Jalapeno Pepper – What is Jalapeno, What are its Benefits?

The jalapeno pepper is a small, green or red pepper variety. The bitterness is classified as moderate. It is widely used in Mexican cuisine. But it is also popularly consumed around the world.

It is nutritious and has many benefits. Jalapeno contains a compound known as capsaicin. This compound helps fight cancer, lose weight, prevent bacterial growth, fight colds thanks to its antioxidants, stop migraine attacks and improve eyesight.

jalapeno pepper

What is jalapeno?

Jalapeno pepper; It is a member of the nightshade family, along with tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. It gets its bitterness from capsaicin, a chemical compound concentrated in the white core of the pepper.. Like most hot peppers, its bitterness varies depending on many growth factors, such as the amount of sunlight and the pH level of the soil. 

Jalapeno peppers have 2.500 to 8.000 Scoville heat units on the Scoville scale. This makes it classified as moderately bitter.

Nutritional Value of Jalapeno Pepper

Low in calories, bell peppers are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. The nutritional content of one cup of sliced ​​jalapeno peppers (about 90 grams) is as follows:

  • 27 calories
  • 5,6 grams carbohydrates
  • 1.2 grams of protein
  • 0.6 grams of fat
  • 2,5 grams fiber
  • 39.9 milligrams vitamin C (66 percent DV)
  • 0.5 milligram vitamin B6 (23 percent DV)
  • 719 IU vitamin A (14 percent DV)
  • 8.7 micrograms vitamin K (11 percent DV)
  • 42.3 micrograms folate (11 percent DV)
  • 0.2 milligram manganese (11 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram thiamine (9 percent DV)
  • 194 milligrams of potassium (6 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram copper (6 percent DV)
  • 1 milligrams niacin (5 percent DV)
  • 0.6 milligram iron (4 percent DV)
  • 17.1 milligrams magnesium (4 percent DV)
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Like many fruits and vegetables, it is a good source of fiber. It also contains plenty of vitamin C and vitamin B6. One of the most unique compounds in peppers is capsaicin, which gives the pepper its characteristic bitter flavor and is responsible for many of its health benefits.

Jalapeno Pepper Benefits

Helps to lose weight

  • Jalapeno pepper increases fat burning by accelerating metabolism. It helps to lose weight by reducing appetite.
  • This is because it contains a capsaicin compound. This compound facilitates weight loss. Therefore, it is the content of many weight loss pills.

Fights cancer

  • Jalapeno pepper has cancer-fighting properties thanks to its capsaicin compound.
  • Since capsaicin inhibits the growth of tumors, it is seen as a natural treatment for cancer. 
  • One study tested its effect on breast cancer. It has been found to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
  • Capsaicin changes the expression of several genes involved in cancer cell survival and spread.

Has natural pain relief properties

  • Capsaicin is an effective pain reliever when used externally. 
  • It soothes the pain by temporarily blocking the pain receptors in the applied area.
  • Although it causes a burning sensation when applied, numbness occurs after a certain period of time and the pain is relieved.
  • Capsaicin lotions are used to relieve pain caused by the shingles virus, diabetic nerve pain, chronic muscle and joint pain.
  • In addition to applying to the skin, migraine painIt can also be used as a nasal spray to lighten the skin. 
  • Lotions and sprays containing capsaicin are effective in the treatment of pain. However, it is not known whether eating jalapeno peppers or applying them to the skin would have the same effect.

Prevents stomach ulcers

  • The capsaicin in pepper protects the stomach from ulcer formation in the first place. 
  • It reduces gastric inflammation in patients with H. pylori. It even destroys the infection.

Fights infections

  • Compounds found in cayenne pepper slow the growth of foodborne bacteria and yeast.
  • Jalapeno extract prevented the cholera bacteria from producing toxin, which reduced the impact of the deadly foodborne illness.
  • Research indicates that capsaicin may help prevent types of infections such as strep throat infection, bacterial dental caries, and chlamydia.
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Protects heart health

  • Risk factors for heart disease are diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. 
  • Capsaicin helps reduce the impact of these factors and keep the heart healthy.
  • Capsaicin reduced cholesterol and lipid levels in animals. However, no studies have been done on this in humans.
  • Animal studies have shown that capsaicin lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels.

Strengthens immunity

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that reduces damage caused by free radicals present in the body. It works best for the common cold.
  • Jalapeno peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system by producing white blood cells that help the body prevent disease.
  • Research indicates that vitamin C can prevent infections such as the common cold caused by bacteria and viruses.

Relieves migraine and headache

  • Capsaicin in cayenne pepper reduces migraine pain. 
  • Capsaicin releases pain peptides and, when applied topically, reduces neuropathic pain.
  • Topically applied capsaicin also relieves arterial pain during a migraine attack in those who experience arterial tenderness of the scalp.

Improves vision

  • Jalapeno peppers contain a good amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A also benefits skin health, especially eye health.

Jalapeno Pepper Harms

We mentioned the benefits of jalapeno pepper. This healthy food also has some potential side effects. The most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation in the mouth after eating. Depending on the bitterness of the pepper, this reaction ranges from mild to severe.

For people who cannot tolerate bitter foods, a few precautions should be taken that can reduce the reactions of pepper:

Use gloves: Wearing gloves when working with peppers prevents the transfer of bitter compounds to sensitive areas of the body, especially around the eyes. 

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Remove the seed: The seed part of the pepper has the highest concentration of capsaicin. Remove the white part of the jalapeno before cooking.

For milk: If the burning sensation becomes too strong, drinking full-fat cow's milk will help reduce the fire temporarily.

  • At least one study has found that capsaicin can worsen heartburn, so if it triggers symptoms in those with reflux Do not eat jalapeno.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome People with celiac disease may experience unpleasant symptoms after eating cayenne pepper. Common side effects include abdominal pain, burning, cramping and diarrhea.
How to Eat Jalapeno?

Jalapeno peppers can be consumed raw, cooked, dried or even in powder form. You can use the pepper in the following ways:

  • In salads
  • Cooking in main dishes
  • as a pickle
  • In smoothies
  • Cooked in cornbread or egg dishes
  • In dishes such as meat or rice

To summarize;

The jalapeno pepper is a red or green pepper variety classified as medium hot. It is the capsaicin compound in the jalapeno pepper that provides its benefits. This compound helps weight loss, fights cancer, and has pain-relieving properties. Apart from that, jalapeno protects heart health, prevents stomach ulcers, strengthens immunity and fights infections. You can use jalapeno peppers in salads and pickle.

References: 1

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