eaten in excess, they cause stomach problems and skin reactions.

  • Solanine and chaconine 

Glycoalkaloids such as solanine and chaconine occur naturally in plants belonging to the Solanaceae family. toxinsis This toxinr potato and tomatoes, but accumulates at high levels in green and damaged potatoes.

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High concentrations of solanine and chaconine cause neurological and gastrointestinal problems.

  • Mycotoxins 

Mycotoxins, produced by some fungal species toxic compoundsis Eating foods contaminated with fungal mycotoxins causes cancer and immunodeficiency. 

  • Pyrolizidine alkaloids (PA)

They are organic compounds found in about 6000 plant species. Pyrolizidine alkaloids are found in herbal teas, spices, grains and honey. If consumed in large quantities, it damages DNA.

  • botulinum toxin

secreted by the bacterium Clostridium and produced by green beans, mushrooms, beets and spinach It is a toxic protein found in some foods such as 

  • Coumarin

CinnamonIt is an aromatic organic chemical found in foods such as green tea and carrots. Eating large amounts of coumarin causes blurred vision, nausea, and loss of appetite. 

How to reduce the harmful effect of natural toxins? 

  • If the natural toxins are in the skins of the food, eat the skins off. in the seeds toxin Consume the food by removing the seeds.
  • Consume large fish caught from the ocean in small portions. Pregnant women should not eat at all. 
  • Throw away any green or damaged food, such as potatoes. 
  • To reduce the lectin content in legumes such as dried beans, soak them for at least five hours, then cook them. 
  • Throw away any food that is damaged, discolored, or has mold on it. 
  • Do not use foods that taste bitter, smell bad, or do not look fresh.
  • Eat mushrooms that you are sure are not poisonous.
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