Slimming and Slimming Ramadan Diet in Ramadan

While fasting during the month of Ramadan, eating habits change. The mobility is limited. Our body, which is not used to these conditions, experiences difficulties such as extreme hunger, fatigue and weakness in the first days of Ramadan.

The difficulties of being hungry and thirsty for hours on long and hot days once again emphasize the importance of a healthy diet in Ramadan. In this new process, it will be easier to adapt to Ramadan by changing our eating habits.

Since eating habits change during this 30-day period, some gain weight during this period. Whereas when it is planned correctly May lose weight during Ramadando you know

Why is Weight Gained in Ramadan?

When fasting, the human body burns calories more slowly by entering protective mode. Without the use of carbohydrates, it passes to fat as the primary fuel, and the body is provided with a continuous energy source.

Fasting causes the biochemical triggering of glucagon and cortisol hormones, which stimulate the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue into the bloodstream. Fatty acids are taken up by muscles and other tissues and broken down (oxidized) to produce energy in cells. 

Food releases the hormone insulin into the blood to transfer glucose to muscles and tissues to be used as energy. Excess glucose is converted into fat and stored. 

Another major cause of weight gain is the sleep cycle, which affects the release of many hormones and chemicals that regulate carbohydrate metabolism and metabolic rate.

Considering the effect of adequate and quality sleep on weight loss, weight gain will occur as a result of changing sleep patterns.

The biggest and most important reason for weight gain is the feast-like meals served at iftar during Ramadan. When these meals, which are especially composed of carbohydrate-based meals, are combined with inactivity, weight gain will be inevitable.

Weight Loss Methods in Ramadan

If you significantly reduce your calorie intake while fasting, you will lose weight, but if you cannot establish a nutritional balance between iftar and sahur, all kinds of health problems, including muscle loss, can occur. Therefore, practicing a healthy eating habit along with physical activity during Ramadan will help you lose weight.

When calorie intake decreases significantly while fasting, your metabolism slows down. Also, there is a tendency to lose more muscle mass than fat during this period.

The most effective way to lose weight is to create a healthy diet that can be followed in the long term. During Ramadan, if you want to lose weight or maintain your weight, you can achieve this with healthy diet changes.

The following Ways to lose weight during Ramadanwill be mentioned and a sample Ramadan diet list It will be given.

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Ways to lose weight in Ramadan

Ways to Lose Weight in Ramadan

Don't skip the sahur

Just as breakfast is the most important meal of the day, equally important meal in Ramadan is sahur. Making suhoor helps the body stay moist until the next meal, that is, iftar, turning energy and nutrients into fuel. 

It also prevents overeating during iftar. Well-balanced meals in suhoor should consist of the following food groups:

Complex carbohydrates

Oat, wheat, lentils, cereals, and other complex carbohydrates are slow-release carbohydrates; It keeps blood sugar stable and gives a feeling of fullness most of the day.

High fiber foods

Fiber-rich foods are digested slowly and grains, date, Figs, whole grains, seeds, potatoes, vegetables, and almost all fruits, especially apricots and prunes, contain plenty of fiber. BananaIt is a good source of potassium that helps your body stay hydrated and contains other essential nutrients.

Protein-rich foods

High-protein foods such as eggs, cheese, yogurt or meat are also recommended in suhoor because they replenish your energy throughout the day.

In order not to have difficulty while fasting, it is necessary to eat foods that are nutritionally dense, which will keep you full, thirsty throughout the day. Foods such as yoghurt, whole wheat bread and bananas are foods that provide satiety for a long time.

If you want to feel full for a longer time, you should definitely egg I can recommend you to eat.

One egg you will consume in suhoor meets most of the nutrients you will need within a day. As is known, eggs are the best source of protein.

proteins They are known for keeping them full for a long time. Consuming eggs in suhoor is important for both getting quality protein and staying full throughout the day.

How should you consume eggs in Ramadan?

How to consume eggs in Ramadan is as important as consuming eggs. Consuming it with high salt and fat content such as sausage and sausage causes you to feel thirsty.

In addition, these foods trigger hunger because of their high glycemic index. Egg in fat makes digestion difficult. It is best to eat it boiled.

In addition, we can list the foods that you can eat during sahur as follows;

- Boiled egg

- Feta cheese

- Dried apricots

- Walnuts, almonds

- Brown bread

Vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers

- Yoghurt

- Banana, apple

- Milk, kefir


- Soups

- Olive oil dishes

Foods that you should not eat in suhoor are;

When eaten in suhoor, stay away from foods that will cause you to get hungry and thirsty quickly.

- frying

- Desserts

- Rice

- Pastries

White bread

Aim to eat at least 7 servings of fruit and vegetables each day.

Fruits and vegetables make a great snack between meals and are a healthy alternative to pastries and desserts that are often consumed in Ramadan. 

Some fruits and vegetables have naturally high water content - especially cucumbers, watermelon, melons and squash contain high water-

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Eating these fruits and vegetables after the hours of fasting helps the body stay hydrated. 

Weight loss methods in Ramadan

Avoid sugary and processed foods

Avoid heavily processed, burnt foods that contain fatty foods like Ramadan sweets, as well as refined carbohydrates like sugar and white flour. It is high in fat and low in nutrients. 

In addition to being nutritionally poor, they have a high glycemic index, causing a sudden rise and fall in blood sugar, which causes hunger very quickly.

Do not eat fast and excessively

After a day without food, do not overload your stomach during iftar. Open iftar with water and wait before starting the main meal.

Waiting is in preparation for the upcoming meal digestive enzymes It is a great source of energy for the body that helps to secrete. Later, you can start drinking hot soup.

Avoid heavy fatty foods in your meal. Make sure you consume enough carbohydrates with plenty of vegetables and a small amount of protein. 

You should eat slowly and allow the body time to digest food.

Have soup for iftar meal

Soups have a soothing effect on the stomach and are easy to prepare. It is a great way to combine it with vegetables while having fluids, vitamins and minerals in the body. 

season carrotPrepare soups from colorful vegetables like tomatoes, pumpkin, peppers, spinach, zucchini and eggplant. Remember to limit the amount of salt and oil you use when preparing them. Add flavor with fresh herbs.

Drink enough water to keep the body hydrated

Drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water a day. From iftar to sahur, you should consume plenty of fluids for hydration.

Although juices, milk, and soup are sources of fluids, water is the best choice, so try to consume other beverages lightly.

Avoid caffeinated drinks. Caffeineis a diuretic that accelerates dehydration and causes dehydration. It is best to avoid caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, and cola.

Do not eat fried

Avoid fried foods or those prepared with large amounts of oil. If frying cannot be avoided, a tip would be to reduce the amount of oil used. 

Instead of using a cup of oil, you can reduce this amount to half or a quarter of a cup. It is best to fry it with healthy oils. 

Alternatively, recommended oils, sunflower oil, canola oil and monounsaturated fats such as corn oil. It is not recommended to use olive oil for frying foods.

Do not work for hours while fasting

To avoid dehydration, it is best to delay working hours until fasting. You can exercise when the energy levels are the best and after iftar.

Wait at least 2-3 hours after eating to begin your exercise routine to give your body enough time to digest an adequate amount. 

Maintain hydration throughout exercise and remember to drink plenty of water afterwards to compensate for water and mineral losses from perspiration.

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Water regulates body temperature and transfers nutrients to all parts of the body. Drinking water is especially important during exercise.

Adapt fasting to your physical condition

Before Ramadan, especially the elderly, pregnant women, children and people with diabetes should consult a doctor to control their insulin levels.

Ramadan diet list

The Weakening Ramadan Diet

I don't know about you, but most people gain weight in Ramadan even though they are hungry. This is due to changing eating habits and not knowing what to eat and when.

Below to continue to lose weight during Ramadan A diet list for Ramadan has. By feeding accordingly, you can control weight and even lose weight. The trick is to drink lots of water.

Ramadan Diet List

Suhur (instead of breakfast)

Option 1: Fat-free whole wheat toast (two slices of whole wheat bread and a matchbox of cheese)

Option 2: A glass of buttermilk or diet milk, tomato, cucumber, parsley. One serving of fruit while lying down.

Option 3: Vegetable meal made with a tablespoon of oil, salad, yogurt and a slice of whole wheat bread until full

Option 4: Six tablespoons of rice or pasta, salad, 200 grams of yogurt

Iftar (instead of lunch)

Break the fast with a glass of water. Divide a medium pita into eight pieces and take one slice. Cheese as much as a matchbox, two slices of turkey bacon and one olive can be eaten. Then a bowl of soup can be drunk if you don't feel full.

If you are doing iftar outside, buy the ones that are served in small portions.

Two hours later (instead of dinner)

1 week: Vegetable meal with or without meat until fullness, 200 grams of yogurt

2 week: Vegetable meal until two days full and 200 grams of yogurt

On the third day, choose 100 grams of grilled meat, chicken, meatballs or tuna with a salad.

One day, you can prepare an egg menemen or spinach omelet with 100 grams of yogurt.

Another day, eight tablespoons of kidney beans, green lentils, chickpeas, beans, salad and 100 grams of yogurt.

3 week: It will be like week 2

4 week:It will be like week 2

Two hours later

Half a pack of biscuits or a portion of fruit, a diet biscuit

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