How to Do the 5:2 Diet Weight Loss with the 5:2 Diet

the 5:2 diet; “5 2 fasting diet, 5 by 2 diet, 5 day by 2 day eating diet" It is known by different names such as. "Fasting Diet" This diet, also known as; It is currently the most popular intermittent fasting diet. Intermittent fasting or intermittent fasting is a diet that requires regular fasting.

It was popularized by British doctor and journalist Michael Mosley. The reason why it is called the 5:2 diet is that five days of the week, you maintain a normal eating pattern, while the other two days, 500-600 calories per day.

This diet actually refers to a way of eating rather than a diet. It deals with the issue of when foods should be eaten, not what foods should be eaten. Many people adapt to this diet more easily than a calorie-restricted diet and are more committed to maintaining the diet. 

What is the 5:2 diet?

The 5:2 diet is a popular diet that includes intermittent fasting twice a week. It was originally developed by British publisher and physician Michael Mosley, who published the 2013:5 diet book "The Fast Diet" in 2.

5:2 diet benefits
5: 2 diet

Mosley says following the 5:2 diet has shed extra pounds, reversed diabetes, and improved her overall health. The diet plan is pretty simple. It involves making changes in when and how much you eat, rather than setting strict rules about what foods are allowed.

Eats normally, five days a week, without tracking calories or macronutrients. Meanwhile, on two non-consecutive days a week, the plan says to restrict food consumption by about 75 percent; this is typically about 500-600 calories.

As with other fasting diets called time-restricted eating, there is no rule about what foods you should or should not eat on fasting and non-fasting days. However, it is recommended to limit processed foods and consume a variety of nutrient-dense, natural foods to maximize potential benefits.

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How to do the 5:2 diet?

Those on the 5:2 diet eat normally for five days a week and do not have to restrict calories. Then, on the other two days, calorie intake is reduced to a quarter of the daily requirement. This is about 500 calories per day for women and 600 calories for men.

You can determine your own two days of fasting. The common idea in planning the week is to fast on Mondays and Thursdays, and continue with the normal diet on the other days.

Normal food doesn't mean you can literally eat everything. If you eat junk and processed foods, you probably won't be able to lose weight, and you'll even gain weight. If you eat 500 calories in the two days you spend on intermittent fasting, you should not exceed 2000 calories on the days you eat normally. 

What are the benefits of the 5:2 diet?

  • This weight loss diet improves overall body composition. It also helps to reduce belly fat.
  • It reduces the level of inflammation in the body. Intermittent fasting effectively suppresses the production of proinflammatory immune cells and leads to a reduction of inflammation in the body.
  • It helps protect against heart disease by improving various markers of heart health. It lowers cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, which are risk factors for heart disease.
  • Improves blood sugar control to support long-term health in those with and without type 2 diabetes.
  • It is simple, flexible and easy to implement. You can choose fasting days according to your schedule, determine what foods to eat and tailor your diet to your lifestyle.
  • It is more sustainable in the long run than other diet plans.

Weight loss with the 5:2 diet

If you need to lose weight, the 5:2 diet is very effective. This is because this eating pattern helps to consume fewer calories. Therefore, you should not make up for fasting days by eating more on non-fasting days. In studies on weight loss, this diet has shown very positive results: 

  • A recent review found that altered alternate-day fasting resulted in 3-24% weight loss over 3-8 weeks.
  • In the same study, participants lost 4-7% of their waist circumference, which is harmful. belly fatthey lost.
  • Intermittent fasting causes a much smaller reduction in muscle quality than weight loss with traditional calorie restriction.
  • Intermittent fasting is more effective than endurance or strength training when combined with exercise. 
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What to eat on 5:2 diet fasting days

“What and how much will you eat on fasting days?” there is no such rule. Some function best by starting the day with a small breakfast, while others find it convenient to start eating as late as possible. Therefore, it is not possible to present a 5:2 diet sample menu. Generally, there are two examples of meals used by those who lose weight on the 5:2 diet:

  • Three small meals: Usually breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Two slightly larger dishes: Lunch and dinner only. 

Since calorie intake is limited (500 for women, 600 for men), it is necessary to use caloric intake wisely. Try to focus on nutritious, high-fiber, high-protein foods so you can feel full without consuming too many calories.

Soups are a great option on fasting days. Studies have shown that they can make you feel more full than foods with the same ingredients or the same calorie content in their original form.

Here are a few examples of foods that might be suitable for fasting days: 

  • Vegetables
  • Strawberry natural yogurt
  • Boiled or scrambled eggs
  • Grilled fish or lean meat
  • Soups (for example, tomato, cauliflower or vegetable)
  • Black coffee
  • Çay / Tea
  • water or mineral water 

There will be moments of overwhelming hunger for the first few days, especially during your fasting day. It's normal to feel more sluggish than usual.

However, you'll be surprised how quickly the hunger goes away, especially if you try to keep busy with other things. If you're not used to fasting, it may be a good idea to have handy snacks for the first few fasting days in case you feel sluggish or sick.

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Intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone.

Who shouldn't do the 5:2 diet?

Intermittent fasting is very safe for healthy, well-nourished people, but it is not suitable for everyone. Some people should be wary of intermittent fasting and the 5:2 diet. These include: 

  • Eating disorder people with a history.
  • People who are sensitive to drops in blood sugar levels.
  • Pregnant women, nursing mothers, teenagers, children and type 1 diabetesindividuals.
  • People who are malnourished, overweight or nutrient deficient.
  • Women who are trying to conceive or have fertility problems.

Also, intermittent fasting may not be beneficial for some men as well as women. Some women reported that their menstrual periods stopped while they were following their menstrual period.

However, when they returned to their normal diet, things returned to normal. Therefore, women should be careful when starting any form of intermittent fasting and should stop dieting immediately if adverse effects occur. 

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