What is Poblano Pepper? Benefits and Nutritional Value

Poblano pepper (Capsicum annuum) Is a type of pepper native to Mexico. It is green in color, similar to other pepper varieties, but jalapeno pepperIt is larger than a third and smaller than a hot red pepper.

Fresh poblano pepper It is slightly sweet but if left to ripen until it turns red, it will have a bitter taste.

Fully ripe and dark red dry poblano pepperUsed in famous Mexican sauces.

What is Poblano Pepper?

Poblano pepper, all Capsicum annuum It is one of about 27 types of peppers belonging to the family (but only half of them are widely eaten by humans). Custom name Capsicum annuum poblano L. known as.

All peppers belong to the nightshade vegetable family. All of its varieties have their origins in Mexico and various parts of South America. Poblano pepper It was first grown in Puebla, Mexico (hence the name "poblano").

Poblano pepper plantIt grows to 60 cm, gives a wide and short green or red pepper. Red poblano pepperIt is a purplish green color before ripening and is bitter than green varieties.  

Nutritional Value of Poblano Pepper

It is low in calories and rich in fiber and various micronutrients. 1 cup (118 grams) diced nutritional content of raw poblano pepper is as follows:

Calories: 24

Protein: 1 grams

Fat: less than 1 gram

Carbs: 5 grams

Fiber: 2 grams

Vitamin C: 105% of the Daily Value (DV)

Vitamin A: 30% of the DV

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 2.5% of the DV

Potassium: 4% of the DV

Iron: 2.2% of the DV

It is especially rich in vitamins A and C. These two nutrients act as antioxidants in the body and fight the damage caused by free radicals that cause certain diseases.

Dry poblano pepperhas higher amounts of vitamins A and B2 and other nutrients compared to fresh ones.

What Are the Benefits of Poblano Pepper?

Due to the high amount of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds, poblano pepperhas many benefits.

Poblano pepper benefits

Rich in antioxidants

Capsicum annuum Poblano and other peppers in its family are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, capsaicin and carotenoids, some of which are converted into vitamin A in the body.

Antioxidants help fight oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals.

Free radicals are reactive molecules that cause underlying cell damage, which increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, dementia, and other chronic conditions.

Therefore, rich in antioxidants eat poblano pepperhelps prevent diseases related to oxidative stress.

Contains cancer-fighting foods

Poblano pepperMany of the main nutrients found in it are known for their role in the fight against various types of cancer.

For instance, a poblano pepperIt contains about 2 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin B25 or riboflavin - more than just one egg, one of the best riboflavin foods.

Riboflavin has been shown to have a positive effect in preliminary tests with colorectal cancer cells.

More generally, riboflavin acts as an antioxidant against cancer cells and is also another anticancer antioxidant. glutathione required for its production.

Like most peppers, poblano pepper It also contains capsaicin, which is the nutrient that gives peppers heat. Although ranked relatively low on the Scoville scale, poblano pepper It contains a significant amount of capsaicin, which means scientifically benefiting from the nutritional benefits.

This is important because capsaicin is one of the plant-based substances that researchers have been testing seriously for years in connection with potential cancer treatments.

So far, the list of cancers studied in both humans and animals is long: prostate, stomach, breast, primary effusion lymphoma, and lung cancer. 

Poblano pepperThe amount of capsaicin in it is affected by the region where it is grown. 

Populace such as pepper varieties have anticancer properties against oral cancer. Poblano pepperAnother method that can help fight cancer is by disrupting a process called "nitrosation" in which some organic compounds can be converted into carcinogenic molecules.

Helps relieve pain

Poblano pepperThe nutrients in it work together to provide powerful, natural pain relief.

PopulaceBecause it contains quercetin, it is effective for reducing inflammatory pain such as arthritis, prostate infections, and respiratory infections. 

Capsaicin is also effective in treating inflammatory responses as well as various types of pain, including tendon damage and cluster headaches, a rare but incredibly painful headache condition.

Along with capsaicin, poblano pepperWhile the vitamin B2 found in it can also be effective as a headache remedy, the potassium it contains is part of preventing cramping pain caused by muscle tension and even PMS.

Reduces inflammation

Did you know that inflammation is at the root of most diseases? 

Pepper is an anti-inflammatory food. It reduces chronic inflammation due to the presence of antioxidants such as quercetin and vitamin A that specifically target inflammation.

Quercetin is currently recommended to patients for inflammatory conditions, including some heart problems, allergies, gout, prostate infections, skin disorders, and various others.

Vitamin A also reduces general inflammation in the body and is associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases associated with inflammation.

Strengthens immunity

Poblano pepperis a water-soluble nutrient vital for immune function, with a high C vitamin includes. Not getting enough vitamin C increases the risk of developing infections.

Moreover, poblano pepperThe capsaicin in it is beneficial for general immune function.

Many animal studies show that capsaicin can affect genes involved in the immune response, and autoimmune diseasesIt has shown that it provides protection against.

May help prevent diabetes

Poblano pepper It has a great nutritional profile. It also helps improve lipid profile and can help prevent metabolic disorders associated with obesity, one of which is diabetes.

Poblano pepperThe capsaicin in it also has an impact on diabetes-related factors by improving the insulin response and post-meal blood glucose changes in diabetic patients.

Good for the eyes

A common feature of antioxidants is their ability to protect the health of the eyes. Vitamin B2 is known to help prevent eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and keratoconus. 

On the other hand, vitamin A is low macular degeneration This is a potential preventative or treatment modality for a rare eye disease known as Stargardt's disease that can cause severe vision loss, a type of macular degeneration in young people.

Poblano Pepper Helps Weight Loss

Such a low calorie food per serving helps to lose weight fast.

The capsaicin found in pepper has been associated with reduced body weight, boosting metabolism, and appetite suppression in animal studies. It may even help prevent obesity, as a study with mice shows promise. 

Populace Peppers such as peppers can also help maintain a healthy "lipid profile", which means concentrations of various substances in the blood.

Having a good lipid profile means a lower fat level and is also an indicator of a reduced risk of obesity-related metabolic diseases. 

How to Use Poblano Pepper?

Poblano pepper It can be used in a variety of ways.

It can be consumed raw in salsa and other sauces, and can also be added to dishes such as chilis and tacos. Poblano pepper It is best eaten with ground beef, beans, rice, spices, corn and tomatoes.

What Are the Harms of Poblano Pepper?

Poblano pepper While it's great for our health in many ways, it also has some negative traits to consider. It is possible to be allergic to foods in the nightshade family, primarily due to the presence of alkaloids. 

Chilean types of pepper can induce gastroesophageal reflux, especially in some people with sensitive stomachs.

As a result;

Poblano pepperContains the cancer-fighting antioxidant known as quercetin and vitamins A and B2. Add to that the presence of capsaicin, making it a great food for cancer prevention.

Poblano pepperThanks to the antioxidants it contains, it helps prevent many diseases, especially diabetes and heart diseases, protects the eyes and makes the skin look healthy.

This type of pepper also helps boost immunity, relieve various types of pain and reduce chronic inflammation.

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